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    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by , 08-08-2010 at 07:52 PM (442 Views)
    Right of passage to meet a friend (DILD)


    On a Right of Passage to meet a Friend

    im in a field talking to an apparition of a little boy. his features are distinct but i can see through him. i dont remember what words were exchanged, just that we are friends.

    i look over into this swampy field and i hear a voice over, like a discovery channel show narrator, talking about the tribe that inhabits this place. as the voice over is talking, ghost white faces keep peering around hedges, trees, out of pockets of water, and out of nowhere to look at me. they dont seem or feel threatening or menacing even given how they look and the eerie mist covered swampy setting that theyre in. i feel patience, curiousity, and waiting.

    the voice talks about how a right of passage with the tribe is to swim through these impossible long underwater tunnels to the other side. its all about faith, trust, and belief that no matter if a task seems impossible, you will overcome it if you believe you can.


    im in one of the tunnels swimming. im completely submerged, i dont see any air pockets anywhere. as i keep swimming im starting to get fatigued and my lungs are starting to burn from lack of oxygen. i get to a point where i know i cant go any farther but i do. i keep swimming and swimming. it gets to the point where my vision is starting to tunnel and i feel like im not going to make it to the other side. i surrender, knowing i dont have any other choice. once i do i feel an energy start pulling me through the tunnel....


    im in a village of some sorts. buildings are set in trees as well as on the ground. people are walking all around me going about their business. i dont know where im going but i feel like my destination is up a particularly tall tree.

    i go up to it and start climbing up the trunk. it v's and y's a few times and im able to get some decent footing. higher up, an icy moss like substance is all over the bark making my ascent that much more difficult.

    i find a nook into the trunk and i go inside of the tree. i look up and see a room with different wooden bars, handholds, and railings i know i need to climb. i take a look at the room and it takes me a few seconds to figure out the easiest way to the top. i make it and step into another such room.

    i go through 4 or 5 such rooms in all. everytime id first get into a room id look around trying to find the easiest way through it. i was like an aerobatic jedi bouncing around the walls, doing cartwheels and flips from bar to bar, railing to handholds, all the while climbing higher and higher.

    i finally reach a room and open the door. i look around and realize its a school. desks are around the room, posters on the wall, a blackboard. i notice a group of children standing at the far end of the room and i notice my apparition friend immediately and walk over to him giving a little smile and a wave.

    school has just gotten out so the other kids race for another door and to freedom for rest of the afternoon. i walk over and say hi. he asks me how i got here and i recount my little adventure i had getting to his school. he looks at me and asks where my guide is. i shrug my shoulders and tell him i dont know.

    he kind of looks at me funny and then his mom walks into the classroom. my friend introduces us and she smiles and says hello. then she asks me how i got here and where my guide is, my friend excitedly answer her for me. she looks at me thoughtfully and kind of nods her head.

    she tells my friend they have to get home. she tells me it was nice meeting me and my friend waves back to me as him and his mom walk out of the classroom hand in hand. i wave back and smile.

    after they leave i walk out of the classroom through the door they exited and begin my descent down the tree. dream slowly fades away...

    tarot spread

    1. The Mother

    2. The Journey

    3. The Shapeshifter

    4. Goddess of Water

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