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    Ramblings of a mad man...!

    1. Entry 20 RCing like a maniac...!

      by , 04-05-2013 at 12:39 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Ok, so last night was a weird one, I fell asleep listening to binural beats, when I say fell asleep I was actually trying to WILD and I was experiencing hypnagogic imagery, I kept myself on the border of sleep and consciousness for quite some time until I found myself dreaming, but aware of the fact, however no matter what reality checks I performed I could not get lucid, I guess this may have been a false lucid, I was running through corridors with the feeling of being chased, no so much by people, more by hands in the dark and a feeling of dread. I tried the finger through the hand, trying to fly, holding my nose and breathing, even reading posters on the walls that appeared as soon as I thought I needed something to read and all the time I was aware it was a dream, but I knew I wasn't lucid, at one point I woke trying to push my finger through my hand IRL. I don't understand how it is that I knew I was dreaming, but didn't become lucid or if I was in fact lucid, it's nothing like what I expected, it was poor quality pirated VCR at best -
      Spoiler for Spoiler for you youngsters:

      Finally I fell asleep proper.I dreamt I'd gone to see my aunt, who passed many years ago, I had to stay in a hotel or hostel, I put all my belongings in my room, including my cash and cash card and left to go to the bar. I met a young girl and we hit it off straight away, the dream turned erotic, I wont go into detail, use your imagination, but for some reason, my aunt took offence to this fact and started to kick off that I'd come to see her and all I wanted to do was fuck every girl I could find, which I found amusing to the point that I couldn't stop laughing, she rallied a large group of people up against me and we both had to leave in haste, we jumped on a bus thinking it would take us out of there, but then it turned out it was going right back again. I decided to take control of the bus and entered the cab, there were no controls whatsoever. I figured it out that the true cab was above the one I was in and proceeded there. The door was locked and when I tried to gain entrance, the driver stopped the bus in the middle of a roundabout where the police were sat, not doing anything in particular, just chatting to some people. They saw the bus jerking back and forth as I tried to work out the controls, but did nothing, just sat and watched. Once I figured out the controls and started to drive away, I realised I'd left my cash and card in my room and stated to all on the bus that we were going back - apparently it was a hell of a lot of money - to which the girl I'd enjoyed earlier had objections to. The passengers weren't happy either and so I had to go it on foot.
      I don't like to disappoint you, but the rest has gone, just remember waking up to my alarm.

      I went back to sleep as I'd set the alarm for my partner to get up early not myself and I dreamt again, in and out of conciousness, but I have no recall.

      I wanted to get the first part down more than anything, if anyone has any opinions about what I experienced, I'd love to hear them, as I said, the whole time it was happening I knew I was dreaming, it was almost like a successful WILD and falling at the last hurdle, getting up and falling again and again etc.
      I've tagged it as both lucid and non lucid as I really don't know.

    2. Entry 19. Lost focus, missus moaning and dream fragments.

      by , 04-04-2013 at 07:38 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I'll start with my first problem, the other half. She's started moaning about my WBTB routine and how it's disrupting her sleeping pattern - not that she has one, between you and I - and as a result, I've lost a little focus even after experiencing my first lucid dream, although I woke immediately, as I've come to understand is usual for most everyone.
      Does anyone know of an alarm app for the Galaxy S2 that only plays through the headphones as even though my phones are in, the alarm also plays out loud and that is what's waking her, I must admit, it would piss me off too, but I can't find any option to change it, thanks for any advice in advance.

      Now, onto the dream fragments, I've recently bought myself a new bike, a DRZ 400sm and I've been practising wheelies - IRL - so in my dream, I found myself on the back wheel like a boss. I mean I was in a shopping centre and flying round on the back wheel, up and down the escalators, round the people and through the shops, it seemed to go on for about half an hour and not once did I drop the front wheel, it was awesome, wish I'd got lucid in that one. There was another where I came home and caught my partner snorting drugs and I kicked off with her, I smacked her round the face - I don't hit my partner - and her daughter was there, she called the cops, but when they came and I hid, they both said that I'd left, even though they both knew where I was, weird.

      So, I'm going to redouble my efforts as my little taste of lucidity has got me all worked up, just need to figure out how to wake at night without waking her, Joy, I'll use her name from now on as a lot of my dreams feature her. Reality checks are quite exhaustive living with her, so I only ever do them if I've not seen her for 2 hours or more now. Does that sound good to you lot, otherwise my reality checks would just be going through the motions right..?

      dream fragment , side notes
    3. Entry 18. The Lightman Group.

      by , 03-27-2013 at 11:14 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Last night, well more like this morning I woke up, not during a dream though, however I thought I'd get up to attempt a WBTB, it didn't work. I did have a very long and vivid dream though, some I remember well and some just fragments, it went as such.

      There had been a murder, I didn't know who the victim was or why they'd been killed, but I was on site applying for a job as a telehandler driver - had an interview irl a couple of days ago - and I saw that the Lightman group were on the case, Cal approached me and asked me if I'd like a job with him - BONUS - of course I said no way loser. As if, I jumped at the chance. So he gave me a mobile phone and told me it was his secret to telling if people were lying, what you did was start an app before the questioning and leave it in your pocket, as the questioned were answered, if the person was lying, get this, it set of a screeching alarm that could be heard from like a mile away. I wondered why it wouldn't just discreetly vibrate in your pocket to which Cal said "It's my app, it'll do as I want." I made no argument.

      This is where it gets a bit weird and fragmented. It was lunch time and everyone was leaving, I went to put on my boot - were on site remember - and I couldn't find them. So off I go, barefooted looking for my boots, I searched everywhere, found ones that were too small or just single ones and then, along the roadside I found a display, it was of Frankenstein, he was about my size, so you guessed it, I decided to steal his boots, apart from they were alligator skin, pointed toe ones and as I was taking them off his feet a van pulled up. I acted as innocent as I could and they make the observation that people normally try to steal them, which put me off due to guilt. My phone rang, I was Cal, I couldn't hear him in the slightest - I wonder if that's a dream thing, has anyone had a clear phone call in a dream? - so I hung up. He then messaged me, which was also garbled although I got the jist that he was going to let me go already, so I messaged him back saying that he could use his gfeat app to tell if I was lying. I hung up and continued searching for him, my phone rang again and I woke to my alarm going off. Make of it what you will.

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Entry 17. My first lucid.

      by , 03-25-2013 at 10:08 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      So, I'm really excited right now, let me lay it out for you, before I do though, I must warn you, it's nothing special.

      On Friday, after a couple of nights with little or no sleep, I decided to take some Valium, my partner gets them as a prescription, so I 'nicked' a few of hers - don't tell her - and off to bed I went. I slept like a baby, as you can imagine and I dreamt of an old friend named Clint Diaso , I woke up and attempted to DEILD, but as I lay there I became more and more clear headed and so I got up to try my hand at WBTB. Neither worked.

      Now, this is where it gets interesting, I don't know if it was the remnants of the sleeping tablets and I can't for the life of me remember what the dream was about, but what I do remember is at one point, the scene changed, right in front of my very eyes. I didn't need to do a reality check due to the fact that as soon as it happened, I asked myself if this was normal or was it a dream, then BOOM, I became lucid - I think - everything turned super, mega, hyper HD and I remembered the hand rubbing technique, unfortunately I then woke up rubbing my hands together.

      Now as you can imagine, this excites me no end, I thought the lucid dream was something that would elude me forever, I'm older than I imagine most on here - maybe not, but the profiles I've read all belong to youngsters - and I always wondered if it's possible to teach an old dog new tricks, if you get my meaning.

      So I'm reaching out to you folks for any encouragement and/or advice. Is this something that is normal, has it happened to anyone else, can I count that as a lucid dream, do you think it may have been a result of the valium in my system - no I'm not going to steal all her tablets, lol, she'd kill me - and is it usual to wake up still trying to stabilise your dreams. Any advice and pointers will be greatly received and I thank you all in advance.

    5. Entry 16.

      by , 03-18-2013 at 10:33 AM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I was at poker last night and I had quite a lot to drink. I didn't dream (that I remember), but I did win poker. Both the league game and the cash game.

      Updated 04-19-2013 at 04:33 PM by 61677

      non-lucid , side notes
    6. Entry 15.

      by , 03-17-2013 at 01:07 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      So last night I had sporadic dreams, though they we're quite vivid, what I can remember. I went to bed around midnight and due to the fact that on Friday night I got totally leathered, I didn't dream, so hoping to rebound early on, I attempted to WILD. Now I'm wondering if trying to WILD at bed time is detrimental, because I failed to fall asleep for quite some time, at least 90 minutes as I remember the Isochronic tones video ending. Anyhow....

      I remember helicopters small remote control helicopters, I had my own and a friend up the street had his own, but I didn't have the remote unit, I waited until he went out and I went to his and took the one he had. I flew my helicopter until I lost control and then I returned his remote unit. Then I remember walking between full sized helicopters, but they had open cockpits with weird controls.

      Scene changes, I'm at some water sports resort and I see a jet ski on the waterside, I go up to it to have a look and someone tells me you can hire them for £15, so I go in to hire one and the woman complains that it's nearly closing time, I make a fuss that it isn't actually yet closed, so I should be able to rent one, my logic wins out. However I have to go and get a wet suit from my parents and when I get back, she is not happy. I know I use the ski, but I don't recall it. There were sharks in there somewhere too, but I forget.

      We're in a large castle, which is weird as I just read the Dream Views Academy thread on Thursday, though I don't know if this was it, I'm sure it facilitated the dream, but it felt more like Hogwarts and I think we were looking for Harry, I know, but like I've said before, I can't help what I dream, that's what I'm here for. So at one point, we were sat with his father at a dining table and I was asking him if he cared enough to go after him and he wasn't, nor did he care he felt that way. So we left, (we being me and random DC's) to look for him, as we went from room to room, the feeling of urgency grew. After a short search and thinking we'd found him in bed, but it being someone else, a goblin type creature appeared and said he could help, so we went with him through a door that lead out onto a dirt street, at the end of the street, a large group of assorted creatures were playing a particularly violent game of rugby (I was meant to go to the pub with mate yesterday to watch England and Wales, but I didn't go), the goblin creature said we needed to get dirtied up so as to blend in with the crowd, so we got down on our knees and started to wash ourselves in the dirt, I got gravel and sand in my nose and throat which made me cough and choke. I woke up coughing.

      Side note to self...Maybe give WILDing a break at bedtime, I'm probably wasting my time anyway. Concentrate on DEILDing and WBTB, at least until you get some progress and achieve at least one lucid dream.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:21 PM by 61677

    7. Entry 14.

      by , 03-14-2013 at 01:31 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      No recall today. I woke up at 8am and went back to sleep for an hour, I remember that I did dream, however I didn't remember until an hour or so later and I have no memory of what the dream was about.

      Maybe tonight, fingers crossed.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:08 PM by 61677

    8. Entry 13.

      by , 03-13-2013 at 01:42 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I was just driving round the streets, like cruising as a youngster, Spacey's mates were around, one was a black guy we'd scored off before, although I didn't recognise him, he looked like Bob Marley and we stopped to pick him up. There was some more driving and interactions that I can't recall. We were in Spacey's house, in his room and doing coke on a small table, it was my bedside table, but it was Daz's room, we had the lights out to avoid being caught out by the girls. Spacey was moaning about the amount of coke I'd given him the week before and I was trying to explain that someone else had sorted it out and that I had just brought it to him. The other guy in the room was the one with the coke now and I got the feeling that I was going to have to pay if I wanted some.

      Note for the next part of the dream.
      I went to bed listening to Lucid Dreaming Binural Beats by Slash112, which, if you've listened, has the words, "The next time I am dreaming, I will realise I am dreaming, am I dreaming, is this a dream."
      So we had the TV on and it was a report about a boy who had witnessed his father taken away by spirits, the tones were playing as a backing track to the report and the boy kept repeating the words from the video. This was very intrusive and I actually woke up, turned the video off (I had it on repeat) and immediately returned to the dream, albeit without conscious thought, effort or indeed awareness (a good sign though I hope). Sasha came in the room and caught us doing coke and started to kick off that we were shady, so the guy said she could have some. Due to the fact we had now been sussed, Daz said "You'll all like this with the light on, won't you.?" to which we were all agreed. Sasha was bent over him doing a line and he was encouraging me to check out her ass.

      He then got out his application for nuclear power security clearance and was showing it off, bragging about how hard it had been to pass and that he was going to be on really good money from now on. The other guy asked Sasha if he could stay the night and she seemed concerned about his reputation spoiling Daz's security status, I felt she should have been more concerned about my reputation for some reason, although I don't know why. She made sure he knew they would be "shaggin" and did he know the rules. He joked that the rules were to join in. I woke again and got up for 20 minutes to record my dream.

      I have woken from dreams multiple time over the past two days now, something which I didn't do before, I am hoping this is a sign of progress.

      I returned to bed. As I lay there I felt the room spinning, much like it does when you're inebriated, I'm wondering if this is a good sign. Regardless, I tried to use it and imagined myself spinning with it, my legs felt disassociated from my body and I thought at the time that I was achieving something, however I fell into sleep without memory, I dreamt again.

      Martin Ribey had gotten out of jail and was hanging around, I was worried about him stealing my new bike, in the dream he knew I suspected him of stealing my first bike and he was acting all shady about it, I tried to lose him in the streets, I started to parkour to get away from him, but he could do it also, I doubt either of us can, I know I can't.

      I found myself with Joy and we were going to swim in a river, Joy jumped in, but it was very shallow and she hurt her feet. I was really nervous about jumping in, but after Joy checked the depth, I did a bomb into the water. At one point, I was at Joy's parents house to pick her up and whilst I was waiting for her, I got something we needed from the kitchen drawer. Her Dad then came down and said he'd get it for us, for some reason I didn't mention I'd already got it, when he couldn't find it, I gingerly admitted that I had already got it, at which point he kicked off, even though it was an innocent act, he got so mad that he asked me to leave. I then woke proper.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:09 PM by 61677

    9. Entry 12. Explicit.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 04:01 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I was with a gorgeous, fit girl and we were taking ecstasy when her family and friends turned up, they were really angry that I was with her, I think 2 were her brothers and another was her partner, we evaded them and I woke up.
      I tried to DEILD, failed, however I did return to the same dream, assuming that I actually woke.
      Spoiler for Adult Material:

      She expressed her love for me at this point, they were most unhappy with this confession and so they bundled me into a car, I was naked and I still had an erection, which I tried to hide. We went into a shop and I lost them in the isles, I was looking for an escape route when she turned up once more. She had packed all of her clothed and stated that we were to run away together. Just as we were about to escape, they found us again and were just about to kick off when I woke once more (I assume). I tried to DEILD again, but to no avail. I woke up proper at around 8am. I'd like to add that I didn't write any of this down until 12.40 and I still had amazing recall.

      I quite liked this one.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:10 PM by 61677

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Entry 11.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 03:39 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I was swimming in a lagoon as we lived on an island just off Jamaica. Someone took or bought Dutchess (my other dog) much to my dismay.

      Woke again later on, I had recall, but fell asleep before I could record it.

      I was walking down the road with someone and telling them how we used to scare people as kids by climbing the trees and springing from the branches. My Mum and Dad stole my lotto card from me and I had to go in disguise to retrieve it. My Dad was going to stab me, but I called his bluff. We then noticed that my Mum was just sat there reading a book even though she was the main protagonist. There were lots of people about, so we decided to research them, it turned out that they were form years ago and we noticed that they were all in the black and white photos that were scattered around.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:10 PM by 61677

    11. Entry 10. First attempt at meditation.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 03:29 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I went to bed early and meditated. I don't know if the nights dreams were affected by this, but what I recalled was extremely vivid.

      I found myself in a group of lads, but I only knew Mini-me, although it wasn't his likeness. At one point we were smoking weed and I was telling everyone that I didn't usually smoke weed. I remember talking about Spacey and drugs and that I felt stoned. We were then in knee deep water, Mini-me had lost his weed and went looking for it in the water. At one point we were in the grounds of a church and the fence or gate had been half cut to allow access and capture of immigrants. I was shooting a Chinese boy at some point and his mother started to fight me Kung-Fu style. I told Joy to tell my Dad to get Bruce Lee to come and help me. I don't recall the order, but at some point, I found myself amongst alien technology, ships etc'. We were working for them, I had to bring ships into the dock and take other ships out from the docks. I was driving along a coast line and there was a huge whale and I mean huge as in a Jumbo Jet sized whale, that had beached itself and had started to rot away. I asked someone where we were and they said it was Grimsby. Water was flowing up inside it's body and making it's flesh ripple, lots of people were milling around it.

      I was in a house and having a party, some guy started to convulse, he then proceeded to perform his party piece, which consisted of him sitting down on nothing, like an invisible chair or something and then lowering himself, in robotic movements onto the sofa. It looked amazingly cool and I asked him to teach me, which he did. As I was learning, Joy came in and asked if it was ok to skin the geese in the garden, at which point I fell over laughing. I woke up laughing and saying out loud "Your kidding, I've seen her try to skin a rabbit."

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:11 PM by 61677

    12. Entry 10. After losing focus.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:51 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      So, as stated, I lost focus for a short while, but after experiencing sleep paralysis once more, I will be redoubling my efforts.

      I need to stay on track and focused.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:12 PM by 61677

      side notes
    13. Entry 9.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:49 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Two lads from my time in the YM were after me, one got hold of me and told me what to say to get rid if his brother. I was looking at a snake at some point, I tried to kill it, but it shed it's skin into an almost alien form and started to lay eggs. I found an illegal baby burial ground, called the police, but a tribe stole everything before they could come. I chased them, they were drinking their own piss and throwing golf balls at me.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:13 PM by 61677

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Entry 8.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:45 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      Spacey gave Jason Ellam a job and kicked off about it. I found myself in jail and I got some huge bar of chocolate, I was walking around with an unrealistically huge erection.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:13 PM by 61677

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    15. Entry 7.

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:41 PM (Ramblings of a mad man...!)
      I did dream, but lost recall. Went to sleep listening to binural beats (Theta), may have felt a little bit of sleep paralysis, but nothing further.

      Updated 03-17-2013 at 01:14 PM by 61677

      side notes
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