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    FAs, FAs everywhere

    by , 02-25-2011 at 04:23 PM (368 Views)
    First part of my sleep I had 2 dreams, one about a videogame which looked like Lara Croft in a Zelda game. It had cool animations concerning the world map. The other dream was about me looking OnePiece with my brother, but can't remember well anymore. Then I had a FA in which I managed to separate my astral arm from the real one, light and sound was coming from the cut of surface. But my body drew the soul back in.

    Then I woke up, drank a little water and gone back to sleep, and then it happened.

    I had like 15 FAs in a row, don't even know if it was a DEILD chain or only FAs.
    The first three FAs were very similar, I was in my bed and trying to get up, but somehow couldn't. My roommate was doing something in our room.
    The next one was in my old house, I am with my family. I wander around, talk with my brother, and get lucid. My brother yells out to my Mother in joy "He got lucid, and we didn't even do a thing!" (I am very happy about this, because I am thinking about asking DCs to make me lucid next time). I push my brother away and ask my mother "Do you know where my Traumguide is?" My brother laughs at me because I mixed up german und english here, I correct myself, saying it again with the english term in a german sentence. But I can't get an answer. I wake up in my room again, it was an FA like the first three ones. Then I woke up again in my room, but in another bed. Not my roommate, but DS and FH are in my room on the other beds, and talking about New York again. I look out the window, there is a carussel, rotating really fast, and an old auiantance of mine is in there. I wonder what's going on, then I wake up in my room again. Can't move, but notice that I somehow get hard. Wake up again, my superior is with me, wants to do some manual labor in my room. I get up and think that I don't want this right now, I try to make him disappear and switch him with a beautiful girl, remembering the task of the month. But somehow I can't decide or visualize one. Next I wake up at the beach, in an anime-world, and there's a wet t-shirt contest in the middle of the night.

    I suceeded at a long-term goal, 2 LDs in a month!

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    lucid , false awakening
