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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    Vampire, short DILD

    by , 09-05-2015 at 08:39 AM (562 Views)
    My house have turned into a huge castle. I was inside it with my siblings. The living room has changed into throne room, and my brother was a king. He told me that I must leave, being banned by him from his kingdom. When going out of the house, the trapdoor to the attic opened, and someone jumped down, landing in front of me. It was a young female. She had red hair and she was wearing a blue dress. Looking at her face I saw that she is a vampire. I immediately ran back into throne room, and told everyone about the vampire. The king immediately ran after the vampire. I followed him outside. Everything got a film grain and browny shades. I saw my brother running after sister, and thought "Back in time?". I opened the doors to castle and went inside.

    Suddenly I found myself in a city. It was a warm summer noon. I was in an alley surrounded by tall buildings. It was leading to train station. I recalled that I was in that city before. It was a city from dream "Siege", which I have visited at the date 2015-08-23. I have attained lucidity. I made a successful nose plug RC, and ran towards the train station. It was place near the sea. Having no idea what should I do, I decided to finally learn flying. As I started to fly, I had a weird feeling. It was like I felt gravity working upon my body. I thought about a good way to fly, and I've got an idea. Position of my legs was controlling the height of my fly. When I had the legs straight, I was flying forward, slowly loosing height. When I lowered my legs, I was flying up, and when I bended my knees I was flying down. I was also flopping my hands like a brid does with it's wings. I made a few barrel rolls, flips and other evolutions. The dream slowly started to fade away, and I have waked up.

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    lucid , non-lucid
