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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Tree of life the game?

      by , 06-14-2012 at 05:56 PM
      All I seem to remember is putting a game on my I pod and something about the tree of life.
    2. To the moon

      by , 06-14-2012 at 05:51 PM
      I was constructing a rocket out of scrap metal, on it's completion I was planning on going to the moon, my cousin and I enter through the only entrance there is, a standard iron door, we each put on home made helmets with glass visors/viewing areas. I press a red button on the poorly constructed steel wall and sit back in a seat, it was uncomfortable, I can now feel the great acceleration. The door rips off its hinges and my cousin and I get up from our seats, I can no longer feel the acceleration. We walk over to the door, I jump out and land on the surface of the white, grey Moon. After a brief moment I begin to choke and suffocate. I begin to panic. I thrust my legs and push off from the moon to fly into the doorway and land on my feet, I can now breathe but still run over to my seat and sit, as soon as I do This the home made rocket turns toward earth and begins hurdling toward it. It crashes into the ground and without so much as leaving our seats my cousin and I begin converting. He says "did you notice you could breathe if you are near the ship?"
      I reply "ya, it's probably because it's gravity created an atmosphere."
      Then I say "it took NASA 3 days to get to the moon, it only took us 1."
      Tags: family, rocket, space
    3. through the caves

      by , 06-02-2012 at 02:14 AM
      i was being led by a person through underground tunnels and caves, my leader in the dark caverns was a very neanderthal looking person that seemed to speak no language. in most parts of the journey i could barley see because of the darkness. however, when we did exit into daylight through a cavern entrance i was surrounded by vibrant green Meadows and Grassland. at this time i can see my leaders features, brown hair, pale skin, large teeth. despite my beautiful surroundings i am for some reason they are unpleasing. (at this point my dream fades into my memory.)
    4. a new school, a new beverage

      by , 05-29-2012 at 02:02 PM
      i am at a place with a school type feel with people rushing around me to get to their classes, i walk up to a person with short brown hair who is wearing a red t-shirt and ask if they want to buy something. i pull a small plastic sphere out of my pocket and as i do this they walk away. i make my way through the crowd and with a little difficulty finding it i walk up to a tall green locker and open it, i put the plastic ball inside and pull out mostly empty cup of coffee, frustrated i say "dang!" and turn the cup upside down splattering a little bit of coffee onto the clean blue and white tiled floor. feeling foolish i realize that there was some in the cup and take the last sip it will provide, (i then slowly drift away and awake)
    5. Silverfish rock samples

      by , 05-26-2012 at 04:03 PM
      I was in a dark humid cave like area when my friend Dillan, walks up to me and says something about silverfish and needing a pickexe, I walk over to the wall of the (cave) and see a few of my science supplies sitting there. I pull my rock sample pick out of its sleeve and say "picks look cool with his texture pack" (I then have a black spot in my memorie) after the empty spot I remember holding a tool that looked something like a fuzion of a hammer and saw with one side a flat mallet and the other a jagged saw
      Tags: cave, pickexe, rock
    6. Hunger games- fish tank

      by , 05-26-2012 at 03:52 PM
      Katness walks through the deep forest beyond district twelve, she begins to be followed by a large catlike creature and in acknowledgment she says "jungle cat"
      (yes I am reading the book, Hunger Games, however I do not know where the JUNGLE cat came from)
      In a second dream, I was in a store of some sort and was buying fish tank supplies, someone working there asked me if I needed bubble stones and I replied "no" I continue to browse items not really knowing what I am looking for. The person re apears and they ask me if I require a bubbler, but agin I reply "no"
    7. Who's a good cow?!!

      by , 05-22-2012 at 02:38 PM
      i sit on the stairs of my house (something i often do in waking life) laying in my lap sits a young cow (calf) it is about four feet long 1.5 feet wide. i pet it and it reacts comparably to a dog, as i continue to pet this abnormal cow i stand up and carry it into the kitchen. i glance down another flight of stares and see my dad petting a sheep as if it where a dog. this dream fades in my memory.
      in another dream... Jarvis (from the iron man movies) has a mission and i recognize this as i see one of the suits fly to and land in front of some sort of facility without a human inside of it. he fly's up over the building and in through a small opened hatch, landing on the inside with a solid *TINK. as he stands up people rush towards him and he grabs them and tosses them back in short waves. Jarvis disappears behind a shelf of what appear to be electronic parts and walks out as a person dressed mostly in black, this is a disguise. he walks through the facility and makes it to the center of the large room that makes it up before more people come in waves, a black staff appears in his hand and he begins fending off the crowd of people rushing towards him. (at this point my eyes slowly open to see a window with bright sunlight gleaming through.)
    8. scramble of the elements

      by , 05-17-2012 at 02:21 PM
      I am standing in a unknown room filled with people, a person standing next to me says
      "potassium, people prefer active chlorine!"
      i reply "ya, pure potassium spontaneously combusts on contact with water"
      as i walk away i hear something about a lab with gold and some other element (tantalum) so i make my way to the edge of the room and grab a large plastic tub labeled GA,GEF.

      at this point my alarm goes off and just before i open my eyes the last thing i see is a turtle moving across a sandy beach.
    9. stop the tree!

      by , 05-15-2012 at 02:09 PM
      the only fragment i seem to be able to remember is me trying to "stop the tree" another person telling me they couldn't stop that tree, and the image of a bushy Aspen or Burch tree.
      curiously enough I fell asleep thinking about what tree grows fast and can handle sea-water.
      Tags: aspen, tree
    10. Tube color television

      by , 05-13-2012 at 10:21 AM
      In frount of my stands a wooden display case with glass the only thing sperateing me from it's contense. The case (about four foot cubed) is filled with a device that appears very old. The device has an aluminium heat sink that shines just above a six inch by six inch tube screen. On the screen is displayed a baseball game played on a fresh green field (the screen although old is in color.)
    11. Kidney badge

      by , 05-13-2012 at 10:09 AM
      A forest ranger mostly dressed in tan and light brown wears a sash and as he points to it he says "and this one is for getting a kidney transplant"
      Tags: badge, kidney, ranger
    12. the fight to fly

      by , 05-09-2012 at 03:04 PM
      i was in a desert landscape, the golden sand and green cacti with a few roaming tumble weeds crash into a man-made parking lot pad with. i walk up to this pad and watch a few people working on a vehicle. at that moment i decide i am going to build a personal flight machine. i walk up and converse with the person that seemed to be the leader of the group and we conversed sadly, i do not know what we conversed about. from this point forward i had his help. the first thing i needed was lift and so i look in my hand and i am holding a small mass of balloons. as i tie them around my waist i feel lighter in weight, people begin walking toward me and depositing balloons on my waist until i nearly have enough to lift my entire weight. the next thing i needed was propulsion with a slight amount of lift. i look down and i see a large piece of Polystyrene on the ground fit to serve as wings. another thing i needed was a strap to hold it all together, i look at the excess ribbon from the balloons and wonder if that would work, i try and pull it together and tie a knot but there simply wasn't enough. i notice a man with a plastic bag in his hand, i see how the straps on the bag are the right dimension, i tell this man of my efforts and he jettisons the bag onto the ground with the words "here ya go" my flight machine is almost complete, i take it off for final assembly and the addition of landing gear, i had in mind a large makeshift parachute. it was getting close to night so we begin work on the landing hardware. set up as a tent it would serve as shelter for the night. i stand in a separate room with another person awaiting the completion of my device. i also recognize that Bruce Banner is helping the process in the workroom. there is one hole in the ground that ts the entrance to a small recently dug-out tunnel. i parsimoniously hear thunder and see a flash of light in the hole and imagine that a lightning struck the ground outside and traveled into the empty underground space. the other person says "Gamma radiation" several more lightning strikes occur in the hole. the other person and i jump into the hole in between strikes as i say he wont follow us where he will get eletricuted. we run down the tunnel and emerge behind the tent facility, we then began to run up a large hill. loose rocks and sand working against us we some how manage to make it most of the way up in a timely fashion, at this pint there is a concrete wall, we begin scaling it and when we get over there is a building waiting. this building we run into, it had many large windows and concrete walls. people appear at one of the windows with a gun, i yell out the fact that they are there, in great contrast at this point i slowly drift out of the dream and my eyes open.
    13. dog v.s. car

      by , 05-08-2012 at 02:38 PM
      (i wake up in the early morning and as i drift back to sleep anxious for the dreams to follow i think to myself repetitively "i will know i am dreaming")
      my dream begins with me walking down a highly populated street with many people walking dogs down the pitch black pavement. i ask myself "am i dreaming yet?" and then mentally answer my question "yes" i walk by one person holding three dogs, a Datamation escapes from this person and runs up to a red (in the process getting larger to the point where it is larger than the car.) the dog begins beating on the cars hood with its front paws leaving enormous dents. at this point the dream leaves my memory-
      (sadly although i partiality acknowledged that i was dreaming i did not preform a reality check, otherwise i would have had a full lucid dream. the dream still felt as if it where real life)
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