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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. "I swear to God dude, shut up or I will turn you intoa weasel!"

      by , 09-05-2011 at 08:37 PM
      08/31/11 -- Started my Dream Journal!

      [ ] Find a lucid-inducing technique that works for me
      [ ] Attain Lucidity

      4th Entry:
      Date: 09/05/11
      Sleep Times: 12:33-3:51, 3:51-9?, 9?-12:37

      I tried a WBTB coupled with MILD as a Lucid/Recall technique, and it may not have helped with my recall, but it DID help with lucidity, possibly. I THINK I was semi-lucid, but I only remember one moment from this dream....Yup, I'm back to fragments!
      I remember sitting in my boyfriend, Steven's, living room with him and our friend Alex. I can't remember what he was going on about...But I do remember this one moment. Whatever the subject matter was, it made my mad, because I stood up and yelled at him, "ALEX! SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A WEASEL!" I think the argument was about me being a witch ( I am a Christian Witch...trust me, not as complicated or as much of a contridiction as you would think.) and he wasn't liking it or something. Whatever it was, he shut up, and I woke up right afterwards....Guess my dream characters don't take well to being turned into weasels.

      lucid , dream fragment
    2. Blank-Slated Dreams

      by , 09-03-2011 at 06:49 PM
      08/31/11 -- Started my Dream Journal!

      [ ] Find a lucid-inducing technique that works for me
      [ ] Attain Lucidity

      4th Entry:
      Date: 09/03/11
      Sleep Times: Approx. 12:30/1:00-9?. 9?-11:43(?).

      I can't remember for the life of me the memory I had just had before! I had recalled my dream from the second sleep-cycle, figured out the details in my head, repeated it so it would stick, but ONE PHONE CALL took it all away from me! This is very depressing for me, indeed. However, from what I do know it was a mockery of my daily life- it wasn't that exciting. I remember it taking place in my current house. However, past that I can't remember a single detail besides multiple scene-settings that could've given birth to it. HOWEVER, I have also gained the memory of a DIFFERENT dream from the FIRST sleep cycle that because of its content I see as more valuable. I woke up smelling lavender (I was suffereing a runny/congested nose last night and I was drinking lavender tea to feel better. Great home cure, btw. To fix those nasal symptoms, a strong-smelling herbal tea mixed with honey to keep a soothed throat, sugar for taste, and another strong smelling herb- for me personally, cinnamon, is an amazing tasting cure!) and this triggered a different dream memory for me. For those of you who read my DJ, you may recall my first posted entry (for those who don't read my DJ, see "LudoSiren's Adventure Time") which involved a man in a black suit. Let's call him Twisted!Colton. I remember waking up in a field wearing a white dress. I can, at this point, tell you the design and the feel of the dress in detail, essentially. As I do not want to take the time to draw, scan, and upload it, I will merely supply a google-searched pictue of it at the end of this entry. In the field, I could smell lavender and a few other herbs. The sky and everything were beautiful and I felt at peace. However, I looked up to see just beyond that Twisted!Colton was nearby. Above him, there seemed to be a darkening sky and a sort of sadness about him. I have come to realize now something about him- he has been creeping in every one of my dreams! I missed that he could've been my dream sign!! (If, albeit, this wasn't a false implanted memory.) I had the pleasure of seeing his beetle-juice like tongue, in the sense that it was very long and resembled a worm. Upon seeing his face, I got up and ran as fast as I could. I can't remember much interaction going on between us, but I remember him trying to act gentle and calm, regardless of a violent and insane nature and the way he was crawling on the ground and even on the sky like a man possessed. I fell, and remember him creeping up to me and looking in my eyes. I think he may have licked the side of my face, and I can't remember if he had succeeded, but tried to put something either in my hand of tuck it behind my ear.
      All I remember hearing is him say something trying to get me into submission. Thinking about it, it reminds me of the line from the movie Labyrinth, where at the end the Goblin King Jareth (played by David Bowie says to the heroine, Sarah, the following lines:
      "Everything that you wanted I have done. You asked that child be taken, I took him. You cowered before me and I was frightening. I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me. Isn't that generous?...
      I ask for so little. Just let me rule you, and you can have everything that you want....
      Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave."

      I think it was something along the lines of a menancing, "Stay...." all I can hear clearly in my mind is him saying "Forever..." at one point. But I don't think the message was supposed to carry to waking life. As I recall the dream it seems to become fake in a way....But at the same time, I know it was real. The one picture that never gets touched by this sense is the picture of him standing in the field and him in my face. Is it a subconcious thought that maybe my subconcious feels I can't handle in waking life? I'm not sure. If anyone is better at dream understanding and the possible cross-link it carries with spiritual/paranormal/psychological matters that I feel it may undertone, PM me and I am more than willing to answer any questions.


      (PS: The promised dress-picture: Yep folks, it was almost an exact copy of the classic Marilyn Monroe dress. The only differences were that the skirt was a bit shorter- probably about a knee length (above or below, give or take), and it was more like a V-neck as it did better cover my cleavage.)
    3. "Hey look! Is that Neil Patrick Harris outside my car window??"

      by , 09-01-2011 at 03:19 PM
      08/31/11 -- Started my Dream Journal!

      [ ] Find a lucid-inducing technique that works for me
      [ ] Attain Lucidity

      2nd Entry:
      Date: 09/01/11
      Sleep Times: 12:36-7:33....?. 7:36-8:06. 8:08-8:33.
      Lucid Technique: EILD
      Recall Technique: MILD during the 8:08-8:33 cycle.
      Attain Ludcidity?: No
      Recall: Fragmented

      I'm not sure which sleep cycle the fragment came from....Though I know it's from one of my wake-up, back to sleep periods. I believe it was from the 8:08-8:33 period, as I did a small mantra of 'I will remember my dream' as I fell back asleep. (Hoping it works!) The fragment I got was thus: I was driving in my car, Jimmy (literally a GMC Jimmy. '98. Brown. We love him like a person<3) on a highway that branched off onto a dirt road on a hill. I turned onto this dirt road to try and turn around and get home, as I had, evidentally, went the wrong way earlier. I took this dirt road and it dropped me on a road that was or was right next to the highway, but also above this small dirt bridge covered in straw that dipped into and went across a small ravine. I walked down this to find undearneath the bridge where it met the hill were several semi-precious stones. There were turqoise, a purple-ish sort of stone (possibly hematite), and something that I called 'Honesy Mustard' for some reason. I picked up the turqoise and hematite and put it into my pockets, but when I tried to pick up the 'Honey Mustard' it was suddenly shaped like a small kind of house, and a spider crawled out! I dropped it immeadiately. I looked up to find my car andf the highway already across the bridge. And while it was evening before, it was suddenly a sort of country-afternoon lightining. And who do I see looking through my car window parked next to me? Neil Patrick Harris! (But in the dream, I may have identified him as Barney, his character in How I Met Your Mother on Lifetime.) I go to approach when I hear meowing on the bridge, and from under the straw emerges a kitten! I recognize this kitten now to be one my boyfriend and I found sleeping on a gravestone when we were staying with his father breifly. I had named her Katie Barlow (her perch was a grave with the last name Barlow, and I identified this with Kissin' Kate Barlow from the movie Holes). She was a long-haired calico-tabby mix with a bad eye....But still cute as a button! With her as well was another kitten whom was just a plain old orange tabby emerging from more straw near by, which resembled one of Barlow's sisters we had seen emerging from the nearby fields when we had to leave poor Katie...This time, however, I scooped up the two of them, walked into my car, unlocked it, opened my back-hatch and put them into the trunk space so they could run around. Neil Patrick Harris was still looking into my car, now at the kittens. I think he may have asked why I picked them up....But I don't quite remember. At this point when I rounded my car, there was someone else there. I THINK it was the 'sensitive guy' (the one petting the 'rescue' bunny) from the State Farm commercial where the women wish for a hot guy. He was going on about how I should move my car because he 'hit my strips' or 'my strips stopped him'. I had no idea what he was going on about, but I told him I would move my car in just a moment. I got in the car to drive away, and was promptly awakened by my alarm- time to dream journal and get ready for school!

      END ENTRY.
      dream fragment
    4. LudoSiren's Adventure Time!

      by , 09-01-2011 at 12:08 AM
      Let the journeying begin....

      08/31/11 -- Started my Dream Journal!

      [ ] Find a lucid-inducing technique that works for me
      [ ] Attain Lucidity

      1st Entry:
      Date: 08/31/11
      Sleep Times: Approx. 11:48-8:33
      Lucid Tecnique: EILD (Electronically Induced Lucid Dreaming)
      Results: Unknown

      Tonight, I'm not exactly sure if I achieved lucidity or anything at all, as my recall is essentially zero. I used a dream-recall subliminal messaging technique, and it came up possible fuzzy details. I'm a very artistic and creative person, so it could be my imagination filling the gaps: but here we go.

      I awoke in a black room, wearing a hospital gown. I believe I was in a mental institution. However, I was alone. The room only had one single light source- a swaying lamp above. A black mist came through the room and from it rose a friend of mine whom with is I am presently 'fighting'. (Rather, he is currently mad at me and I am trying to make up with him in vain. He has been appearing in my dreams almost every night lately from what I remember.) However, his eyes had become wide, dark around, and had a black and possibly either red or white swirl pattern to him; and his smile had become very crooked and cheshire, extending ear to ear. He came into the room and I was filled with a mix of remainissance and fear. In his hands, he held one or two objects of which I don't remember. He urged me to 'choose', but I don't remember what it was he wanted me to choose. I began to hear a ticking noise, the light swayed more and fadedin and out. I was more fearful and yelled 'no'. I began to rock myself as he continued to taunt me. As the tauntings continued, the light grew more sparatic and the colors in the room became distorted, as well as the room itself. At this point, I jumped from the window in an explosion of glass. I remember having a change of clothes into something more 'bad ass' as the gown exploded from me, and from here...I remember nothing. I'm not exactly sure what any of the dream means, but I will be researching it soon on dreammoods.com, as I lack a dream-interpretation booklet.

      dream fragment