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    My day log - 5th April

    by , 04-05-2013 at 10:19 PM (546 Views)
    Right now I am a bit drunk as I been drinking 2 irish coffee (me and my gf got one each from her mum and the dude that's here, but my gf didn't like it much, so I drinked her too), + 2 other drinks that I don't know what it is but it's good k.

    Today anyway, I woke up in morning. I packed gymbag, this time I choosed my backpack as I thought it might be better for my shoulders/back etc, as the other gymbag kind of put much pressure on one of the shoulder I lift it on during bike etc. Plus it have start to broke some.

    Anyway, I went off to gym in morning, did strength exercises. Legs, back, abs, shoulders and chest.
    Once done at gym, I went to the internship, last day there.
    Was there from 9am to 2pm. Got to write on a contract, start to work there at 22th April, my first real job ever where I got to earn money. Sadly though, it's not very great salary after all (15 400 SEK in month, before tax, and in Sweden we got high tax. Maybe I get around 10 000 - 11 000 SEK. Still better than the 3000 SEK I get each month for being unemployed).

    Well, after this internship I went to the store and then to my gf's mums apartment where she lives.
    Waited for them to get home, as they were in city etc.
    Then later, we made and ate home-made pizza, and ofc ate of it.

    I watched 9 episodes of 2 and a half mens, season 10 (latest), while waiting for dinner and while eating it (pizza).

    Then watched some other serie that my gf atm watching, some supernatural serie. Wasn't very great, so instead I am on the computer.

    I don't want to say it, but just höhö. that's a secret code that I only know as I consider it too personal to write out. I just write it because I will know more if I will read back in my journal.

    Now I just listen to music and being abit drunk and I hope I will get VIVID or LUCID dreams (I did get lucid dreams and vivid dream before when being drunk, which I am not very often, just a 2-6 times a year in average I believe, atleast the previous 2 years). Year 2012 I think I were drunk about 5 times maybe? if even that? Maybe it was only like 4.
    And when I am drunk, I am not wasted (meaning, so drunk that I wont remember sh-t). I am just that drunk that I still know what I am doing etc, and I don't feel like throwing up or anything, just that somehow it does feel that I'm alittle drunkie and it's fine and fun and great.

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