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    My Fated Death

    by , 10-15-2015 at 09:06 PM (491 Views)
    Dream from night of 7-26-11

    I was in some sort of school or colorful building. I was in real trouble because I was going to die. I didn't know how, where, or when but I knew that I was fated to die. It had to happen, in order for other events to occur and the world to move on. I had to die, and I had accepted this. (the entire dream) I spent time getting my things managed, putting things in place, and trying to get a hold of my family to tell them the bad news, and say good-bye. I couldn't get a hold of anyone, my brother, my parents, my roommates. I even tried calling my ex. All I could do was leave messages of me saying good-bye. While I was doing this there was a short, blonde, kind of puggy woman following me around, wearing an all black lacy dress. (Kind of a goth look). She kept taunting me, and teasing me about my death. I just tried to ignore her but she kept following me around. I had a feeling that she was a part of it somehow or orchestrating it. I actually caught her trying to steal my soul. She was a sorceress. I took back what part of my soul she managed to steal and for some reason said "you can't steal a music major's soul." I ran away from her and ran to my dad's house. I was just waiting for my time to come..still trying to reach any of my family. I looked outside and thought, "wonder when this is all going to go down..." with that though a black horse and carriage came down my street, driven by a massive figure dressed in black and with a mask over his face. I said, "there it is I guess". They stopped short, right in front of my neighbors house. I saw through my neighbors big living room window, to see the nuclear christian family that lived there, sitting around in the room playing guitar and singing together. The driver of the carriage along with a short man, and a tall lanky butler dressed man, charge through the big window and just slaughtered the family. I tried shouting to them to ask if it's me they wanted....the butler man heard me turned around and gave me the "one moment" signal with his index finger, then continued inside my neighbors house to kill them. After they were done they came up to the end of my yard and urged me to come inside the carriage. It was the carriage of death. They were invisible to everyone else but me. I got inside the carriage and knew that they would take me to the place of my execution.

    I woke up.

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