Meeting former classmates in the middle of nowhere
, 04-01-2024 at 05:58 AM (97 Views)
After being non lucid for a while, I escaped my own balcony, which, in my mind, was a literal prison. I did so by flying off with some kind of device that didn't really make sense. I ended up above a country road at some point and this is where I got lucid, mid flight. I decided to try and control the speed a bit, but the way this thing I was using was shaped made it difficult. Strangely, I never actually looked at the object, but as far as I could tell, it was some kind of bucket shaped object, with fire or air coming out of the open end with a lot of pressure. I was standing on the other end and there was some kind of pipe coming out of the middle, which I was holding onto while flying this thing. I tried to change the angle to fly faster, which worked, but it didn't make a big difference. I eventually decided to land on the ground. On the ground, I saw a group of people made up of former classmates of mine from real life. I was curious about what they were doing there, so I decided to go there. One of my class teachers was talking to a girl about something while the rest was kind of just there and talked to each other, not having any particular tasks to do. When I looked at their faces, it seemed to me that they were really accurate to real life, better than I could remember in waking life. This might have been a deception, not sure. There was a fence next to the group, a bit taller than me, which I jumped over with super strength. I woke up shortly after this.
The mental clarity wasn't perfect in this LD and I probably would've done something else had it been better, but there was still some stuff that gives points for the competition and I wasn't bored either, so whatever.