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    Adventures with Friends

    by , 07-17-2011 at 04:21 AM (449 Views)
    Okay, I'm just starting to get serious about Lucid Dreaming, so I'm keeping a journal. Before, I only kept my dreams remembered with a strong will, but I forget some parts often times.

    My goal is to have dreams that feature me and my dream-made friends. For some reason KH BBS characters appeal to me as friends, so they will feature Ven, Terra, and Aqua. More friends will come as the journal progresses.

    I will have powers that are not too overpowering and we will adventure through parts of the world. We may even go to other worlds. We may even do something beyond my understanding, but something that I will experience nonetheless. Our primary method of transportation will be flying. We will have weapons handy for defense all the time, as creating them for my friends is an obvious unnecessary task. I WILL spawn some baddies if things get boring, but in dreams, nothing is typically boring. :)

    I have an strange yearning for people to know my dreams and read them. Thankfully, I'm in the right place to satisfy that.

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    1. Sheddler's Avatar
      I was kind of tired of seeing DJ's without any explanation, so I made this first post.
    2. Solarflare's Avatar
      When you make 10 more DJ entries, this one will go all the way to the bottom, thus no one will read it, if you want to make a description, underneith the 'whats new' section on the blue bulletin, it will say DJ setting, there, you can post that.
    3. Sheddler's Avatar
      Okay, thanks!
    4. Sheddler's Avatar
      Or, I can just post every few posts that my explanation will be at the bottom, and people should read it if they feel confused. That seems easier.
    5. Solarflare's Avatar
      oh yea