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    The Redeeming Dreamer

    My First Lucid Dream!!!

    by , 10-01-2012 at 10:10 AM (934 Views)
    I can't remember most of it. I actually had like five LD's in one night! It was really awesome, too!

    So I think for my first one I had a false awakening, then I somehow realized I was dreaming! I also remember my mom, too. That one ended pretty quickly.

    Then I think the second one I had another false awakening, then I again somehow realized I was dreaming. I saw a girl from school named Ma. She was a bit acne ridden and had a boyfriend has dyed black hair and she's Caucasian. So I went up to her, and the next thing I know, I'm having sex with her! It didn't really work out very well, and ended before I could orgasm.

    I think it was around the third one where I orgasmed (which I also did in real life, apparently) by having sex with some girl created by my subconscious. I can't really remember what happened before I saw her, though. Probably another false awakening. It was in the hallway of my house on the carpet. She was blonde, Caucasian, and had blemishes a bit of acne on the left side of her face.
    I thought she looked pretty cute. She also looked a bit like a girl who was a senior last year named Li. She had two sisters, I think.

    The fourth one was ANOTHER false awakening. Only this time, I didn't see anyone. I just went back in my ropom and started writing stuff down on a notebook. I think it was about this girl I like at school named Jy. I was texting her during this, too.

    I can't remember the fifth and last one, well. All I remember was ANOTHER FALSE AWAKENING!!! (What is up with me and these false awakenings!)

    Also, to induce this LD, I used the WBTB and MILD techniques because I woke up at like 2:50 in the morning, then figured I had to go pee so I went to piss at 3:30, then went back to bed, figuring "why not try to have an LD while I'm at it," so I did MILD as I was going to sleep.

    I can't remember a lot of this LD, though. I can only remember certain parts. I guess I need to practice more dream recall as I remember so little I can barely remember it happened. It also didn't feel as if very vivid, either. I didn't feel like I was truly awake for the LD.

    Also worth noting, every time I turned lucid in one of the dreams, I felt this shaking feeling come over me as I turned lucid. It felt pretty weird.
    KristaNicole07 likes this.

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    Updated 10-16-2013 at 08:29 AM by 58207

    lucid , false awakening , dream fragment


    1. KristaNicole07's Avatar
      Congrats on your first LD! I'm sure you'll have many more. The recall will get better the more you journal. Just keep it up!
    2. paigeyemps's Avatar
      Nice, congratulations!