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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Sinking into my bed...

      by , 02-19-2011 at 06:05 PM
      I don't even know where to begin, this has never happen to me before, not like this.... ! It was SO CRAZY .. !

      I am in a dream , sleeping .. dreaming .. turns into a nightmare , I am in this group of people going to meet the devil , but in my dream I kept referring to him as Lucifer.
      I look into the sky and there are minions flying everywhere spitting out fire balls on the ground...

      I look at the center of the field and I see this "Lucifer" being ,,
      he's dark purple in color , long black horns ,, has hooves for feet ...

      and in an instant everyone around me dies when he snaps his fingers they all burst into fire
      and die...

      I am standing alone ,, looking around at the floor ...dead bodies everywhere... Lucifer tries to take me... reaching his hand out for me,, but I don't want to go ! I won't go!

      So I'm in this dream/nightmare, but I start having conscious thoughts like when you're awake and can talk to yourself inside your mind .. I was able to do this in my dream , becoming "Lucid"
      and can hear a small voice inside me saying , "Don't panic, but.. get out of here now!!" I push off the ground and start to fly !

      I am then taken to so many beautiful scenaries , but the scene keeps changing ... fast ! I'm in one place, then another, then another ! All so beautiful !! So CAPTIVATING !
      I saw this ocean surrounded by beautiful mountains it was breath taking , I could feel myself getting too excited , I started to fly , faster .. faster and faster !

      Then ,, I started losing control of the dream a lil bit...

      I could feel my heart beat start to race really really fast ,, complete and total adrenaline rush !! I don't know if I just had the sensation of that in the dream or if that was happening in real time, real life...
      but however, just to be safe I still I thought to myself "I have to go back I don't want to give myself a heart attack in my sleep?!"

      I can feel I'm flying still (in the dream) , then all a sudden I'm in 2 places at once .. this lucid dream ,, then I can feel myself laying on my bed asleep at the same time!

      Then those visuals of flying come to an end , everything changes...

      My whole room becomes dark , (by the way my eyes are still closed , but I can still see everything with my minds eye I guess they call it )..

      So... my bed starts spinning and sinking simultaneously .. !!
      All I begin to see is me sinking further and further into my bed, like free falling down...down...down... it seemed to never stop,, I don't know if I was excited or scared, I think a little of both !

      Either-way I was getting nervous cause it felt like I was about to black out and I was afraid of where this next dream would take me ,, so I finally snap out of it and I make myself
      wake up in the physical world....

      I still have that vision in my head, the visuals were just WOW intense & mind-blowing ,, it was all so detailed, so vivid, sinking in the bed, so graphic , it's like my bed was melting into the ground ,
      I was still me I was able to have my conscious thoughts it was I guess a type of sleep paralysis , asleep , but awake at same time...

      I hadn't had a crazy dream experience in about a month and a half, I thought maybe all of it stopped , but I guess not.. this experience though , which was a lil terrifying ,
      was still kinda cool .. I think ..

      Updated 02-20-2011 at 08:22 PM by 42565 (adding photos)

      lucid , nightmare , memorable