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    Lynn's Lucids

    Most of my dreams were boring and useless, until I watched a video that helped unlock the lucid world. I dream lucid almost every night that I have watched the video. Now, instead of working on how to LD, I must work on what to do when I LD.
    Happy reading!

    1. Zombie Dream with Interpretation (you're welcome to interpret it yourself)

      by , 08-01-2015 at 06:17 PM (Lynn's Lucids)
      She turned into a green zombie/demon and everyone started screaming. She became like this because of the loss of her boyfriend who she had to leave. She tried to attack me and everyone evacuated. I took a video with my smartphone of the event. Josè drove me away as we had to evacuate. We stopped at a gas station/convienent store and I became a ghost once (and invisible) he told me he was leaving me and he has a new girlfriend. He asks if I want to see her and I say yes. She is a young black girl fairly attractive getting a drink. I become irritated and possess her trying to harm her physically with her own body... he says please stop. So I do not willingly but because I couldn't anymore. I become upset because I 'really loved Josè' and I hated to see him go. I talk with him later sitting on a bed... I soon realize it's a dream and ask him if he is my intuition. He says no then he says "well, yes" and I ask if he's going to cheat or leave me (I don't remember the specifics) he nods.
      She is chasing us and we drive away ending up stuck at this parking lot. The cars won't start. I become worried as everyone gets to escape before me. Finally a car starts working and I force myself in because the zombie is coming. What appeared to be Alfredo drove the car... irritated because I was there. The car works well (now I remember why it was there... someone drove it back for us to use since it worked so well.) but he kept driving very quickly on curved roads. I told him be careful and he replied with "yeah yeah." I was worried. The dream doesn't continue from that point.
      PART II
      I'm stuck in a zombie game for what appears to be for the PS3. It was a zombie game with a clocktower featuring America's historical figures including Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. I am in the game and the zombies are chasing me. I'm losing. It gets beyond frightening and they keep running. There is a clocktower in this level and 2 staircases. One is spiral and one is regular. My friend (I really don't know who this girl is) tries to help me. She distracts the zombies and they go the other way and vegetables fall to the ground... weird. Then my step-daughter was there out of nowhere and said ew to the vegetables. So we try to escape but it's not working and the zombies get awfully close. So then we run and call the game creator for help. He jumps in the game. He had a beard. He helps us... and the zombies run the other way up the spiral staircase (After we attempted to). We try to get out but the zombies outsmart us again... coming back. There's just too many of them. Eventually we fail and the creator had to pull out the battery.
      Then I end up at a field (of war) with George Washington. I am a little girl again but I'm wearing an 18th century dress with a powdered wig.. my skin extra pale. George is preparing us for war and he yells at me for something.... which I can't remember. I told him he can punch me (for misbehaving) and he says he doesn't punch people... "well, not little girls" he laughs and looks at his war men like it's an inside joke.


      Clock Tower
      To dream of a clock tower represents a situation that is momentous. Taking the time to notice or draw attention to the importance of something.
      Video Games
      To dream of a video game represents a challenging experience you are having. A win or lose situation. You also may be experiencing a situation where you need to do everything right in order to achieve a goal. The type of video game adds additional symbolism into what kind experience you are having.
      Alternatively, a video game symbolizes an escape from your problems, instead of confronting them.
      Abe Lincoln
      To dream of Abe Lincoln may represent an aspect of your personality that leads others by being a role model or mentor. An ability to guide others with good advice and valuable experience.
      To dream of wigs represents thoughts that aren't your own. Wigs point to thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and opinions you have that are someone else's gained through influence, or your desire to take credit for them. A sign that you are not thinking for yourself, or that your decisions are influenced.
      To dream of stairs represents slow or incremental progress in a situation. It may also reflect an increase or decrease if your confidence, awareness, or intelligence. Making progress in some way.
      Negatively, stairs in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings about the need for responsible growth or having to wait to grow up before you can do something more serious or adult, or a slow hard learning process.
      Going up stairs often represents improvement, achievement, or reaching higher levels of awareness and understanding. You are making progress emotionally, spiritually, or materially. If you have problems going up stairs it may symbolize trouble being unable to make progress in your life. Going up stairs may also symbolize a struggle or challenge you must endure to reach a higher level of understanding, success, or power. Improving "one step at a time. Slow learning process.
      To dream of a spiral represents some sort of repetitive or ongoing situation in your life. A situation that never seems to end. It may also reflect a circular mindset or going in circles emotionally.
      Negatively, a spiral may represent psychological or emotional exhaustion. Doing something until you don't care any more or until you can't stand it any more.
      Positively, broccoli may reflect unpleasant choices to improve yourself. Difficult honesty. Telling on people that are misbehaving or risking telling on a dangerous person who is misbehaving.
      To dream of a beard represents you or some aspect of your personality that is assertive, experienced, confident, or powerful. It also represents maturity and higher standards of thinking. A masculine role. Feelings about serious or adult decisions. A wish to avoid looking childish or stupid.
      To dream of wearing a dress represents compliance, willingness, or obedience. Wearing a dress may also reflect subordination or serving the needs of others. A lack of assertive power or control. You are agreeable to others needs or not able to do what you want. It may also reflect mourning a loss.
      Positively, dreaming of dress may be a sign that you are getting over serious problems and learning to accept a difficult change. Often a dream symbol for people recovering from serious injuries or major surgery that leaves scars. A positive attitude about accepting a loss.
      Negatively, wearing a dress is a sign that you lack power or control over your life. You can't dictate the terms of a situation or it appears that someone else is in control.
      Alternatively, a dress reflect a giving nature or a powerful outward expression of selflessness.
      To dream of being on a battlefield represents a major conflict occurring in your waking life. A battle of will. It may reflect a new situation, new problem, or new relationship which you are trying to solve and conquer.
      To dream of a zombie represented automatic or blind thinking. A sign that you are too concerned with what other people think or that you are not thinking for yourself. It may also reflect jealousy of not pleasing others. Desperately following others or trying to impress others. It may also reflect feelings about people who don't think for themselves.
      Zombies in dreams are a sign that you are not thinking independently or objectively. It also suggests that you are giving up your ability to make independent choices because a person or situation has you in a "trance." Someone or something else is influencing your decision making. A zombie is a common symbol for someone experiencing strong peer pressure.
      Example situations that may conjure up a zombie dream may be sexual attraction that drives you to do things for someone because you want them to like you or taking unusual measure to impress someone whose opinion you really care about.
      Negatively, dreaming about zombies may reflect powerful feelings of jealousy that you are experiencing from other people that are desperate to pull you down. Blind unthinking jealousy. A fear of someone else's need to be socially acceptable or fit in interfering with your happiness. Alternatively, zombies may reflect your feelings about people who are jealous of something you have or will stop at nothing to get access to something good you have.
      To dream of running away from zombies represents your wish to avoid a person or situation that you feel is jealous of what you have. Avoiding an annoying follower. You may fear losing what you have to someone else's jealousy. You may also fear losing something special because someone jealous is desperate to pull you down with them.
      To dream of your mother being infected by zombies may represent your feelings that bad luck or coincidences are always leading you to jealousy of others or fearing what other people think. Feeling unable to escape peer pressure situations.
      The color light green in a dream represents healing. When you see it in a dream it reflects the removal of obstacles, or positive change.
      Progress or moving forward with a problem. It may also represent psychological or emotional issues that you are overcoming. Light green may also be a sign that you are experiencing physical healing.
      Alternatively, lighter shades of green may also reflect jealousy, greed, or selfishness.
      Dark green points to jealousy, greed, materialism, cheating, and not wanting to share with other people. Dark green can also point to powerful fears of losing, or thoughts of suicide.
      Dark green can also reflect growth that you feel is happening in the wrong direction, slow progress, feeling prevented from finding a healthy outlet.
      Convenience Store
      To dream of a convenience store represents your attempt to find easy solutions to a problem. A resource, person, or habit that makes problem solving easier. Spontaneous ideas, decisions, or interests.
      Negatively, a convenience store may symbolize an unwillingness to try anything new or difficult. Always reaching for the easiest solution. Spontaneous interests that are not well thought out before hand.
      Black People
      To dream of a black person represents an aspect of your personality that prefers to feel good before all else. Placing a priority on keeping your happiness or avoiding jealousy before all else. Often a reflection of a desirous mindset or a state of want.
      To dream of a car that won't start represents feelings of being unable to make a situation work to your advantage. Feeling unable to start making decisions because of problems, delays, or frustrations.
      To dream of the color white represents feelings about something in your life being perfect, pure, or genuine.
      Positively, white may reflect feelings about perfect ideas, cleansing, good intentions, or the purification of negativity in your life. Feelings about people or situations being perfectly honest. Feeling a total lack of jealousy. It may also reflect your feelings about being spiritually pure. Self-improvement, positive change, or discontinuing bad habits. Bad people or bad situations being completely changed. Negative thinking patterns or negative situations are being cleansed from your life.
      To dream of being a ghost represents your feelings of being unable to do what you wanted. Something sacrificed your spirits, hopes, and wishes and left you feeling incomplete or unsatisfied. Feelings of being completely overlooked and ignored in life.
      To dream of being invisible represents feelings of not being noticed, recognized, or acknowledged. Being purposely overlooked. Problems you prefer to "not look at." Residual bitterness over people that are out of your life.
      Alternatively, being invisible may represent feelings of impunity to get away with something without being noticed. It may also reflect your feelings of being an unseen observer or not wanting to be involved with something. Trying to withdraw from a situation or the realities of life.
      To dream of a breakup represents a loss or discontinuation of feelings. A situation that felt good or that was helpful to you is no longer possible. A thinking pattern, habit, or type of experience is no longer beneficial to you. Something may have happened in waking life that permanently prevents you from doing what you like or prefer to do. Something may have happened that has removed your confidence.
      Alternatively, a breakup may reflect your fear of losing your partner.

      Putting the pieces together:
      Zombies represent jealousy (I have) and my mother-in-law being a zombie means I feel she is jealous or trying to ruin my hopes and happiness. My efforts to fix myself. I also am too concerned with other's opinions. I choose what I eat but someone (my boyfriend, others) tempt me to choose to eat something else... hence the zombies. The sexual attraction to drive me to do something for others (Happened twice yesterday) so they'd like me.
      The broccoli may represent how I want to be honest with how much of a bitch my mother-in-law is.
      To run from the zombies in a spiral staircase means I am emotionally exhausted by caring what others think. The wig was another symbol of me being influenced by eating from others... not thinking for myself. The battlefield represents my 'war' in overcoming the zombies (caring what people think). The dress means I accept the problem of me being easily influenced and am ready to fight that. Accepting the challenge of being more assertive. Noticing me being a pushover.
      First Part:
      The store and black person represent my want to get everything easily. Not wanting to put in effort on my part to change the unpleasant situation I'm in. I think the breakup part is both the fear of losing my partner and that he isn't beneficial to me anymore... because we're stuck in a similar situation I would've been at home anyway. Me being a ghost means that I can't do what I want anymore (probably be progressive with my Youtube channel) because of where I live. I'm ignored (nobody supports me really here...) a lot where I live. Other people's needs are alwyas above mine so it's up to me to fix myself. The same with being invisible. The car that won't start means I feel delayed in fixing my problems and doing things like learning to drive, getting my education... etc. because my situation is very unsupportive and hard for me.

      So bottom line: The dream had a massive collection of similar dream symbols. Mostly pointing to the fact I care too much what others think, I'm a mess with my mother-in-law and I'm afraid of losing my boyfriend. Didn't I already know that? Oh well.