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    Lost Lucid Moment, and a sword fight with a... Vampire. I think.

    by , 08-06-2011 at 10:20 PM (428 Views)
    I was in a village. Maybe you could call it a town. There was some sort of... monster. Something that the townsfolk couldn't kill. I knew that if I went outside the bar we were taking shelter in, I would die. The dream got hazy, and the next thing I knew I was face to face with the monster. I was lucid. I think I looked at my hands, because it struck me to stabilize the dream. After I got rid of the monster, I rubbed my hands together. I felt my hands rubbing together... I went into a void-like space. I woke up. I wasn't conscious enough to do a DEILD, so I went into a non-lucid. DAMN! This is progress... Anyways. I... I had a false awakening! I just remembered. I make a habit to do reality checks after awakening, but for whatever reason, I didn't. After I had awoken on my bed (I wasn't even sleeping on a bed that night) I went back to "sleep". Anyways, in the jumble of confusion of switching dreams, coming out of a dream or whatever, afterwords, I awoke in a field. This dream was linked somehow to the monster dream. Anyways, because I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist a lot before I went to bed, I stayed with me a bit. The vampire seemed to have transmutation circles spread out. She was going to make a sacrifice with it. Even though there were no people. o.O Anyways, I acted like I was with her, and then took a sword out of a transmutation circle and dueled her. She had the upper hand, as I was defending all of her blows, as I had to take the time to take the sword out, and she saw me do it. Well, she had me on the ground, and I was defending from her blows (Don't get excited) Anyways, I found myself back on my feet, and the dream ended after a few swipes at eachother. I just remembered another fragment! I was running from the police... It was VERY easy. I set off distractions as I ran, and I was thinking of going into a foggy area, then escaping out the back door. I had lost the cops before I got to the building with the fog in it. I walked into a different area... There were a few guys a bit older than me. Juniors or Sophmores, I recognized them in the dream. I was on a rock, considering jumping onto the roof that it was near. The building was old, it looked flimsy. I decided that I wouldn't jump for it (Darn it, that would have made me lucid!) I talked to the two guys for a bit, and we walked down a path that went past the house. I woke up.

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