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    awesome ninja dream journal

    17 october

    by , 10-29-2010 at 06:21 PM (453 Views)
    Woah what a night. The dream starts off with me in my old primary school buildings, walking in the corridor playing music on loudspeaker. There’s a bunch of people walking around me so it must have been a corridor or something. I see a teacher walking toward me and try to turn off the music but it wont stop. The teacher tells me to hand it over and I outright ignore him. I try walk away from him but he follows me and I eventually give it to him. Then all of a sudden my teacher transforms into someone else. I ask him if he would have still taken it if Meyer was around and hes like obviously not.
    So I walk into the toilet and im greeted by this horrific scene. Theres a dead person lying in the urinal, but I ignore him coz I need to piss. When I look back at him hes turned into my dog(which is missing its head) so I walk out of the toilet and end up outside. Im walking up a hill. I see my sister from far and become lucid.
    This crazy lady with a dodgy looking hyperdermic needle comes to me and starts stabbing me with it. Im lucid so I know it wont hurt me. I try to fly away but this sudden gust of wind pushes down on me. Eventually I overcome the wind and fly off into the sky. I end up back home and my dad says something about me being a threat. I know that hes going to want to fight so I fly through the ceiling. I keep going through layer after layer until I end up in space. I figure the reason why so little people on dreamviews have come here is because this place is so hard to find. I lose lucidity here and the dream ends with these army people fighting each other on different planets.

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    Tags: lucid
