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    One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy

    0/3 Wed, Get hobbly!

    by , 09-16-2010 at 10:42 PM (598 Views)
    Notes: Got to sleep early and woke up in the middle of the night. Tried for hours to fall back to sleep and finally gave up. Watched a movie and eventually returned to sleep for a few hours.

    2215: Sleep

    0215: B. I am in SAV. I am hanging out with Ben. He lives at the sound end of the complex. I think I am helping him move. He gets upset and I want to leave but I am still at his house. He and his older brother (doesn't exist IWL) are starting th make other plans for the evening. They want to go smoke pot? I feel left out but I can't leave yet for some reason. I keep thinking about how JavaScript doesn't have statics. I think the statements var s = 0; this.static = s;.

    Now it's Dave in the house instead of Ben. He is dressed up in black and white. He's leaving soon and is looking for a sweater. He yells at his mother but she doesn't have it. She is pregnant and moves slowly. He yells "Get hobbly!" to tell her to hurry. I leave and start walking home. I pass by a playground. People are talking about how it is new. From the second story of the apartment building, there is a slide. People are saying that a slide is safe for kids than stairs or a ladder. A young girl is saying this as she is climbing a ladder.

    0815: Back to sleep

    1030: B. I'm in a big indoor mall. I think the whole mall is sports themed. I'm there with work people and old school people. We are at a sports bar. Somebody has a giant old typewriter in front of them at the table. Lucas is there and we are trying to avoid him. He wants to be called "Lazurus" or "Laz". I change tables a few times to avoid him. Each time I close my table with my credit card. I'm drinking beer, something pale. At the last table, my credit card doesn't go through. I look at the card as the waitress hands it to me. It's a white(?) American Express card. Something to do voting? It has some letters on it that are supposed to say how it should be used. I open my wallet and it's all messy. I pull out my green AmEx card (from the wrong slot IWL) and everything is fine.

    There is a competition among some people in our group. I'm not participating, just watching. It's being televised by ESPN. The events are outdoorsy things, like chopping wood. There are three events in different parts of the mall. The whole group walks around the mall between events. My teeth keep falling out and I try to stick them back in and hold them in place. I don't stay until the end of the last event. I don't know who wins. I wander around the mall trying to find the exit. I reach a dead end, which seems familiar for some reason. I turn around and head a different way. I run into Ashwin. He was in the competition. I guess he didn't win. He asks me about the ESPN broadcast. I think he wants to be sure that his mom sees it. Then we talk about tennis.

    1248: C. I go to work, but it seems like a car wash. It's just me, Frank, Lucas, and a faceless artist. They are debating with the artist about the color of a couch and some 2D images for characters that can be pieced together for different poses. The couch is in the car wash tunnel. I say nothing. Lucas suggests going to Costco to buy more couches. He leaves. Then a bunch of young kids enter the room. Frank comes up to me to confront me about missing work. We try to talk over the noisy kids. He says "You're not well." I say "No, I'm not." He says "We were comparing you before and after and you're not the same. You're dressed like a kid." I look down and see I'm wearing the company baseball jersey. Frank is wearing the same thing.

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    Updated 09-22-2010 at 07:22 PM by 35793

