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    twenty eight

    by , 01-03-2011 at 02:32 PM (371 Views)
    Two fragments, poor recall. The interesting thing about these partially remembered dreams is that they all include some sort of awareness that I was dreaming without me ever becoming lucid. I've never tried to do reality checks, but if I was in that habit, I'd probably have become lucid. Maybe I should start doing them.

    In which my non-lucid dreaming-self tries to have a lucid dream...

    I'm resting in the branches of a low-limbed oak tree in a green field. There is a lot of activity all around me. There are characters running around who appear to be harmless but annoying teenagers. One is wearing a top hat. There is also a lawn-mower running around the field by itself.

    I lay back in the tree and decide that I'm going to attempt to reproduce the false awakening WILD (if I'm using the terminology correctly) that I had a few days ago. I focus on all my limbs and try to repeat to myself, I am dreaming, but the teenagers keep distracting me.

    In which I run into SR, she is eight months pregnant, and her mom lives in a house I've dreamt about before...

    I'm teaching a class at MMS. I see SR walk into the computer lab and she is eight months pregnant. I run over to congratulate her and talk to her a bit about the pregnancy. She tells me she is expecting a boy and we talk about the ultra-sound, etc. I feign excitement and keep the conversation really positive, but actually I'm really upset that she had not mentioned it to me at all these eight months. We've emailed several times and she never told me about it. It makes me feel really insignificant in her life.

    Later, I'm at SR's mom's house and I'm congratulating her on becoming a grandmother again when I realize that this isn't really her usual house but rather a house that I dream about a lot. For example, a few months back, I dreamt about P and H in this house. I've never seen this house in real life. It has a long patio in the front with three separate front doors and windows on either side so that the front of the house is a row of five windows and three doors. If you enter into the far right door, you will step into a sunken foyer that then lifts up into a long open living room. The middle door opens to this living room though it is also a fireplace. The far left door opens to a linoleum hallway. I can't remember the rest of the house after this.

    I explain all this to SR's mom and even tell her about the dream I had here in this same house about P and H. But somehow I do not realize that I'm still dreaming, even though we are talking about dream houses.

    In which I introduce my mom to MA and she tells her of a funny dream she had about Jesus...

    My mom, Grandma, Aunt B and I are sitting at the sports bar in downtown. We see MA and two other people crossing the street. I ask my mom to come outside with me to say hello.

    We are standing on the corner of Main and Chestnut in front of the office supply store. MA and my mom chat, and the two people with MA stand there politely, waiting. One of them is a young man who is wearing a shirt that has a picture of Jesus with the Sacred Heart. My mom points at the guy's shirt and giggles a little bit because she says it reminds her of a dream she just had. I get a little nervous because I know that MA and her friends are extremely religious. My mom is not religious at all and I'm afraid one of them will say something that might offend the other. But my mom is a nice person who would never intentionally insult anyone and MA is a fun person who has a sense of humor, so I decide it will probably be OK and I don't try to prevent my mom from telling the dream.

    I can't remember my mom's dream but it had a punchline that had something to do with meeting a person whose name is Jesus. Because this person was Hispanic, my mom assumed his name would be pronounced in the Spanish way, with the J sounding like an English H. But instead, the person pronounced his name Jesus- just like the English name for the Christian son of god. For some reason, we all thought this was hilarious.

    Oh and I really wish that I could remember more of this dream because my Aunt B was in it in the beginning and we had a long conversation that I can't remember. My Aunt B is dead, and in the dream we talked about being dead. Too bad I can't remember it.

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    Updated 01-07-2011 at 11:51 PM by 38879

