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    1. 5/5/18

      by , 05-06-2018 at 07:58 AM
      Thought I would start drawing my dreams...
      Hey, I'm new.. is this a good start?-boat.jpg
    2. nap lucid

      by , 03-15-2018 at 05:03 PM
      Took a nap. I'm looking out a window I see someone. He turns into an animal and asks me some favor. Other bigger animals come and he is afraid. I try to wake up but it seems like i cant. i also changed the scenery from the window.
    3. Pretty crazy nap dream

      by , 11-07-2017 at 04:30 AM
      Girl with a tattoo on her head. She was blond. She was in a room talking. Out of the room was maybe a dance floor with people dancing ans a strange creature on the top. A car exploded. Land exploded and floated off. I was on the land. Cops had me tied. And were taking me somewhere.
    4. A Moving Family

      by , 10-11-2017 at 02:16 AM
      I'm either playing or watching what seems to be a space ship video game. Basic graphics. I look outside. I'm on the second floor of a house or apartment. I see what looks to be a family of people. It looks like they are moving and having to walk. I feel sorry for them and I give one of the family members a hug and tell them sorry because I feel for them.
    5. Cat Fight

      by , 09-27-2017 at 04:30 PM
      Trying to improve my dream recall.

      Going to put down in my dream journal no recall if I don't remember. I read somewhere that doing this for two weeks should help improve my recall.

      Was going to do write that but then I remembered a couple of things.

      My cat was with another cat and swatted at it.

      Also I was working in Adobe Illustrator and deleted a path in the dream. I felt like I got rid of something about myself. Don't remember what but I feel better...
    6. Took a nap today

      by , 09-25-2017 at 04:40 AM
      The events in my dream are kinda random but remembered a lot.

      I'm trying to get into what looks like an elevator.

      I'm hanging onto a rocky grassy area underneath something maybe like a bridge trying to get my girlfriend's attention.

      There's a crowd of men in suits somewhere.

      I ask my teacher if it's too late to turn in my homework and it looks like there's no one in the room we're in.

      I see an old friend and I don't like what he says to someone.

      I'm in a forest or tree area but I wasn't aware enough to know what I was doing there.
    7. YouTube has been helpful latley

      by , 09-13-2017 at 03:52 PM
      Before bed watched a YouTube video about lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. I stayed the night at a friend's and it seemed like I had an o b e but I was probably just thinking of dreaming in my sleep. Woke up from the dream or o b e then went back to sleep.
    8. Crazy nightmare and one or two other dreams last night

      by , 09-08-2017 at 09:30 PM
      I listened to a YouTube guided meditation video for lucid dreams. Soon after I started listening I fell asleep and had a lucid nightmare. I don't want to give a description but I didn't like what was going on I heard like a growl as if something was talking. I stayed up after I got frightened then had another not so good dream but better than the one before.
    9. Recently meditated and stayed up practically all night

      by , 09-06-2017 at 04:41 PM
      But I dreamed. In the first dream. It was like there was two realities in the same space...

      In the second dream I'm surrounded by fire.

      I got woken up by a pounding noise like someone banging on a door.

      It sucks having loud neighbors. I'll have to work around that and make meditation a regular practice.
    10. Tried Incubating a Question to the Dream...

      by , 09-06-2017 at 02:44 AM
      I think I almost had a dream related to the question, but this big guy who might of been a professor told me something like, 'you'd better figure out a way to stay in the class.' My question didn't get answered but I find it interesting that a dream character told me that.

      I had gotten behind in my college work but am caught up now. If I ask the same question I wonder what would happen in the dream if I'm successful at becoming at least a little bit aware...
    11. Couple recent dreams

      by , 08-11-2017 at 08:48 PM
      1. It seems like I'm a ghost following someone that's carrying stuff. I feel the person I'm following is going to do something bad.

      2. I'm cuddling with a girl and I'm not sure if it's my girlfriend or someone else. I feel loved. First peaceful dream I've had in a long time.
    12. Action Scene Dream

      by , 07-21-2017 at 04:54 AM
      I or it's more like I'm looking down from the sky and see two ladies running with a man shooting their guns at something and it's nighttime.

      Took a nap earlier today and remembered that from my dream.
    13. Possessed Grandpa Who Passed Away

      by , 07-16-2017 at 08:50 PM
      I see my Grandpa who passed away and it’s light out but I feel like he has been replaced by someone I know. He’s cleaning a big area for me and laughing kind of eerily. I’m outside a building. A lady tells me something I think about downloading information or something. I remember grabbing something off of something that had stuff on it but don’t remember what it was.

      I have more time for naps now and am remembering more dreams that way...
    14. Nightmarish Dream Character

      by , 07-16-2017 at 06:07 PM
      I'm in a building exploring. It's kinda dark but there is also light. I come across a nightmarish dream character. I think I woke up because I was afraid. I want to try to confront these types of characters in the future.
    15. First successful lucid dream in a while... Dream Characters to the Rescue...

      by , 07-11-2017 at 01:29 PM
      The alarm woke me this morning but remembered my dream.

      I'm gambling at a casino. At first I couldn't stop gambling. I felt like I've been to this place before. I eventually felt like I had control in stopping gambling with the help of dream characters. There was more detail to that but I'm not good at explaining precise detail yet.
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