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    Lucid Lucy's Dream Explorations

    Ada (Correction: SAT)

    by , 12-01-2011 at 09:55 AM (441 Views)
    Ok.. so I'm going to try this "All Day Awareness" technique, as described [here].

    ..on second thought.. ..SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique, as described [here]) is probably better, since I work in an office and have to concentrate on my job, rather than wondering whether or not I'm dreaming. It's kinda hard to explain my looking around while gazy-eyed, while I should be working on invoices etc..

    I'll just randomly start paying attention to my surroundings, and specifically whether or not there is something unusual about them.

    I'm scared of WILDing, so this seems perfect for me ^^ I'm going to try it, starting NOW.

    I have this 4-sided die (it looks like a pyramid) that I always carry with me. Dunno why, I just do. So now I'll take it out randomly during the day and really study it, feeling its edges, feeling its pointy ends, appreciating its colour..

    It also serves as a reality check. I simply wonder "hey I wonder if I'm dreaming!?" and then drop the die from my one hand into my other. If it does not float up or fall through, I'm not dreaming. Also, it has numbers written on it, rather than dots to count, so if the numbers don't make sense, I'll know I'm dreaming, too.

    Soooo I do awareness exercises and reality checks randomly throughout the day ^^

    Let's see how that works ^^

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    Updated 12-01-2011 at 11:18 AM by 51317

    side notes
