Side Notes
9/15/2013, 10:05-5:50 I got off the computer at 8:25 last night. Didn't meditate, too busy talking with my family. Went to sleep at like 10:05, couldn't fall asleep till 11:00. Dream 1: I was in a town, and there was an arena in it. I went into the arena and forgot the rest of what happened. There was also the number 20 somewhere. Wake-up (3:42): Got up to go to the bathroom and drink some water. Thought about having an LD and stayed up for 3 minutes till 3:45 (numbers are in order ). Then, I fell asleep around 15 minutes later, and had a "lucid moment". Woke up a few seconds afterwards, probably too excited. Dream 2: This one was pretty long. I was in a barn at first. Well, a barn that was somehow turned into a bar. I saw these four suspicious people. They were all fat; really fat. One was an Indian guy, another was African-American guy. There was also a fat white woman, and a fat white guy with glasses. They were all staring at me and talking to each other. So I left the bar and met my dad. We went to someone's house (a redneck-ish person) that looked EXACTLY like mine! Dad and I stayed there for a few hours, talking with the guy. There was also this cute curly blond daughter the guy had. I think I talked to her. All was well when, eventually, I saw the four fat people again! They were on the back deck of the house. My dad and the redneck guy were in the living room, talking, while I was with his daughter standing, staring at the 4 trespassers. They tried to quickly open the sliding screen door, but I quickly locked it with every lock there was (which, apparently, was that driving lock thing and three regular door locks on the side, more than it actually has). The 4 people then got angry, and entered the house through a secret door that I NEVER NOTICED before (sarcasm) that somehow went into the basement. I started screaming, "THEY'RE IN THE BASEMENT! THEY'RE IN THE BASEMENT!" Our parents and us quickly got up and went into the master bedroom. The redneck guy was trying to open the gun safe, when the four fat people came into the room, each carrying a pistol. The Indian guy then started pointing his gun at everyone, along with the white guy. The Indian was talking about something, probably to do with this being a robbery. He pointed his pistol at me, saying, "I'll shoot him!" (or something to that effect) and I then crossed my arms and rolled to the side, thinking he doesn't know where my chest is, if he shot me (lol what the heck was I thinking?). I then realized my arms were crossed and put them behind my back, palm in palm against the wall. My dad then said, "Okay. Let's go sit in the living room and negotiate something." (or, again, something like that) and all the adults left, leaving me and the girl in the bedroom. I tried to open the gun safe. It had a fairly sharp point at the top, and the top number was 2000! I then saw the girl go into the closet. I asked, "Why you going in there?" She said, "I don't want them finding me when I come back." I then decided to climb in with her. I then got this feeling we were gonna end up making out, and the dream ended.
8/25/2013, 9:30-6:00 Notes: I finished reading a book about body language before going to sleep last night. Dream 1 : I was in town, walking around thinking about open body language. I was correcting people who had closed body language in the park area in front of the funeral home, and in front of the general store. I walked from the park area to in front of the general store. I most remember this conversation some old guy in a suit was having with some young guy in a suit. The old guy had his arms and legs crossed, and I think his coat was buttoned. He was also facing the young guy directly. I went over to him and told him he had to keep open body language if he wanted to be friendly with people. I uncrossed his arms and legs and told him about keeping his palms up. The old guy just continued his conversation with the guy, barely noticing me. There was also a lot of dialogue I forgot in the dream. Dream 2: I was at the Malverne middle school across the street from the high school. I think there was like a rock and roll festival going on there. Many guitars were inside the school. Also, when I went outside on the auditorium side, it was raining and there was a GIANT guitar on the area in front of the auditorium. Someone came up to me and said it was raining, so the guitar didn't work. The person pulled a string to show this, and the guitar didn't make any noise. I was watching the guitar for a while until suddenly, a nuke went off! To the southwest, I saw a mushroom cloud of fire rise from the ground. It wasn't an iconic mushroom cloud. It had too wide of a base and not enough top area. It sort of looked like this: After that, I ran back into the school, and the dream ended. Dream 3: A false awakening. I woke up in my bed in Malverne to my mom and dad talking in their room. My brother might have been there. That's all I remember. Dream 4: Another false awakening. This time, I woke up in a white house with white walls and everything pretty much white. When I got up, I remember my parents talking in their room again, wherever that was :/. I also remember saying something to them with an intercom next to my bed. Then, I got up and walked around for a while. That's all. Dream 5: I don't remember this one very much at all. I'm not even entirely sure it was a dream. I remember machinery: like gears and stuff; giant gears. I remember climbing up them and jumping and stuff up a mechanical tower.