I was in this 1900 german city. We were in this old building with mu friends from military and we were supposed to backup and save the people who are currently outside battling. I had the same assalut rifle as i had in military.We decided to leace when fear hit me. We were just opening the door and my friend first ran out and i followed behind him. We were in middle of this old city in this town square like are and there we fire every were. There was also statue of military man in middle of it. It was darl but the fire made it easy to see. I ran quilcly to cover to behind rumbled. I wenr into panic mode because i saw my friends die around me. I started shooting the bad guys and started running and grapped my friend and carried him to one of the building. When i was inside i looked at my friend and he was dead but he didnt look like human. It was weird he looked ver disturbing. Well inside the hous i met lots of my military friends from real life and we spole we need to save other ones. Every body in this dark buolding were on mission to save our troops. All most everybody was too scared to go outside again and i als felt the fear. I heard some of my friends were outside so i forced myself to go save them. I went to the door and opened it slowly and looked what was hapening town square. There were like 100 soldiers in black nazi uniforms in form and their leader was giving soeech to them. I quicly and silently glided to the first cover i could find. I was really scared at this point. I sneaked outside the town square without being noticed. There was part i dont remember. Now i was near sead over the submarine. I met this military girl from our side and she told me our situation. At this point the dream had tool weird turn. Every single one soldier was just recovering dead bodies and our wounded troops by themself and bringing them to this submarine. This were my dream fused with my old recurring war dreams from years ago. I got inside this submarine but it wasnt submarine. It was this futuristic place were we lived because of some accident outside. I look around the place it wa huge. There were class room, gardens and stairs going every were and the levitating elevator carring you all over the place. Nothing intresting happened there just me looking around the place until i woke up. My other dreams were just dreams from real life nothin worth remembering.
I was wilded without intention to actually trying to wild. I saw the dream forming but it was hard get sunk into the dream and lose my physical sense. I took it slowly and imgined myself walking in the dream then suddenly i was in the dream but it wasnt clear. I took it slowly and carefully observed the dream. It was really weird place. It look like place from mario games but in more realistic way. I began to walk to this building. I waited for me to go deeper into sleep before i started doing something. I saw my sister in the building and told her just in case she was dreaming. She didnt believe me and i though maybe she is jus DC. I was in this work shop and i saw many lockers there. I was lucid and at this point the dream was really vivid and clear. I looked inside the locker to see any interesting object or food which is really common for me to increase my lucidity. After awhile my dream was as clear vivid and reality so i went outside. The place didnt have solid ground and it was in sky and it had narrow walk places like in marion all over the places so i decided to fly. I looked around and decided to travel egypt. I flew for awhile but i didnt get there even though i had intention it been really close. I landed from the sky to this land. It was small and everything else was covered by ocean. I started doing dream control moving water rocks and then tried to make food appear. My hands started creating colorful light and i ended up creating white ball. I ate it and it was sweet dou/toffee candy. I tried to do kamehameha but it ended up being match smaller and less powerfull than i tried to. I heard someone calling me and i woke up to this banging noise and it turnes out someone was ringing door bell. I went sleep again later and ended up dreaming about my work. I work at fixing and painting 6 floor building and for some reason my brother was there. He had i parachute and i asked to try it and lets go it at mcdonalds. I jumbed of the building but the parachute got to this know and i fell way too fast and i though i was dying but when i hit the ground the inpact was very mild and nothing hapoened. I almmost became lucid but some dc distracted me and i saw some burger place in front of me. I was going to buy the food but i didnt have money and my brother wasnt there. I walked to the building and walked the stairs to the roof. Now there was my brother and work friend and we were going to end the day of work. I looked at my legs and i was wearing shorts which i wear usually at home. Again i was really close to lucidity until i saw my pants laying in the floor with mess of our work tools. I changed them and decide try the parachute again. It was wet and cold outside i remember the view so clearly and it looked like the place i lived but there was it still reaöly different. I jumped down and this time the building was taller. I jumped and began to faln i pulled my parachute imidientally buIt didnt open properly i look at it in panic and it just before ground opened and again i didnt feel the inpact. I was thinking this is weird and all most became lucid but then i thought but yeah the parachute just saved me and quit thinking if i could be dreaming. Again for some reason i decided to walk stairs bacl to the roof but now there was my brother and we decided to go to sauna and i wone up very soon after that.
I have had like dozens of dream which are based on escaping earth to other planet. Yesterday i had one of them. First thing i remember being in airport and knowing that we had to escape earth. I dont remeber how excatly i got to this space ship but there were like 5 other people with me. The space ship wasnt a rocket it was more like round ship. It was very roomy inside. It hard to describe how it looked but there was this normal seats and screen and control room. We sat into benches and launched to space. I felt really sad at this point because it felt like end of everything. When we launched to space i went outside without any space suit. I had this rope attached to me so i wouldnt flew away. I got out and saw the earth. We were just spinning around the earth in space me attached to the space ship by only a rope without any suits on. I looked at how beautifull the space was. I noticed the earth was much smaller and it was spinning way too fast. It didnt look like you could go into the earth it looked more like huge ball. It didnt have much depth in it. I looked around the darkness of the space and began to move farther away from the space ship. It was amazing and scary at the same time. I felt like i was going to get lost into the space so i made sure my rope still there and i told everybody to go in and continue trip. It was sad experience because we knew there was no going back it felt i truly left my home with no hope coming back. Well we got to this planet that looked like mars and stepped out it was completly dead and there was only land. We spoke about how this is it we made it. From there we walked around there it was different from mars though. There were flat surface and sudden huge mountain spears reahing as far as i could see. I felt very empty- There were supposed to be small society there that we could live there. I dont remember excatly how we got this point but we lived in that society few weeks. I had become close to our small group. There were like 20 people there and everything was build out of rock and there was no nature there. The sky was dark but you could live in this place. One of us decided to leave this place and look for something else. I followed him. This part burned to my memory. I was walking out of this stone building and just waving good bye the people along the way. Everybody looked sad and it was just one good bye without the exchange of words that we said. We got out and there was this one guy who was really good friend of mine. I told him i need to look for better place and the one i was following just continued walk road to ship. I looked slowly away and continued follow him. I looked around me and there was nothing same thing flat mars like ground and this very tall but narrow montain every were. We just walked around them and walked for awhile until we saw the ship. I felt really lost because i felt like i was continuing looking something for eternity. We got on board just the two of us and i became sad because i knew i wouldnt see those people again and maybe never finding anything again. We flew to space and soon after that i woke up. I very often have this type of dreams since child. Always leave the earth looking something but there arent anything better. All most excatly same ship in every on of them but i had pretty cool visual experience in this dream. It was beautifull but sad.
I was military at that time. We just previous day had marched 60km and i physically really tired but mentally very alert. As the night came we had to go to sleep and as soon as i hit the bed bam! i felt this complete wave of full relaxation. I wasnt mentally tired but physically i was so comftrable. I started to feel that my bed was spinning and then felt that my head was expanding. I felt like pac man and suddenly my awareness started to move from my body to that huge head. Then i felt strong pull like i was leaking out of my body and i just started to little by little saw our room. I saw my military friend closer than usually from my bed and i looked around and i was all most in middle of our room and saw my body laying there. This freaked me out and i snapped back to my body. It felt real. I really thought it could have actually been my consciousness leaving my body but i cant be sure from only that experience. I was mentally really awake all the time there was no lapse in my awareness and i didnt mentally feel even for a moment that i was about to sleep. So when i was back in my body i tried to look around and here were something really scary happened. I was at the bottom bunk and the whole room was really dark i look at side of me and i fucking saw hand reaching for my face and near the cabinet i saw face peeking at me. I tried to smack that hand away but it went right trough it and i realized it was hallusination and closed my eyes for a sec and it was gone. Thats it. I have a lot of crazy experiences like this from military because excaustation and lack of sleep cause really funny things.
Tried to wild and failed but still became lucid. I was in a forest but the nature was different from my country. I looked around and it just didnt seem right. The trees just were really different. I looked around little bit and realized i was dreaming. I looked my hands and they looked really clear and focused. I looked around again while thinking what should i do. I saw mountain up ahead and decided to walk there. I climbed the mountain normally just to see how it would feel compared to reality physical toll on body. It felt excatly the same. So i started jumping from rock to rock and it felt really clumsy because it was so clear and i kind hesitated because of the realism of the dream. So i tried to jump faster until i decided to give up and flew to top of the mountain. I looked around and it was beautifull I saw only forest around me and really bright sun up ahead. I walk towards the edge of the mountain (It had flat surface). I thought i should see drop down and stop right before the ground. So i took one more step and began to fell really slowly. I tried to make my fall faster but my mind was stopping it. I decided to just fly as fast as i could. As i started to increase my speed i just couldnt get faster certain point it was really slow. I felt the cool air and the tug in my stomach but i couldnt just push myself go to faster. I just stopped in the air looked around and thought how amazing and clear the dream was. It just were so vivid. I began to notice dream fading and tried to fly faster and grap something but the faded and faded until i saw everything really blurry i grapped the tree before i lost my vision and fell to darkness. I still felt the tree in my hand but nothing else everything were just dark. I the began to lost the sensation of the tree and i lost all sense and was second in a complete darkness and until i suddenly just darkness changed and i felt my body. I opened my eyes and was awake. This dream was one of those really vivid and high lucidity.
I watched breaking bad which seem to have effect on my dream. I was in very crooked house. There were like 6 floors. I was doing something at the basement dont remember what but somebody tried to shoot me. I began to ran with my friend to the 6th floor and this is were everything went weird. Each floor which we climbed seemed to change the house more crooked and colorful. It was like the crooked houses in amusment parks. Each floor became more complicated and weirder. At the fifth floor the room was purple and there were no stares to 6th floor. The floor were really really bumby and there were these sudden drops. I saw a that we could climb sideways trough the wall to the 6th floor. We climbed to the doorway to the 6th floor which led outisde but when i looked back the guy who was chasing us found us and tried to shoot at me. I was outside but the guy shot me in the back but there was no pain. We started speaking about something with guy who shot me and my friend as i laid on my back in ground. I thought i propably was gonna die until i realized im immortal . I shot the guy who tried to kill us and just went to walk outside. I was half lucid at this point i allmost realized i was dreaming but dream logic convinced me that i couldnt die. My recall became pretty bad at this point. I continued my dream with the idea i was immortal and went to see my friend. His whole family was in his place and we ate there and i dissed my friend how shitty cook he was. Somehow how i lottery ticket dont remember how and i told my friends mom that we were gonna win the jackpot. After that there was just boring dreams about normal life.
First thing i remember was speaking to DC. I spoke to him that i wanted to share a dream with this one person. I wanted to somehow send message trough a dream to certain person. I looked around and i was in this yard. I saw huge tower in front of me made out of building like temples,huts, japanese houses,skysrapers.....fused together in very messy way. It was like i was looking into mashed world of dreaming. It was really confusing and the clouds were all over the places. It just look like it was place beyond time and reality. That there was just all sorts of thing. The place beyond the tower and the yard was just blue sky covered by clouds all over the place. The weird thing though was when i flew around the place it had four invisible walls. I flew below,over,up,left ,right the tower until i hit invisible wall in all directions. I could see just endless sky trough these walls and this wasnt the first time i was in a dream like this. In the other dream i became lucid and i created portal. I jumped into the portal where i appeared at this weird place were me and thousands of other people where were pulled by gravity to different direction. The place was colored by orange sun light and which painted the clouds there beautifully. As i was pulled by gravity to different direction ended up this path were i had normal gravity and could walk. Everything beyond that path was covered by clouds. As i looked up it was painted by clouds and orange sunlight. I just saw clouds and orange sky everywere i looked and there was on thi one path to follow. There were many people walking in this path. I asked one of them were i was he didnt know and said maybe heaven. I said to myself that im just dreaming and flew outside of this path and i was hit by gravity and i dropped down beyond the clouds and entered this dimension. It was same as the previous place it was covered by the orange sky in every direction i looked. I noticed that there was no gravity there and i was alone there. There were all sorts of object in the air all over the place. I flew around and grapped this towel and tried to move it. It sretched really far and as i let go it snapped back to its original form and stayed compeletly still without any effect at all. I flew around and i saw huge skate ramp, weird objectss like toilet paper to rocks, clothing,small parts of land and things i didnt reconize. I flew around until i hit this invisible wall. I wondered why i couldnt go trough it even though i was lucid so i began to fly to other directions. Same thing there were wall every single direction. I tried to get out but i couldnt this place was without gravity and objects all over the place and all over the world just staying still in the air. When i tried to move the objects they just scretched and snapped back to its original form and place. I flew to the huge skate ramp and landed there. I began wonder should i wake up. I just thought it was even too weird for a dream so i just snapped myself back to awake.
Updated 11-30-2014 at 10:13 PM by 65909
The first thing i remember was that i was in rich people house. The house was huge and was owned by gangsters. I saw sad woman there and realized she was kept there against her will. I looked around and counted how many guys there were and thought about saving her. I sneaked to the girl and said to her follow me i will protect her. One of the guys noticed me so i knocked him out and took his gun. The other guys noticed me and opened fire. I lead myself and the woman behind the car protection from bullets. I stood up and started firing the bad guys. I wondered how bad shots they were that every bullet they fired didnt hit me and i almost became lucid. I shot all of the guys leaving them alive and ran away with the woman. It started raining and we spoke about how she got involved and looked for my place to stay the night. At this point i wondered where i was and thought it was odd that i didnt remember where i lived and allmost again became lucid. I noticed far away smoke in sky and somehow i realized it was coming from the direction from my house. We ran there with the woman and as we got close i became sure that the guys who i had bullet fight burned my house. I saw my friend from real life which i thought was odd and i became lucid. I looked my burning house and thought wow how realistic it looked. I felt the rain on my skin and i tried to speak to my friend but i woke up soon after. My other dreams were boring.
I was at my home. I looked at my hand and noticed something strange. For some reason i tried to push my hands trough the wall (its my reality check). So i pushed my both of my hands to the wall and spread them to open the wall and see whats behind it. I kind of realized i was dreaming but i didnt say it. So i kept opening the walls with my hands because it was cool until i became bored and went outside. At outside suddenly the dream story popped up in my head and it was something like that i had 2 abilities one was the wall thing and the other was charged punch. The story was that we were in some kind of competision where we had a partner and we fought other partners which had also uniqie powers. So i got to this grasfield near forest where i saw this other some guys fighting. I saw a dude killing a woman with his powers and who was also in this competision. I got angry and ran towards him and punched him with the charged punch. My hand released these dark yellow impact once i hit him and he flew back. The guy looked evil and my punch didnt have much impact. The guy ran amazing speeds around me then tried to attack me. I decided to damage him without killing. As he closed up to me i put my finger in his shoulder which some reason started to turn the guys shoulder vein black. I then but my other hand in it and spread my finger which cause him ability to lose his shoulder. I though that he was going to kill others if i didnt do it. Then after that i thought what should i do and remembered oh yeah this is a dream and i tried to punch the ground with charged punch and saw impact of dark yellow light spread massively. I thought it was cool and i wanted to go somewhere but i woke up. After that i had boring dreams about normal life.
I saw the dream forming into a forest so i focused on it because it seemed cool place. The image became clearer and suddenly i was in a dream walking. It was hazy so i thought i take it slow until it becomes clearer. I looked the forest compared it to reality. I looked textuare of moss and trees. I jumped from rock to rock and looked for something interesting. I found a this old village and went to speak dream characters. I asked them to tell me something intersting but they didnt say anything reasonable. I went to this old time Inn and decided to buy food. I said i pay for everybody and got my wallet it was empty. I look away and thought my wallet is full i look my wallet it was full of cash and i payed for every DC foods. The food tasted bland. I went out and continued this alley just to see next interesting thing. Well nothing came up so i tried create ball of light. It look so cool these colors forming into my hand but when i tried to threw it solidified to white ball i tried again same thing. I saw this tall old school street lamb and i jumped on to it. I look around and though that i want to have some action so i imagined i was running away from someone. I jumped from house roof to another running. I made the huge jumps which was so cool. I saw this rich mansion behind the fence and jumped over it then i looked back and the soldiers from 1700 year found me. They trid to attack me whith their gun knife but i flew up to the roof. I became bored of this place. It was just too bland. So i flew towards a ocean. I tried to speak to my unscounsiouss again but nothing happened. I levitated on over the ocean and just thought of things. I knew i was in a lucid dream but i just wanted to be there. I started thinking of things while looking at the sceanary. I deceanted to to forest and just walked and thought that i want to see something meanigfull but the dream become fading and i fell to complete darkness and i was in my body. I had complete recall of the dream and thought i should have done something cooler.
I have had this dream where i become lucid everytime on the same spot. I suddenly realize im dreaming. I look around im in this huge bridge. As i look back the bridge just carries on and i look foward its same never ending bridge. I notice everywhere i look i see only ocean. The place is beautifull yet it has weird feeling to it. The ocean is so huge,clear and blue. Its sparkling from the mid day sun. I think what should i do and keep walking. My lucidity gets higher and i start to fly and dive into the water. I can see so clearly the clear blue ocean. I notice there are no life in there only empty ocean. Im walking alone this path which this bridge will take me. I lose all my sense of will to seek anything else and i keep walking and flying trough this bridge thinking of something meaningfull. Then at some point i wake up. I always become lucid at this place yet never i seek to do anything. I know clearly im dreaming but nothing comes up in my mind. I have tried to fly away from direction of the bridge but the ocean and sky turn black and storm comes. It usually scary so i keep just going on the bridge and tring different stuff while at it. I move water, fly high speeds, try to make something appear but cant. I always follow the bridge knowing i will find something but i end up wasting each lucid dream when im at this place. I never see anything besides the ocean and the bridge only direction where i can go.
I dont remember much of the dream but there was a one part which i thought was kinda weird. I remember i was in this forest where there were many spiritual practitioners. There was this one man which i knew was some great spiritual man. This forest seemed kind of magical what you see in movies. We all sat next to this leader and we all where showing great respect towards him. There we 5 of us and the leader asked us one by one questiongs what are we trying to achieve by practitioners our spirituality. I dont remember what the first one said but he asked me second and i answered i want to develop abilities which i could help people with. Then the leader told me when you wake up and you go to sauna tomorrow you shall have new abilities. I became really confused at this point because i wasnt lucid and started thinking but i woke up with last thing seing smile of the spiritual man. This part was so clear and vivid and had really weird feeling with it. Well my brother came the next day saying we should go to a sauna which i usually never go which got me thinking about this dream. I went to a sauna and i didnt got any abilities. Fuck you dream priest!! Of course i didnt take it seriously but that was some sort of prediction because the last time i was in saun was about 1 and half year ago and then suddenly my bother just came visit me and suggested going that day.
I was in a nice quiet bar with my brother and friends. I had no money but for some reason i ordered 50 shots. I started drinking and wondered how i am going to pay for all that. After about 25 shots which tasted like liqour i thought why the hell i arent drunk? Well when i started drinking i became drunk which was kinda weird because it felt lot like being drunk in reality. I had already 500€ tab and went to speak with my brother that we should drink as much as we can the make run for it. We all started drinking and the bartender asked me havent i had enough i said no give me some drink. I drank some delicious fruit drink and asked him to give bear. It tasted like a normal bear. After i had drank my bear i told my brother and friends to make a run for it. We ran away from a bar to restoraunt opposite side of road. The dream changed a little at this point. I somehow got met Gordon Ramsey and we bought some fancy food. I still remember the tastes but it wasnt that good what we ate. Gordon got mad when i said this tasted like shit. Then i said something back at him and decided to go vip area of that restoraunt where my brother was supposed to be. When i tried enter a woman stopped me and asked my vip ticket. I had lost it and called her a bitch for being so annoying about it and decided to leave the place. Then a restoraunt staff tried to stop me because i hadnt payed my food but i wrote them a check with fake id which worked. I then wispered to someone i knew that i faked a check he could try the same and said i was going to leave. I went outside and felt the cold air on my skin. I looked around and didnt reconize the place and had no idea where to go so i decided to try to go to a vip area where my brother was. I went this time from different way where only staff was supposed to go and i got to the top floor where was bright white lighting and my brother was there. I started explaining him stuff and realize in middle of our conversation "wait a minute. This is a dream" I stopped talking to my brother saying he isnt real and rubbed my hands together. I was amazed how clear and focused this lucid dream was. After stabilizing the dream i walked towards window and walked trough it. I then levitated down to a ground and thought what should i do. I looked around saw a bus station with to people and decided to try telekinesis. I made a women coffee cup fly off of her hands and she freaked out. I started smiling and made a guy bike fly over a building. For some reason i felt bad for the guy because he seemed so sad so i made a bike appear to him again. After this i wanted tp fly again so i started levitating to air and felt the cool air on my skin and wind blowing. After i was about 10 metres in air i stopped and looked around and was amazed of the view. Being at same height as the building were but just levitating in air was so amazing. Then everything started to black out and i woke. This dream was insanely detailed. Coolest part of the dream probably was when i was drinking at bar because i tasted so many different drinks at it felt so real that when i woke up it didnt felt like it was a dream but that it actually happened.
I was in this big undeground place that looked like prison kind of like the scifi movies. This place was huge and the people running it were evil. I was captured and trown into this room where there where pods filled in water and mutated humans in them. Then i noticed something running around the room and started to look for it. Then i saw the mutated human and we started to have strong eye contact. He had grey blueish skin with blue spots around his body and many sharp teeth which were bursting out of his mouth. I wanted to communicate with this creature because i knew he was human which were forced to these weird experience. He had lost his ability to speak because the many huge teeth bursting out of his mouth. I walked calmy towards him and spoke to him trying to found what was going on. Now more of these creatures started coming everybody looke little different. I sensed that they were good spirited and tried to find a way to communicate with them. I found laptop and gave it to them so they could write answers. They explained everything and we started speaking that way. I ended up spending months with them before finding away to escape. It were like in movies suddenly months just had went by. Exploisoin had happened in this underground facility which gave us chance to escape. We had become really close with the first mutated human i met at first the others just were there. We found a huge sewer which we went into hoping it would lead us out. When we got out the people from this facility were running around and different animal escaped this facility. There were many lions which ate many people and now they started sprinting towards me. This place was in city but every buildin were govered in plants and cars were all over the place. It looked like the world from last of us. At this point i had forgotten the mutated human and he had left my dream. Well i ran as fast as i could and grabbed a metal pole. The lion left me alone and i started leaving this place but next memory i have my dream had changed somewhat. I was now in small island which were only a sand on top a ocean nothing else. Somehow 3 of the mutants of my previous dream where with me in this island and the only thing we had was a laptop. Somehow i knew we had spent 3 months in this place until the bad guys came get us. Now i was in this dark city looked same as the batmans city. This dream felt as though the world was evil and i refused the let them act the way they acted. I was alone again and planned attach to their building which all the leaders were. This atmosphere were very dark and felt as though there was no hope and i was alone fighting against the evil men. I planned the attack with my laptop which looked like i was playing 2d game when i was planning this. I woke up in somewhere in the middle of the attack. I wish i could have at least seen myself taken few of them out. This whole dream had really dark atmosphere as though world would be ruled by evil men and the good ones had no saying in anything but i refused to accept this even though the situation seemed hopeless.
I was dreaming that i was in military force but it wasnt from this world or time. I had abilities where i could run in the walls and weird powers. There where other people in my force we all where called by our leader to some room where he gave us direction and files for our next mission. I looked at the files and noticed we were fighting against my friends country and my friend was their special force member. I remembered that the villages we were attacking was good and wondered our leader decision. Once we were told to leave i started to speak with my squad and asked what they thought about this and why our leader was acting so weird and scary. They thought the same thing and we decided to meet go invesitigate our leaders home. We ran in wall jumped from building to building until we reach into this house (This felt amazing i the impact of jumping wall to wall and finally hitting ground from a tall buildin which hurt my feet which make the experience more awesome). We saw weird black void in our leaders yard. Then there became some weird scary creature what looked somewhat human. We started fighting it while we realized that our leader was going to start something huge with that thing. I experienced this fight trough all of my squad and used their different abilities to fight it. The fight spread into the whole town and we were fighting by jumping all over air and buildings roofs. We used weirds abilities which would be too long to explain here. The creature got away and we lost our squad memeber which made us burst in anger and we decided to leave the town and find whats going on. We left town and met former traitors of this town which were in their 40s and former heroes they explained everything. Many town had gotten into war at this point and we fought with battlefield with these incredeably powerfull former heroes. It ended soon after that i felt this with all of my sense i remember feeling every impact, pain, smell and hearring many sounds. Lucid dream: I got out of my bed it was morning and went to get a shirt but i noticed a little scratc in my cabinet door which made wonder i didnt have scratch in my door yesterday. I though this must be lucid dream looked at my hands and they were little greenish and thought yeah this is a lucid dream. I walked towards my window but everything seemed too normal so i shouldnt risk it by doing something stupid because if this were reality so i have to make 100% this aint dream. I said if i can go trough this window i dont have to then worry about anything and i got trough felt really cool. I was outside and said this is really realistic compared to my recent lucid dream so i started flying a dream character joined me. I always wanted to use swords from games and movie and tried pulling from my pocket a swords but it didnt work but then i saw on ground a pile of swords of different movies and videogames that i always wanted to try and i was like wow this is so lucky and tried to grab one of them but then i woke up and though fucking unconsciouness do you always have to fuck with me. AARGHHH. everytime im lucid and get to the point where i finally start doing something cool i wake or annoying dream character does something so twisted and annoying.