False Awakening
9/21/2013, 10:00-5:50 I went to sleep, and meditated before doing so for like 15 minutes. Dream 1: I remember a giant monster-like creature. I was in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. I was trying to kill the creature. Wake-Up: At like 4:50, I wake up for a piss and drink. As I fall back to sleep, I try to mantra, "I will realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming." Lucid Dream: After about 20 minutes of laying in bed, I suddenly drift into sleep, and awake lucid (WILD! ). I don't really feel like getting up (figures), so I just try to make a sound. The thing I end up doing is trying to hear someone behind me say "Boo!" I think about it, and I hear a very high-pitched "boo" sound! I get frightened that it actually worked, and end up closing my eyes and waking myself up. I'm happy about this, because it's the first time I've managed to do something in a WILD! 9/22/2013, 10:00-7:00 I read Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming and meditated before sleep, and remember one dream: Dream 1: I was with Leela (and maybe Fry) from Futurama. We were trying to get to a base. There were these challenges we had to do. There was a hole we had to climb down with a ladder, which landed into a "wave pool" contraption. We made it to some markers and the waves suddenly stopped, revealing ladders to inside the complex we were trying to get to. I then remember going into the complex and into a large, white atrium, where there were two directions at the end; right and left. Me and Fry went left. We found our way to the owner of the complex, who we talked to, a bit aggressively. He said something about going to check the other room. We went over to the other room, where Leela was on a bed, dying from old age. There must have been a time warp. This made the dream sad.
9/20/2013, 22:00-5:00 I was reading the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" a lot before bed. I also meditated a bit. Also, I drank some water before bed, and thought some mantras in bed before sleeping. All of this got me two dreams and a lucid! Dream 1: I was in school. I was sitting in some teacher's class, to the left side of the class room. I was noticing a girl to the right and one desk behind me. That's all I really remember. Wake Up: I woke up at 3:43, and stayed up until 3:46. Pissed and drank some water during that time. Lucid Dream: Regular Dream Lucid Dream I was in a dream about politics. I think there was something about Obama's Affordable Care Act in it. There also might have been something about someone's butt. I think these two absurdities, combined with what I did before sleep, caused me to become lucid. I remember feeling a small rush of energy this time, so I wasn't really that lucid, but lucid nonetheless. I fell out of bed, trying to go through the floor of my bedroom, but I just landed on the floor and started "lagging" in and out of the floor :/ . I then tried to crawl to my door, but the dream faded before I could get there. Dream 2: I was in this sort of hotel-children-summer-camp thing. I was one of the mentors. This kid, who looked exactly like L from this summer came over to me and said he had to pee. I brought him to the bathroom, and Lucas and I went in too, for some reason. L started peeing, but he then "couldn't control" it, and he started pissing EVERYWHERE! He pissed on the walls, he pissed on the door, he even pissed on ME! Then, while this was happening, a black kid came through the door (probably another kid from this summer) and saw what was happening. He just closed the door and ran, while the bathroom was getting pissed on by the damn Lucas doppelganger. The dream ended there.
Updated 10-15-2013 at 09:45 PM by 58207
9/11/13, 10:00-6:00 Dream 1: I was in a camp with buildings in the forest. I remember a girl from school. ----------------- I also became lucid around 6:00. I woke up in my bed, feeling the rush of energy. I couldn't decide if I was awake or asleep! I didn't feel like moving to find out, so I woke myself up .
8/25/2013, 9:30-6:00 Notes: I finished reading a book about body language before going to sleep last night. Dream 1 : I was in town, walking around thinking about open body language. I was correcting people who had closed body language in the park area in front of the funeral home, and in front of the general store. I walked from the park area to in front of the general store. I most remember this conversation some old guy in a suit was having with some young guy in a suit. The old guy had his arms and legs crossed, and I think his coat was buttoned. He was also facing the young guy directly. I went over to him and told him he had to keep open body language if he wanted to be friendly with people. I uncrossed his arms and legs and told him about keeping his palms up. The old guy just continued his conversation with the guy, barely noticing me. There was also a lot of dialogue I forgot in the dream. Dream 2: I was at the Malverne middle school across the street from the high school. I think there was like a rock and roll festival going on there. Many guitars were inside the school. Also, when I went outside on the auditorium side, it was raining and there was a GIANT guitar on the area in front of the auditorium. Someone came up to me and said it was raining, so the guitar didn't work. The person pulled a string to show this, and the guitar didn't make any noise. I was watching the guitar for a while until suddenly, a nuke went off! To the southwest, I saw a mushroom cloud of fire rise from the ground. It wasn't an iconic mushroom cloud. It had too wide of a base and not enough top area. It sort of looked like this: After that, I ran back into the school, and the dream ended. Dream 3: A false awakening. I woke up in my bed in Malverne to my mom and dad talking in their room. My brother might have been there. That's all I remember. Dream 4: Another false awakening. This time, I woke up in a white house with white walls and everything pretty much white. When I got up, I remember my parents talking in their room again, wherever that was :/. I also remember saying something to them with an intercom next to my bed. Then, I got up and walked around for a while. That's all. Dream 5: I don't remember this one very much at all. I'm not even entirely sure it was a dream. I remember machinery: like gears and stuff; giant gears. I remember climbing up them and jumping and stuff up a mechanical tower.
8/18/2013 10:00-6:00 Dream 1: I remember something about a "John Oliver Show". Dream 2: I remember a river and a bunch of wooden water equipment, like a water wheel. I think the river flooded, too, and destroyed the equipment. Dream 3: I was dreaming about being a secret agent in a villa, trying to steal something. I was a woman, and I started dancing in a ballroom with some people. I was also running around on the roofs of the villa. I woke up from that dream into ANOTHER dream. I guess I had a dream within a dream (or a false awakening, but I actually remembered the dream from before). I was in my house on Long Island, and I woke up in the dining room, on a chair at the dining table. The rest of my family went through the front door, with shopping bags. I guess they just got home from shopping. I told them about the dream I just had. I then remember going into one of the cabinets and taking finding a box of sesame stick packages, from the shopping my family just got home from. They looked like little raisin boxes, but with two packs of two sesame sticks each. I took one out and ate it. That's the end of the dream.
8/15/2013, 22:00-6:45 The dda-ld ("didn't-do-anything lucid dream") is a stupid dream where you suddenly have the realization that you're dreaming, but your brain is a d-bag and says, "You know what? Let's not have a lucid dream." and you end up waking yourself up, effectively screwing yourself out of having a lucid dream that you actually do something in, hence the dda-ld. I have actually had many of these stupid dreams in the past. This is just the first one I've decided to post. So here it is, the dda-ld: Key: Lucid Dream Non-lucid dream Woken Up Sleep Paralysis Dream 1: I remember a jellyfish. That is all. The DDA-LD: I then woke up at probably around 3:00 in the morning, having to go to the bathroom. I got up, took a piss, stood around for a few seconds for the WBTB effect, then went back into bed. It was a bit cold, so I couldn't go to sleep right away. I was then laying there when suddenly I started feeling the rushing, vibrating, and the hypnagogic hallucinations of sleep paralysis. I remember some HH of me looking at porn on the computer () and then an icon suddenly appeared in the bottom right corner that I couldn't get rid of. I became scared I was gonna get found out. Then I suddenly woke up in my bed. I kind of knew I was dreaming, but I wasn't sure, so I tried to create something; a sound, an object, a smell, anything. Whenever I tried to create anything, all that would happen was the rushing sound and vibrations, which I was thinking were like me trying to concentrate on creating something. I then gave up on that and instead, my brain said "screw it" and tried to wake me up the same way I woke up in a prievious LD: by doing the nose plug reality check, and got too involved with the breathing of my physical body, that I wake myself up. That didn't work this time, so I just closed my eyes to connect with the physical body, and I woke myself up. So that is my DDA-LD. Technically, I'd call it a DDA-WILD because of the sleep paralysis, but it still is a DDA-LD. Though, this isn't a total failure, since this actually is the first time I've had a WILD.
8/13/2013 Key: Lucid Dream Waken Up Non-lucid Dream I did a WBTB and partly a MILD for this. I also went to sleep upstate in an RV. I woke up in my bed at home. I did a reality check by putting my hand up to the window to observe my hands. There wasn't enough light to see, so I tried to do something, and I ended up having my vision zoom in. I saw I was in a dream. Though I never stabilized the dream, and I wasn't very aware, it lasted for a pretty good amount of time. After realizing I was dreaming, I levitated out of bed and tried to fly out the window. For some reason, I couldn't get through. I had to really concentrate to make it through. Even then, I ended up teleporting to some warehouse. I found myself running to get to a portal at the other end of the warehouse. I was also shooting at people with a "hand" gun, and they were dying. :/ When I went through the portal, I got to my backyard on the other side of the window, right in front of the deck. I started petting my dog Ti, who was right next to me. At that point the dream faded, and I woke up in my bed at home again. I thought I was actually awake now, and thus didn't do a reality check. I actually think I went through a few false awakenings like that, before waking up for real.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:55 AM by 58207
Nov. 9, 2012 4:00am-6:00am (the time period for all these dreams) Before these dreams, I would like to say that I woke up to go to the bathroom at around 2:50am. My dad was also on the computer in the other room at this time, and I couldn't fall back to sleep until 4:00am, which is when these events take place: I can't remember anything about this dream other than I gained lucidity at the end of it, then woke up immediately due to excitement. I didn't realize it when I woke up. When I woke up, I barely moved if at all. I was confused about why the dream collapsed. I went back to sleep almost immediately. I remember something about my mom in this dream; no idea what :/. What I do remember is being in a hotel with my grandmother. She was sleeping in the hotel room's bed on the left side when facing the bed. I was standing right next to the place she was sleeping. There was a bubble-like force field around the bed. It was spinning very fast and was colorful and a little transparent. It was called a sphere of confusion and, for some reason, it was associated with my grandmother. I walked around the bed, careful not to touch the force field. When I got to the other side, I walked through the force field. When I did, I gained lucidity and became trapped in a void of blackness. I felt as though I was kind of falling, but not really. I quickly woke after that. I didn't move at all when I woke up. This time, I realized the reason I couldn't keep the dream going was due to too much excitement. I fell back to sleep after a few seconds, and quickly started dreaming. This time, it was a false awakening. I got out of my bed and did a reality check (probably looked at the time). I became lucid. This time I remembered I had to stabilize the dream, so I looked at my hands and rubbed them together. Then my third lucid dream of my life really began. I started to imagine a scene where I could see naked women (lulz I'm a huge pervert in LD's). I closed my eyes and imagined a beach. When I opened them, there was a beach, with all the waves and ocean. I found an empty lawn chair with an umbrella up and sat in it. Soon after, I was watching some horny-looking naked women walk up to me in slow motion. One I remember very well was a naked Hispanic chick with the biggest breasts in the world, pretty much. They were humongous. They were as big as really big beach balls. I think she was the last one I saw. After that, I wanted to have sex. For some reason, I imagined a theater; an opera theater. I was in the rightmost path for the seats, very close to the stage. People were in the seats, watching the show, but I wasn't paying much attention to them. On the stage, there were many sexy women in very skimpy outfits dancing for the audience. There were also some props on the stage: a piano, a very long table, and an art canvas. The women were standing on top of them. The one woman who really stood out was a woman in her 20's standing on the part of the table closest to me. She had the skimpiest outfit on, which was very transparent fabric. You could see everything on her. This made me horny, so for some reason, I made my way to the bathroom, which was a public bathroom. They were on opposite sides of the theater, with the women's bathroom on the left and the men's bathroom on the right. I didn't go directly into the women's bathroom, but I went into the men's one because it was closer and I had the intention to sneak into the women's bathroom from there. When I entered it, there was a giant glass window that divided the men's from the women's. I saw a really beautiful girl who I had the intention to have sex with. I walked over to a hallway that went INTO the women's bathroom. It was then that I lost my lucidity. I couldn't remember much in the theater after I lost lucidity (I might have gone behind the stage and seen a very sexy show, with pink and blue lights). I do remember ending up at a mansion. Apparently, there was a business party going on there. Everyone was very classy and wore suits and dresses. I found this cute Korean chick (probably to do with this Korean girl I knew from second grade) with a red dress in the lower floors. She was being asked out by some random guy. The Korean chick said yes to him, and I naturally felt jealous. She then came over to me and said "Come on," like we were very friendly. We went over to the lowest floor (because the mansion was just one giant room, really) where there was a desk. Someone I know from school, named Jn, came over and asked out the Korean chick. He was dressed really fancy with a suit and tie and everything. She said she already had a date, and Jn said "Okay," and walked away. We then talked about stuff I don't remember. I eventually turn around and see that the parking lot (which is also on the lowest floor) was flooded. People were panicking and trying to get to their cars to drive away. The place I was was perfectly fine though. The dream ended there and I woke up.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 08:02 AM by 58207
I can't remember most of it. I actually had like five LD's in one night! It was really awesome, too! So I think for my first one I had a false awakening, then I somehow realized I was dreaming! I also remember my mom, too. That one ended pretty quickly. Then I think the second one I had another false awakening, then I again somehow realized I was dreaming. I saw a girl from school named Ma. She was a bit acne ridden and had a boyfriend has dyed black hair and she's Caucasian. So I went up to her, and the next thing I know, I'm having sex with her! It didn't really work out very well, and ended before I could orgasm. I think it was around the third one where I orgasmed (which I also did in real life, apparently) by having sex with some girl created by my subconscious. I can't really remember what happened before I saw her, though. Probably another false awakening. It was in the hallway of my house on the carpet. She was blonde, Caucasian, and had blemishes a bit of acne on the left side of her face. I thought she looked pretty cute. She also looked a bit like a girl who was a senior last year named Li. She had two sisters, I think. The fourth one was ANOTHER false awakening. Only this time, I didn't see anyone. I just went back in my ropom and started writing stuff down on a notebook. I think it was about this girl I like at school named Jy. I was texting her during this, too. I can't remember the fifth and last one, well. All I remember was ANOTHER FALSE AWAKENING!!! (What is up with me and these false awakenings!) Also, to induce this LD, I used the WBTB and MILD techniques because I woke up at like 2:50 in the morning, then figured I had to go pee so I went to piss at 3:30, then went back to bed, figuring "why not try to have an LD while I'm at it," so I did MILD as I was going to sleep. I can't remember a lot of this LD, though. I can only remember certain parts. I guess I need to practice more dream recall as I remember so little I can barely remember it happened. It also didn't feel as if very vivid, either. I didn't feel like I was truly awake for the LD. Also worth noting, every time I turned lucid in one of the dreams, I felt this shaking feeling come over me as I turned lucid. It felt pretty weird.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 08:29 AM by 58207