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    Finally Got Lucid again..Twice!

    by , 10-31-2012 at 02:27 PM (450 Views)
    So I had multiple dreams and in two out of the four I managed to obtain lucidity for a few seconds but I finally managed to get the feeling of a dream and im confident I can do it again a lot more easily now.

    First dream I remember being in my house and for some reason these lizards that were bigger than normal were running around my house. I remember my mom calling me to the garage and she was telling me about them. I looked down at one of the corners and there the Lizard was just staring at me with its eyes. Things got weirder as I received a Text from the lizard. I cant recall word for word what it said but it included the words "Nave" and "Harm". What i do know though was that he didnt mean me any harm. I think I texted him back but my dream switched to this Scene where it was brian, Chris and Stewie from family guy with the lizard in school. They were calling a peace meeting but I cant recall what they were saying and I woke up shortly after.

    This was the end of my first Rem cycle. After this I was awake for a bit and I managed to go back to sleep.

    This was a short dream but one of the highlights. I was coming down a big building I felt like was work. I wanted to get across the street so I waited until there were no cars and I ran for it. Once I got to the other side, I noticed the trees that I was passing by and heard the cars that were driving by on the road. The dream steadily began getting more clearer and as I began to walk down the road, suddenly I just became completely aware of myself. I immediately thought "Im dreaming!" and when I noticed this, for some reason, I lost complete control of my body and I fell to the ground. While on the ground I knew I had to rub my hands together to get some stabilization but my hands were behind my back and it was extremely hard to move them. I knew though that it was because I was too focused on my real body instead of my dream body. I tryd focusing in on my dream body and slowly but surely I started to move my hands. All this focusing on my body and hands caused my eyes to close and I could no longer see the road I was laying on. As I slowly moved my hands together to rub, I could hear the cars driving by very clearly and the wind brushing up against me. When I finally managed to rub my hands together, I tried opening my eyes but ended up waking myself up

    Third dream I was in my car with some of my work buddies. It was Suheyn, Andrea, Ralph, and I. It was pouring down rain and I stopped by an office building to go to the bathroom. My dream skipped the part where I got out of the car and continued when we were leaving somewhere again. There was dialogue and laughter but I cant remember what was said. I know Ralph conversed with me about why I haven't called him to catch up and hang out (It was kind of awkward). Anyways, As we were leaving Suheyn says she needs to use the bathroom and I ask why she didn't ask the first time! She didn't say anything cause I was already turning around again. We all ran inside this time and while inside we started listening to music by I think hooking up an Ipod. I cant recall the music and after a few minutes or seconds of dancing we ran back to the car and I woke up.

    Last dream I recall that I will type was of me in my house walking to the front door. Outside were my parents greeting two cars that pulled up with two families. In one of the cars came out this beautiful girl with her parents and I could've swore Ive met her before. In the second car (Both of them were SUV's) came out another beautiful girl but not as good looking as the other. My parents said Hi and im sure i introduced myself too. The dream skipped this part however and I found myself sitting in my backyard. One of the Girls came up to me and said that she knows me and that I look very familiar. She wasnt the one that I thought was familiar so I had no idea what to say. I dont remember what was said but it must have been good because she started attacking my face and we made out for a bit. Our families started to make obnoxious noise like to embarrass us so I grabbed her hand and went to the side of my house. We began making out again and I can still kind of feel her lips and the way she kissed. After a bit I asked if she wanted to see my room and she was so eager she took me by my hand and guided me We went through the living room and I saw the other girl staring at me almost in jelousy but I could tell she was just sad, she wished she made a move first. When we went into my room I woke up for a few seconds cause my brother was hassling my mom about going to school. When I went back in, I found myself alone on the side of my house and right away I became aware and just felt that dreaming sensation. Without hesitation I began to rub my hands together this time with ease and I felt my hands very vividly. I could hear the wind passing me by and I could just feel my entire body but the best thing about it is that I could also feel like an Aura or energy field around my dream body as well. This lucidity was better and lasted slightly longer than the last but sadly, as soon as I stopped rubbing, the dream began to get darker and I knew once it was pitch black I wouldnt be able to open my dream eyes again. I woke up once it became completely dark.

    Even though I didn't get very far, this is still a huge success for me because I now know the sensation of dreaming. From now on I will be able to become lucid a lot easier and with practice I'll be as good as you guys in no time.

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
