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    twenty nine

    by , 01-04-2011 at 04:44 PM (376 Views)
    Mostly a bunch of fragments, just random images, with one short remembered dream. Ever since my false awakening lucid dream a few days ago, I've been so excited about it that my sleep is being disrupted. Last night, I woke up six or seven times because I realized I was dreaming and it woke me up. I can't remember the dreams and all it did was disrupt my sleep. I don't know if this is a common phase, but today I'm tired.

    In which KH and I pose for a picture with swapped heads

    KH posted a link to a list of creepy science experiments which I read just before going to bed.

    I'm with KH at her garden. My friend E, a photographer, is making us pose in front of her garden plot like the couple in American Gothic. I argue that this parody is lame and over-done. He snatches the pitchfork from KH, decapitates both of us, and swaps our heads.

    EDIT: I just read a news headline that made me remember another dream. I guess I did get some sleep.

    In which J got out of prison and I ate all his candy...

    I'm working as a substitute teacher. I report to the AISD office to collect my assignment, and the woman at the front desk tells me that something has come up on my background check that has caused my name to be removed from the sub list. I call the police department for details, and they give me the details of J's conviction. I explain that they have me mixed up with him, and they tell me that I'll have to go to the prison to get confirmation of the mistake.

    I get to the prison and give them my information and J's. The guard looks it up on the computer and he says, "What a coincidence. J is going to be released in five hours." I'm shocked. I call M and C and tell them about it, and they rush over to the prison. J comes out and he is nearly seven feet tall. He is carrying a bag of candy.

    We all drive to G's house, and he is having a Welcome Home party for J. His entire family is there. I sit down beside the pool and notice the little bag of candy beside me. I eat a tootsie roll, a piece of butterscotch and come licorice. There are a few lollipops and peppermints left in the bag.

    I go back inside the house to get some beer, and when I come outside, J, M, C and G are all standing around, looking at the bag of candy.

    "Did you eat all of J's candy?" they ask me.

    "No- I didn't touch it," I lie.

    They don't believe me. I try to blame it on A's little kids. I tell them that maybe the kids ate the candy. They tell me that they have a video camera installed on the side of the house and they will review it to see if it is true. Finally I admit to eating three of the pieces of candy, but I maintain that I did not eat the rest.

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    Updated 01-07-2011 at 11:50 PM by 38879

