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    by , 07-13-2010 at 01:16 AM (957 Views)

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    Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:39 AM by 17680



    1. dakotahnok's Avatar
      yeah just stick to it it will come back. go back and read some of your dj so that it will come back easier.
    2. PercyLucid's Avatar

      Well, you have and know the basics. The human brain will always choose the easy way to do stuff. Easy is erasing dreams, generating crappy dreams and not waking you up to recall. Just stay positive and go ahead with those MILD, they are the best dry-spell breaker!!!

      With all the "training" you have in your back, you will recover in no time.
    3. Serenity's Avatar
      I imagine it's kind of like riding a bike! Do you find yourself sleeping a lot more / not waking up as much throughout the night? I noticed that if I wake myself up each sleep cycle, I greatly improve my chances of getting lucid.
    4. Naiya's Avatar
      I imagine it's kind of like riding a bike! Do you find yourself sleeping a lot more / not waking up as much throughout the night? I noticed that if I wake myself up each sleep cycle, I greatly improve my chances of getting lucid.

      Yeah, I have noticed that I've been sleeping more deeply, and as a result it's harder to recall all of my dreams. I've had a few short lucids in the last couple of days so I think I just need to get back into shape.
    5. Requiem's Avatar
      Yeah, once you get recall going you'll be back in action soon enough.

      Maybe you could do a few WBTBs with an alarm. To shake you out of that real deep sleep.
    6. PercyLucid's Avatar
      No no no, no alarms!!!!!!!!!!!!. Specially for experienced people under dry spells... No way. Just forget about lucid dreaming and other stuff for now. Only focus your mantras on waking after a dream and focusing you will recall it. Just go to bed and affirm you will wake up after a dream and you will remember it.
      An alarm with cut your REM, will cut your DREAM and there is a big chance of you forgetting the dream. Use a mantra and when you wake up, hold as much as you can in your mind and focus in recalling what you have forgotten. Move out from bed slowly and get your journal that is going to be next to your bed. Write down the fading ideas first, then write the main stuff from the dream and thinks you find out are important.
      I recall even 10 dreams some nights... I wake up after every dream naturally almost nightly and I write all down. When I wake up or even through the day, I do not remember a thing and when I type my dreams from my paper journal to the DJ software I am amazed as I did not remember anything written. But very glad because is recorded in my journal.
      Do it this way and you will succeed.
      Updated 07-16-2010 at 03:59 AM by PercyLucid
    7. Naiya's Avatar
      Thanks for the advice guys. I happen to wake up naturally after almost every sleep cycle. So usually I sleep for 3-5 hours, wake up, and then wake up after every subsequent hour or so. Whenever I wake up, I get a sip of water, get out of bed and record a few notes so I can remember the dream I had. It's not the best system because sometimes a few notes aren't enough to job my memory and details get lost.

      I haven't slept the whole night through twice since my early childhood. It's very strange.
    8. Requiem's Avatar
      I guess I forgot who I was talking to. Haha.

      Nice. I wake up after each REM cycle as well but I've had some success with the CAN-WILD. It is pretty direct if you want to end a dryspell.

      But Naiya, with her experience, already knows her methods and what works for her.
    9. Naiya's Avatar
      Aw, no problem.

      So far the last few days I've been doing better as far as recall and getting lucid at least once a night. So right now I just need to focus on 1. better recall; 2. not being lazy and MILDing during the times I have the longest REM periods; 3. Focusing on stabilizing my lucids, getting lucid earlier, ect. so I can improve the quality of my lucids to the point it was before.
