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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Another Zombie like dream, movie theaters, & destiny adventure

      by , 07-24-2013 at 07:02 AM
      Im not sure why I keep having these zombie dreams but I really enjoy them and im not complaining

      I've gone all day without writing the dreams down so I've forgotten a few details but most of it is still here. I started out in this huge cave area with a tall apartment like structure. It was run down and there was water surrounding it, connecting with other cave entrances and water ways. I believe we, some people who I believe were my friends and I, reached this place on a motor boat. When we all went inside everyone obtained a room and we placed down guns on top of tables in each floor. I remember one floor had machine guns and I placed rifles and snipers on the top floor. Shortly after we placed down guns, we started hearing noises and while on the roof, I spotted a horde of zombies heading our way. Some girls started screaming in the building and I quickly ran to grab a sniper. Everything happened really fast as I scoped in and shot some zombies, looked down and saw them all over running us and as some began to climb and try and grab me, I jumped and landed on some scaffolding. Zombies jumped on it too so it broke and began to fall down towards the water. While falling I spotted police or military boats heading my way. Once in the water I noticed zombies coming out of it and just barely managed to swim away from them. One of the boats was riding under me so I grabbed onto it to try and hop on. When I popped my head out, one of the guys shot me in the face and the dream seemed to reset? I found myself in the hotel building again this time walking through the rooms watching people as they either fucked for the last time or got ready for whatever is to come. I wanted to find a woman to have some last pleasures with but couldnt find one. Soon after the police boats came again and began shooting up the place and again I died by a gunshot and the dream reset. When it reset, I was on the roof and the boats immediately came. Knowing what would happen I ran downstairs and into one of the rooms on the opposite side. There was my friend Katie who told me to follow her through a secret passage way and it led a few kilometers away from the hotel but still facing it. I found myself with Katie, a few black guys I dont know, and a little girl who is the daughter of a friend of mine. I saw the boats leaving meaning they killed everyone else and we started talking about how lucky we are and good thing when we die it just resets and we dont get sent down to hell After a bunch of people started showing up in boats observing everything and us. We felt like animals at the zoo and I wondered what the hell was going on. People approached the little girl and began observing her like an animal. I woke up shortly after seeing the mad expression on the girls face.

      The next dream I had I found myself walking out of a recently ended movie. I had a friend with me who was a woman but I dont remember who it was and she wanted to sneak into another one. I didnt want to at that moment for some reason but I did want to see another one at the same time. I asked an employee what movies are playing and one I think had Ashtin Kutcher and the other I cant remember. I dont recall the names either but they were pretty clear at the time. I thanked the lady and went outside to my car then transported to my house in front of the computer researching which of the two movies I would watch. Then I found myself parking at the same theaters and when walking towards the entrance I found Jeff an old friend with a group of old ladies. We talked about the movie I was going to watch and when the old ladies asked about it all of a sudden a T-Rex showed up and chased us to the entrance of the theater. We simply shrugged it off as being a prop for the movie we were about to see. Once inside I went into the room and sat down waiting for the movie to start. I had an urge to grab something to eat so I walked out and i remember seeing a lot of chaos in the sense that the theater lobby was messy and there was barely anymore food left. I went up to the counter and through all the noise I asked for some popcorn. The guy began to fill up the cup but then I screamed and signaled that I want a hotdog instead, he signaled okay and so I walked around to get closer and saw him serving me some pretzels. I said I wanted a hotdog not pretzels and he got angry and gave me both. I took the tray with some soda and went back into the movie room. The place was almost packed at this point but I found a nice seat next to a girl and a guy. I felt sweaty for some reason so I sat next to the guy instead of the girl. I remember watching parts of the movie but cant remember what it was about or what images I saw.

      Last dream had the most meaning and was pretty clear. I found myself in a store with someone I didnt know. He was telling me how I was chosen for something great and that he needed to take me to safety because people were after me seeking to distract me from what I have to do. A beautiful girl walks into the store and the guy immediately says that shes one of them, he goes to distract her and while doing that I leave the store. Outside someone else comes to me and tells me to follow him, along this narrow alley like road (similar to italy roads), I see a bunch of girls along the way that I know are also out to get me. The dream switches to me inside a classroom like area with people I know and others I dont know sitting in the chairs. I go up to each one of them and have a chat but I cant remember what I said to them except for one. This serious looking guy with a cool looking sword was sitting down and was the last guy I talked to. I told him that it was an honor and that i wasnt sure how or why I was going to take his sword to do what I had to do but that I would do it respectively and that the sword was righteously his for now. While saying this I picked up his sword and took a good look at it and then handed it to him in a bowing kind of way. The sword had a cool flame look to it and while looking at it I pictured it doubling in size and me killing a bunch of foes at once. My dream then seemed to fast forward to a battlefield in which took place on a hill. At the top were enemies coming down and people fighting. This battle seemed to be taking place for a long time because people were hungry and when someone died they would barbeque them and eat them. I started walking up the hill and everyone stopped to look at me. When people came towards me without a weapon I fought them bare handed and defeated them. I started feeling powers growing inside me and begin to shoot fireballs and energy blasts at them. Someone screamed out that I was getting it and that I was ready. I saw the sword materializing in my hand but before I could use it a noise woke me up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Zombie Outbreak

      by , 07-19-2013 at 05:25 AM
      I had a few dreams last night but they werent long and I forgot them right away due too a lot of noise waking me. I did manage to have one long one though.

      I found myself in the back of the truck of my parents, coming back from the grocery store, when I asked them if we could stop by a Walgreen for me to buy something. They agreed and dropped me off at the front. Once I headed inside I went towards the gaming aisle where I looked at a few games and picked one up (cant remember what game) and put it in my pocket. I also picked up a magazine and then walked back outside. I noticed that I mistakenly forgot to buy the items that I put in my pocket but since I was already outside I shrugged it off. When I got back in the car, I started to talk to my parents in spanish about what would happen if a zombie outbreak occurred. I proceeded to tell them that if it did happen I would make my way down to Miami so I can get a boat. Once I told them that, my step-dad laughed and said "A Boat huh?" and then I told him yeah but that they should instead head North out of Florida instead. I think my step-dad asked me if I wanted to see some zombies and I said okay because he went on to a dirt path all of a sudden and down the path I could see a horde of slow walking people heading our way. I suddenly became excited and pulled out a rifle from out of nowhere and began to shoot at them. One of the zombies came close to the truck and my step-dad said in spanish "I suppose you didnt lock the doors" and sure enough an ugly looking zombie lady opened the door and I quickly bashed her in the head with the rifle but it only made her furious so I then followed it up with a punch and she went flying backwards. Once I closed the doors we got out of there and proceeded to head down the road but the opposite direction of our house. My stepdad being stubborn as he is wanted to do a u-turn while driving the wrong way on a one-way street. I told him to just make a u-turn at the next intersection and my mom said "you know how he is". While still in the car I started to worry about the Zombies we just encountered and how relaxed my parents were about it. He finally made the turn but then we wanted to load the groceries on to the back of the truck so we pulled into somebodies drive way. I hid away the rifle, got out, and began to load the groceries but then my mom got out and told me I had to take out the black cover placed over the back first and then put in the bags. I did a frustrating tisk because I had to unclip a lot of buttons on the black cover but then I started to realize I shouldnt complain and be good to my parents. When all the groceries were loaded the owners of the house came out and we thanked them. They began to get in their cars and leave and we followed close behind. Once out I saw a huge crowd of people and cars standing still in the middle of an intersection, the dream became extremely clear and vivid at this point, so I got out with the rifle and began to investigate what was going on. I saw a bunch of people with a lot of fright and worry on their face and remember seeing a black girl with a gun as well. Down the street of a neighborhood I could see a blockade of military vehicles and then a bunch of soldiers moving out while the commander screamed "lets move, lets move"! A garbage truck was stationed right behind one of the military vehicles and at this point there was smoke coming through where the soldiers were running. Everything became really quite and all of a sudden zombies began climbing the truck and gunfire began spurring out. All the people went into a panic and I looked down the road towards my house to see if we can escape. I saw another barricade of military vehicles and I obtained a sense of hopelessness. I woke up shortly after due to another noise in the house.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Prom and possible warning of buying my first apartment

      by , 11-13-2012 at 09:47 PM
      Haven't been dreaming as much as usual but still getting overall clear long dreams.

      The first and long one I clearly remember was of me starting out in an indian guys store. I was getting fitted for a suit to go to the prom with. I never went to prom IRL but did go to the after parties. Anyways, the Indian guy was nice and pretty funny. He had me fitted and gave me a dark red suit, with a vest and all. The dream then skipped over to an outside area. The place was circular, in which an insanely amount of people walked around and had fun with one another, and in the middle were a different number of stages that were sectioned off as you went around the stadium or whatever this place was. I found myself dressed in the suit talking with my friend Dasean and his girl Angie. We were all together and talking outloud about where to go and what to do. After some conversation, A band started to come on stage and Dasean did not want to hang around and hear them so he said he was going to dip. I told them it was okay and they left. When the band started to come out of the stage, all the people started to rush them and dance and jump around them. I thought it was very weird they would actually let people get so close to them but I didnt think much else. Looking around I saw some familiar faces from highschool and when they saw me, I shaked hands and said whats up to them. After a few encounters with people I knew, the dream then switched to inside a really nice expensive looking building. In the middle was a dance court along with tables seated around it. I was on the outside corridors talking with Mike and Kristen who were there as well as Dasean and Angie. I know someone else was with us but im not sure who. We all talked about the event before (Concerts) and how fun it was.This girl named Krystal appeared with another girl and began to express how they were dancing at the event y grinding on each other leaning on the wall. A slow song came on inside and Kristen stated that was their queue to dance, so they went in. Angie and Dasean were going to go in but then when I put my vest on, it didnt fit me right (Too tight). I mentally called for the Indian guy and surprisingly he showed up. He jokingly said that the vest isnt what gets tighter or looser, suggesting I got fatter. Than Angie comes along with a vest on that doesnt fit her at all. I realized we got ours mixed up so we switched and it fit perfect. They proceeded to head inside and dance and I just walked the nicely lit reddish carpet hallway to another room. Inside I found some old friends Julie and Abigail along with some other people I didnt know. I sat down on the couch next to Julie and began speaking in spanish to them about what they were going to do with their lives. Abigail was actually doing a worksheet in which you list your plans on a pyramid starting at the bottom (First plan) to the top (Outcome). I remember she put a bunch of money signs indicating she was first going to make money do such and such then with the money make a business and some other ones were question marks as she didnt know about those steps yet. They told me my spanish was more broken up than usual and I felt it was because I havent talked it with friends in too long. I woke up after talking to them for a bit.

      I fell back asleep a little after and had a dream I was in my own bought apartment. The layout was actually the exact same as my house I live in now except for the fact when I looked out the kitchen window I was high up on I would say the 3rd or 4th highest floor of a 20-25 floor building. Down below was a pool in the middle and other walkways. In the kitchen I believe I was making myself some sandwhiches when water started leaking out from the ceiling above me. I thought what the hell and grabbed a pan to stop any major mess. In the middle of the kitchen was a hanging cabinet type thing with a bunch of cooking ornaments and when I moved it slightly, more water began to fall down, even more than the last leak. I quickly looked under the cabinets for a bigger pot. I started to grab the phone nearby and call the landowner when the number I dailed was out of service. I tried finding another number but I thought of course when I realized the number was scratched off of the main contacts. I started hearing more leaks in the living room and sure enough more water started coming down from leaks. I checked out the house noticing there were little red frogs and some cockroaches roaming around. I was entirely pissed and woke up after the house started getting flooded.
    4. Motor scooter, Kingdom hearts 3 and girl rescue mission

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:47 PM
      I had a few fragments before this dream so im not sure what events happened that led to this point but im going to start from where i remember.

      I had to go to my cousins house for some reason, so I decided to take a scooter. It wasnt a motor scooter but instead one of the types where you have to pedal with your feet. The distance was far too great for something like this, so I decided to attach a small motor on the front part where you can bend the handle attachment. I began to travel down a series of familiar roads and at some points people would be walking in front of me so I would hop off the scooter, bend it to hold on to and walk past them. Some would look at me wierd because im assuming they've never seen a scooter like that. Once I past them, I would extend the scooter and jump on it to keep going. I woke up after driving for a bit.

      I fell back asleep and found myself lying on a couch. There was an older man, who is one of my cousins dad, playing a game on t.v. I was watching him play and on the screen there were some familiar characters from other tv shows. I noticed some similar symbols and moves that reminded me of Kingdom Hearts. I asked him "Are you playing KH3??", he replied with "Yeah, it came out a while back ago", I asked "How long ago?" and he stated "Its been out for about 4 months". I said "Damn, I dont watch t.v. anymore or been keeping up". After watching him play the game a bit, my little cousin samantha started playing with the scooter and when she picked it up in the air, I yelled out "Be careful not to drop it" but of course she does drop it and the motor section breaks off into a bunch of Lego?? Im disappointing at this point and I begin to pick up the pieces in hopes of being able to put it back together. There are so many little pieces and even parts that dont look like traditional Lego pieces. Samantha's dad,Jason, tells me not to worry about it so much and asked me if id like some pizza. He goes to phone to order it. The dream fast forwards to when im going to leave. It seems that I have tryd to put the motor together and when I tryd to start it up, it revved up but dnt stay on for long. I woke up after this.

      Went back into another dream. It seems like I have been assigned a mission to save this girl I once used to date, named Tara, from an evil guy, who actually is an evil character from a show I watched before. I visited his mansion and when I reached his room, He was there waiting for me with a gun pointed at me. I did some maneuvering around the corridor to his room and dodged his bullets. I went up close and personal and shot him multiple times in the stomach. Tara was on the bed and I told her to get up and come with me. This bodyguard showed up and while he didnt really care what happened, he wouldnt let me pass without something to give. I told him I have just what he wants and I pulled out a Golden Ak-47. It glowed and sparkled Gold, he looked at it in fascination, cocked it and smiled. He thanked me and said he would help me. The next few scenes consisted of me shooting at people in a courtyard and escaping. It all happened in short scenes and fragments. I then found myself in bed with Tara. I was having sex with her and she felt really tight. I pulled out to wear a condom because I didn't want to get her pregnant. She asked me why I stopped to put one on and I said I was getting ready to cum. She said ok and when I put the condom on and continued, I woke up a few seconds afterwords.
    5. Battlefield match and Accident/Shoot out

      by , 11-09-2012 at 04:16 PM
      First dream started out like a match you play on a game system. The map consisted of these fa-villas where the houses are meshed together and you can climb the rooftops and travel on them. It wasnt a very big map and in the back was a little center that connected with a dirt road. It was the only exit out of the little plaza center (Unless you climbed the rooftops). I spawned in the center and immediately I heard machine gun fire coming from in front of me on top of a roof. I followed the tracers of the bullets and they led to the left side of me where I saw a guy running down the roof tops but unfortunately getting mowed down. I knew in front of me was a mounted machine gun that one of the players got a hold of because of the sound of the power. I had with me a gun but cant remember what kind. I do know it was a rifle. I attempted to climb the roof and as soon as I did the machine gunner was pointing right at me. The mounted Gun had a shield so the only vulnerable spot was the hole where the nozzle came out of. As I got mowed down by machine gun fire, the view went to the sky and I saw my body fly down to the floor. I quickly re-spawned in the same place and this time I strafed to my left and with accurate precision I shot the guy right threw the hole as he was turning the gun towards me. I think points went up in the air at that point but it could've also been blood (Not sure). I quickly ran up the wall and on to the rooftops. I noticed to my left another player was running for the mounted gun as well. I quickly looked down my iron sights and shot him right in the face. Hastily, I got behind the gun and immediately a guy started climbing the roof from where I spawned. I mowed that Mofo down and moved the gun to my right and mowed down a guy in the far right distance of the map. He was fast and managed to dodge a few bullets but when I got him in the chest and he went flying back, I woke up.

      Second dream was the clearest and most vivid. I found myself driving this guys white Crown Vic. His name is Jamal, who I know IRL but dont really associate myself with him. I was driving south bound on a main street near my house called Oakland. I was driving pretty fast but never looked at the speedometer. It seemed like my dream wanted me to crash because obstacles were constantly coming in front of me and the breaks on the car were not good at all. One obstacle was a group of bikers who Jamal screamed out to watch out for. I said I got it and I went into the middle lane where the biker was more ahead then the others. The biker looked behind her and saw me coming; the expression on her face was complete shock and fear. I barely managed to skim past them. Jamal asked me something about the cops and I said "We're fine, this car looks like a cops anyway". There were a few more obstacles of people and cars but they are a little hazy to remember details. At one point, a car starts to come out of this Publix plaza to the right and when he does, he goes extremely slow and I had no choice but to swerve right into the plaza to dodge him because the breaks werent stopping well enough. I went into the plaza at high speeds and cars were trying to get out. I had no choice but to swerve left onto the sidewalk and then directly into the wall. When we got out the car, the front was completely smashed in, like as if there wasnt even an engine or anything under the hood. The cops immediately show up and start filing a report. The entire time were waiting for the cops to file a report, Jamal is saying out load "Im fucked", "Shit", What the fuck do I do?!". He leaned up against the wall at one point. While he was saying that, I was more calm standing there and thinking "everything will be okay". This black woman comes up to us and starts telling Jamal that she handles cases like these and could help resolve everything. She gave him her card and told him to meet her at some place (Cant remember name) at a certain time. He told her he'd be there and she said "great" and walked towards the exit. We sat down on some chairs near the entrance of the Publix. This guy who was a cop but wasnt dressed like on started talking to us. He seemed very friendly but I cant recall what was said. He went inside the publix and when he did, my parents all of a sudden showed up. They were asking me if I was okay, in spanish, and before I knew it, my step-dad started drinking some beer and smoking a cigg (he doesnt smoke) then my mom asked for a smoke as well?! I saw her puff on it a few times and got light headed immediately. A family friend Daniel came up out of nowhere and said "You okay, dawg?" I said I was and then in Spanish he said whats up to my mom because she forgot to say hi. She said in Spanish that she was sorry, she was too lightheaded to say anything. Jamal was sitting next to me but they never questioned why I was with him (Not a good influence). Suddenly my family disappeared and coming down the block were a bunch of gangbangers. Me and Jamal were sitting down watching as they walked past us with a bunch of pistols and machine guns. They started shooting at some cops coming out of publix and people started screaming and running back inside. They took a hold of one cop and put him to his knees. They were going to execute him on the pavement. The friendly cop from before showed up and Jamal said to him "You have to do something". He looked at them and said to us "Cmon man, I dont want to be tje hero. I dont want to do this". He then thought about it and knew it was his duty so he sucked it up and began to pull out his gun. He walked up to the group of about 4 guys and in a very realistic epic manner. Shot both of the guys holding the cop down on the floor and before the rest of them could aim their weapons at him, he quickly shot the one on his right and then left. He started to help the cop up when suddenly more thugs showed up and pointed their machine guns at him. They slaughtered him and the cop. When I saw this, Jamal got up to run but one of the guys saw him and shot him up. I remained seated on the chair and I remember this scene as clear as day. One of the guys who had short dark hair,a blue jacket or shirt, and blue jeans. The same guy who shot Jamal, walked up to me and pointed his pistol right at me. I had no time to think but looking down at that barrel, I felt the fear and adrenaline rushing throughout my body. Right before he pulled the trigger, I pushed myself back and let myself hit the floor as I heard two gunshots go off. I remained on the floor playing dead in hopes he would just walk away and not shoot at me some more. I began to think that if he didn't see blood, he would surely shoot me more. I started to feel my body to see if I could sense any pain or gushing blood, as I have never been shot before but I knew when a lot of adrenaline is rushing you normally don't feel any pain. While doing this, I started to feel my physical body and started realizing it was a dream. I was glad and opened my eyes in bed.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. outside get together, School crisis, Dream within a dream, & Food court

      by , 11-08-2012 at 08:51 PM
      These dreams were pretty long/clear and at some points vivid. I seem to be becoming more aware of my surroundings unlike previous dreams but dialogue is almost always forgotten. Gotta work on that.

      First dream started out with me being outside in an open field. There was a bonfire and people were standing around it, talking, drinking, and having fun. Some dialogue was had between the people and I was just there listening in. I sadly can no longer remember what I was hearing. Woke up after a few minutes of listening cause I was cold.

      I went back to sleep and found myself in this cave like area with a huge amount of people my age.It was a big dark room where the walls werent normally plastered. They were all students (Some had backpacks) so im guessing I was in a part of a school. I was with a few people talking about something and this guy shows up out of nowhere and starts to pick a fight with me. I think I may have said something sarcastic or mean in a way to make the people around me laugh (Never do this) and he got so mad he tryd to punch me. I punched him once in the face and then when everyone looked to see what was going on, a security or administrator came and broke it up. The admin told the guy, who didnt even look like a student, to leave. He was a tall man with dirty dark blond hair and a beard to match. People made a path for him to leave at the opposite end of where I was, in this brightly lit white hallway. He turned the corner into the hall and disappeared. I noticed this Asian chick walking up to me and im sure she asked if I was okay. I said yes and I think I started to flirt with her. Some of her friends came over and started talking in Chinese or Japanese. I couldn't understand them but she seemed to have been laughing by what they were saying. I whispered in the Asian girls ear to tell me how to say something in Chinese/Japanese. When I stated the word, I obviously enunciated it wrong and they looked at each other and repeated it like "Oh, chia odemisi! or something like that . I started to smile, when all of a sudden a huge explosion went off in the hallway of where that guy went into. People were screaming and I immediately moved through the crowd to check it out. I knew that this had to be because of that guy and when I looked through the white hallway, I noticed there were sticky bombs placed all over the sides. The admin from before came up from behind and he knew what my intentions were. He asked me not to be stupid and to be careful. I told him not too worry and that ill stop the guy. I backed up and ran towards the bombs, right before the first bombs I began to slid on the floor at high speeds. As you get close to the bombs, they light up with lasers.This part of the dream became vivid and could feel the floor and air rushing past me as well as hear the sound of the alarm activating the lasers. I slid past a few and at the next set in front of me the bombs were placed in a way unavoidable. These were the last set for this hall, as there was a wall then a right turn coming up; I had to think quickly. When I touched them, they began to beep and I knew I had a few seconds. I hit the wall and noticed a pillar was sticking out of the wall in which I quickly hid behind and waited out the explosion. I was safe and the people at the end of the corridor were glad to see me in one peace. I maneuvered around the next corner of bombs and had one more corridor to slide under. I began to slide and the closer I got to the exit, the lower the bombs got. The last one I managed to miss by what seemed like a hair. The admin screamed out that I got lucky on that one and I agreed. I went out the double doors to the outside, side of the school. I saw a car with someone looking inside and knew it was the guy. I went up to him and before I could speak he pulled a magnum with a scope out on me. He pointed it right at my head and I put my hands up. I think some things were said but then, I seemed to have slowed down time, because I easily grabbed the gun out of his hands and pointed it back at him. When he realized what happened, he started begging for his life and saying sorry. I took a few steps back and looked at the gun. It was a silver magnum with a big scope on it as well. I said to myself "Nice gun" and looked through the scope at some bushes nearby and then pointed it at the guy who cowered in fear. I told him he was going to disarm the bombs and help clean up any messes. He agreed and we walked back inside. Once inside, I noticed the floor was dirty and the bombs had been set off. I saw people turning the corner to a room in front of me and I went after em. I saw the admin and he said "Yeah dont worry, we took care of the bombs and are cleaning up now". I noticed someone putting tile back on damaged floor and some others scrubbing dirt. Im not sure what happened to the guy but I guess I forgot about him because I noticed my friend Tevin was chilling on a platform in the next room. I said "hey" and some dialogue was had between us. One thing led to another and he started mentioned Dubstep and Excision. I told him I was at the last concert and he was surprised because he was there too in the VIP section. He put on some headphones and started playing dubstep loud enough for me to hear. He started playing with his hands and so did I. I noticed in the corner of the room was graffiti that said Excision and it was glowing Red. I woke up soon after listening to the dubstep some more.

      I fell asleep for a few more minutes afterwords and found myself with Tevin again and these two girls. One was Blonde the other a Brunette. They were both skinny and pretty but I dont remember what they looked like. This time around I knew that I wasnt in my era. I was about 80 years in the future and they were telling me about futuristic things while walking in this abandoned house it seemed like. One of the girls mentioned how I got there by stating she didnt want me to disappear again. I realized that I got here by dreaming and I knew I was in a dream but because it was part of the 'dream story' I wasnt consciously aware. This guy in one of the rooms was playing music and I asked him if he knew this one song currently playing in the radio now. He said yeah but its from decades and decades ago. "Hacent heard it in forever" He said while laughing. I began to fade away and the girls were sad I was leaving. When I was gone, one of the girls said "I wonder when he'll be back" in a depressed way. The dream switched to the two girls and Tevin walking on a sidewalk with a lot of people around them. They walking inside a Diner to get some seats and while sitting down I re-appeared. They were excited I was back and the girls hugged me. Tevin gave me a handshake and I sat down and looked down at my feet. I suddenly remembered I had to Anchor myself to the dream so I can stay for a long time. I told them I'd be right back but the girls insisted on coming with me. I told them they could come and I was walking to find a nice place to sit and anchor. We walked by a crowd of people and to the right of us was a road where no cars drove on but people were walking. On top of us I recall seeing a series of highways. I saw a nice little edge to hang on and we walked through the grass and sat on it. One of the girls said "This is nice" and the other agreed. Brunette sat on my left and Blond on my right. I began to think about really anchoring myself and being a part of the dream. I could feel my conscious waking up but at the time I thought it was me being planted to the dream world or in this case future. I looked at my hands and thought "Focus" while saying this my vision would become extremely clear than blurry and back and forth. I looked at the sky and it was beautiful bright blue. I breathed in the air and felt the cold go in my lungs. When I breathed out, fog came out but it wasnt cold at all. I noticed the girls breaths were the same. They both started leaning on me while holding on to my hands and I remember feeling so happy and loved. I woke up a after a few minutes of sitting with them.

      Last short dream was of me in a second floor food court, trying to get some subway. I went into a burger king at first and someone handed me a bag of fries, he was a tall black man with dreads and said to take it so I did. He later went back to me and asked if I took something, I said no and he just walked away and asked someone else. I left and went into Taco Bell. Again I walked out with another bag of free food and finally found subway. Went inside and woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Childhood friend and the corner store guy.

      by , 11-07-2012 at 04:01 PM
      Hey guys, the time over here changed and i've been a little stressed out with school so I havent been able to dream too well. Managed to get a nice long one tonight though.

      There were a few dreams before this one but I just cant recall them anymore. Anyways, I started out inside a friends house who I havent seen since I was very little. His name is Raymond and I assume I was visiting him in Port St. Lucie where he moved to. Inside I was looking outside through his window to the house across the street. It seemed there was a party going on because I saw a lot of people around the house and some loud music was playing in the background. I mentioned to him it sucked we didnt get invited, he said "Yeah" in a melancholy way but then we decided to go to the store around the corner to get some blacks and drinks. So we were walking on the sidewalk and when almost at the corner these two girls showed up out of nowhere. They stopped us and said "Hey, would you guys like to go to a party were throwing?". I looked at one of the girls, she had dirty blond hair and looked around my Age with a semi good looking face. The other one was a brunette but I didnt look at her too well. I asked "Did you guys not get invited to that party either?". When I asked this the blond girl got slightly offended and said"Noooo, we just want to throw a party of our own". We took the invitation card from them and proceeded to go to the store. The store was in front of a little field were kids were playing football. It was a tiny store enough to fit only a few people at once. Inside, Raymond said "Hey" to the owner who was a funny Indian guy but not in the way he looked or spoke but just the way he acted was cool and funny. Raymond introduced me and I said "Hi". The Guy told me "Hows it going man, don't steal anything, wutchu want?". I laughed and asked "Let me get two blacks please". He gave em to me and my dream switched to where I was in Raymond's backyard. We jumped in the pool and again my dream switched to us walking to the store. This time the store was in front of a pool instead a field. Once inside the store, Raymond decided to heat up a cake so he put it in the microwave. I was in the back getting a drink and the store guy asked me "So who has a bigger pool me or Raymond?". I looked at his pool and told him "Yours is bigger but I think his is wider and yours is longer" expressing it with my hands as i spoke. He laughed and said "OK, ok". Raymond went back inside in a rush because he forgot about the cake. When he took it out, it was steaming hot and he backed away from it like it was going to explode. It was making that noise when something is so hot its almost boiling. He said "Watch this" and he cut a slice of the cake. I looked at it and on the inside bubbles were forming and it looked way too hot to even touch let alone eat.

      I kept waking up at this point and went into a dream on occasion. I had fragments of the party we were invited to and some other fragments of talking to girls and then hanging out with Raymond some more.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. School bus, Battle with andrionemon, & Childhood cafeteria

      by , 11-01-2012 at 05:57 PM
      Its been a more than a few hours since I've dreamed so I cant recall many details, ill try my best though.

      First Dream consisted of me rushing outside with my backpack trying to catch the Bus to school. I knew I had to walk a few blocks and it was probably already too late. I saw down the street another bus picking up some kids, so I began to run for it in hopes of catching it. The bus ended up pulling off before I could make it and I was left stranded. I started to run towards where the usual bus-stop is but I stopped midway as I saw it already leaving. I woke up shortly After.

      Second dream I found myself with a bunch of allies that I cant remember who they were exactly but im pretty sure they were some Super heroes (Either X-Men or a random selection of any kind). We were fighting off some regular bad guys and I recall having a sword and some acrobatic skills to compliment. At one point all that was left was this huge menacing looking dude who I cant remember any physical details of except he was bulky and tall and may have had glowing white eyes. I do remember that I had these pieces of paper with me that told me his name was Androinemon. If you haven't guessed it he was an Android and no matter what we threw at him, he would not go down nor get hurt. I would run up to him and do a flashy kicking move followed by a sword slash but he would just push me and Id go flying (Didnt hurt me though). The rest of my team would stay at a distance and shoot any kind of powers they had without any effect on him. He was a slow walker but eventually he pushed us to this field where we called in an extraction to get the hell out. I picked up another paper that had different weapon options on them and all I had to do was touch the option I wanted. At first I chose a fire ball to spew out but it didnt phaze him, then I chose an Airstrike that I had to keep my finger on the paper and guide a lazer to him and keep it on him until the airstrike sound got closer and closer. A missile landed right on his chest followed by an explosion that knocked me and some of my allies down. One of the allies or I think the pilot over a walkie talkie shouted "Extraction in T-minus 2 minutes!", we were desperate at that point and realized we couldnt make it any longer so I made the decision to activate one of the options on the paper. Im pretty sure one of my allies knew what I was going to do and he shouted at me not to. But it was too late, I chose the option to turn us all into infants and as soon as I pressed the button the entire dream went white and I found myself in a familar bed. I was an infant on the bed and so were the allies I was with. The android we were fighting was also a little kid and he no longer wanted to hurt us. A few more things happened that I cant recall but I woke up around that moment.

      Last dream I had, I was in the cafeteria of my old Elementary school and I was, I would say a fourth or fifth grader again. I was in line in the cafeteria waiting for my food and im pretty sure I had conversations with some people but after that I remember clearly getting my backpack from a place kids put their bags in. I was afraid someone stole something from me because I didn't recall ever putting my bag in there. When I checked it and it was fine, I woke up again shortly after.
    9. Finally Got Lucid again..Twice!

      by , 10-31-2012 at 02:27 PM
      So I had multiple dreams and in two out of the four I managed to obtain lucidity for a few seconds but I finally managed to get the feeling of a dream and im confident I can do it again a lot more easily now.

      First dream I remember being in my house and for some reason these lizards that were bigger than normal were running around my house. I remember my mom calling me to the garage and she was telling me about them. I looked down at one of the corners and there the Lizard was just staring at me with its eyes. Things got weirder as I received a Text from the lizard. I cant recall word for word what it said but it included the words "Nave" and "Harm". What i do know though was that he didnt mean me any harm. I think I texted him back but my dream switched to this Scene where it was brian, Chris and Stewie from family guy with the lizard in school. They were calling a peace meeting but I cant recall what they were saying and I woke up shortly after.

      This was the end of my first Rem cycle. After this I was awake for a bit and I managed to go back to sleep.

      This was a short dream but one of the highlights. I was coming down a big building I felt like was work. I wanted to get across the street so I waited until there were no cars and I ran for it. Once I got to the other side, I noticed the trees that I was passing by and heard the cars that were driving by on the road. The dream steadily began getting more clearer and as I began to walk down the road, suddenly I just became completely aware of myself. I immediately thought "Im dreaming!" and when I noticed this, for some reason, I lost complete control of my body and I fell to the ground. While on the ground I knew I had to rub my hands together to get some stabilization but my hands were behind my back and it was extremely hard to move them. I knew though that it was because I was too focused on my real body instead of my dream body. I tryd focusing in on my dream body and slowly but surely I started to move my hands. All this focusing on my body and hands caused my eyes to close and I could no longer see the road I was laying on. As I slowly moved my hands together to rub, I could hear the cars driving by very clearly and the wind brushing up against me. When I finally managed to rub my hands together, I tried opening my eyes but ended up waking myself up

      Third dream I was in my car with some of my work buddies. It was Suheyn, Andrea, Ralph, and I. It was pouring down rain and I stopped by an office building to go to the bathroom. My dream skipped the part where I got out of the car and continued when we were leaving somewhere again. There was dialogue and laughter but I cant remember what was said. I know Ralph conversed with me about why I haven't called him to catch up and hang out (It was kind of awkward). Anyways, As we were leaving Suheyn says she needs to use the bathroom and I ask why she didn't ask the first time! She didn't say anything cause I was already turning around again. We all ran inside this time and while inside we started listening to music by I think hooking up an Ipod. I cant recall the music and after a few minutes or seconds of dancing we ran back to the car and I woke up.

      Last dream I recall that I will type was of me in my house walking to the front door. Outside were my parents greeting two cars that pulled up with two families. In one of the cars came out this beautiful girl with her parents and I could've swore Ive met her before. In the second car (Both of them were SUV's) came out another beautiful girl but not as good looking as the other. My parents said Hi and im sure i introduced myself too. The dream skipped this part however and I found myself sitting in my backyard. One of the Girls came up to me and said that she knows me and that I look very familiar. She wasnt the one that I thought was familiar so I had no idea what to say. I dont remember what was said but it must have been good because she started attacking my face and we made out for a bit. Our families started to make obnoxious noise like to embarrass us so I grabbed her hand and went to the side of my house. We began making out again and I can still kind of feel her lips and the way she kissed. After a bit I asked if she wanted to see my room and she was so eager she took me by my hand and guided me We went through the living room and I saw the other girl staring at me almost in jelousy but I could tell she was just sad, she wished she made a move first. When we went into my room I woke up for a few seconds cause my brother was hassling my mom about going to school. When I went back in, I found myself alone on the side of my house and right away I became aware and just felt that dreaming sensation. Without hesitation I began to rub my hands together this time with ease and I felt my hands very vividly. I could hear the wind passing me by and I could just feel my entire body but the best thing about it is that I could also feel like an Aura or energy field around my dream body as well. This lucidity was better and lasted slightly longer than the last but sadly, as soon as I stopped rubbing, the dream began to get darker and I knew once it was pitch black I wouldnt be able to open my dream eyes again. I woke up once it became completely dark.

      Even though I didn't get very far, this is still a huge success for me because I now know the sensation of dreaming. From now on I will be able to become lucid a lot easier and with practice I'll be as good as you guys in no time.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Friends Apartment and an epic catastrophe

      by , 10-29-2012 at 03:43 PM
      This dream started off with this girl and me going to a friends apartment to check his place out. I cant recall for the life of me who she was because i cant remember ever looking at her face and the dream at first was not very clear.We started of in front of the friends apartment door and him opening the door. It was a kid from i believe high school or middle school that i didn't really consider a friend, more like an acquaintance, but apparently he was very glad to see us. We went on inside and he said "Welcome to my home". We looked around and noticed how fancy the place was. I remember thinking this kid was loaded and either his parents bought him this place or he got himself a high paying Job. The apartment was full in terms of decorations. I recall seeing paintings, a nice couch with a LCD T.V. in the living room,as soon as you walk in was the kitchen to the left and down the hallway were the bedrooms. Me and the girl went to the balcony past the living room and saw the nice view of the ocean he had. In front of the building was another long building of condos but his building was taller so he still had a perfect view of the beach. I seemed to have woke up and had another dream but its too blurry to even type (It would be confusing and a mess). After my dream was interrupted I continued the Apartment scene. The friend was gone and probably went to the store or something. The girl and I were watching T.V. when she wanted to rest her head on me. Somehow she ended up putting her neck on my mouth and because of this awkwardness we laughed and I just gave her a kiss on the forehead.

      I woke up again because of my brother getting ready for school but i managed to go back in.

      I found myself in the same apartment except it was just me. I didn't think about where the Girl went and I didnt really seem to care. This dream was much clearer and i recall walking around the kitchen looking at the food this guy had. I was surprised to find he was loaded with Food. The fridge was completely filled, I checked the cabinets and he had stacks of cereal, crackers, water, and almost anything I could think of. I started thinking to myself this guy has the perfect safe house if anything were to happen. As i thought that, I heard a knock on the door. I checked and it was my friend, he said " I forgot my keys, let me in please". I started telling him that I would only let him in if he promised me something. He got aggravated that I would try and do something like that with his own home, he said "What is it?". I asked "I will only let you in if you promise to let me come here if there's a zombie outbreak or some kind of end of the world situation". He started laughing and said "What?!". I told him "You have enough supplies to last for years.." He replied with "Fine, just let me in". I let him in and he stormed in pretty mad at me. I didnt really seem to mind so I went to the balcony to look at the view. Suddenly while walking to the balcony, I hear loud screams of terror and huge explosions. My dream switched to a POV where I had an overview of the beach but much closer than his balcony. I saw as the sand began exploding from underground sending helpless civilians flying everywhere with blood going all over the sand and limbs flying in the air. It would seem like a torpedo was moving under the sand because I would see something move underground causing a trail and exploding at random points. While all this was happening, military personnel began flying in on helicopters off the shore in an attempt to help everyone. My view immediately switched to a military mans P.O.V. riding the helicopter. I can tell he was baffled by what he was seeing. The view was epic to say the least of explosions and sand flying everywhere. Buildings were coming down around people and while the dream wasn't too vivid and the sounds weren't as loud as they should have been, it was pretty damn clear. Suddenly the helicopter starts to fail and we start to go down. My guy jumps into the water as this is happening and in the water he gets picked up by medics in Jet-skies. They take him to shore and when he gets off, he asked one of the medics "Can I take that?" pointing to the medics rifle. He says "Yes its actually for you". He takes the strap off and hands him the weapon. My view is completely first person. I see the guy running through the sand with explosions all around him. People are flying left and right and he helps people get back up when their down and tells them to "RUN!". The helicopter that was going down apparently hasn't crashed yet and when it does it creates a huge explosion on the sand sending the propellers flying everywhere. I could feel the guy knew one of the blades were heading straight for him and at the last moment he ducks and it barely misses his head. After this one of the building come tumbling down and he desperately tries to get out of the way. My dream switches to me in the apartment and this time its us with a few other people. I realized they were survivors of what was happening and a few seconds later I woke up.
    11. Dream fragments and a spiritual touch

      by , 10-26-2012 at 02:03 PM
      I had multiple dreams again but I didnt sleep very comfortably meaning i kept waking up. So my dreams are hard to remember, on the other hand, i had something weird happen to me that i havent had since I was a kid.I highlighted it just in case you guys dont want to read the unimportant stuff.

      First Dream I remember I found myself outside in a park or a neighborhood? All i can recall is seeing a sidewalk and some trees the rest seemed to be fogged out. This guy comes out of a Cabin looking house and tells me to follow inside. I find myself inside being scanned by a machine and when done he shows me my face and says "You have multiple tumors, one on the eye, the mouth, and the nose." The screen showed some built up 'junk' that i guess would resemble tumors but even my dream self knew this guy was full of shit. Soon after showing me, I began to sneeze some snot out of my nose in a sink and cough out some flem from my throat. I was thinking omg this guy was right, when all of a sudden a sexy blonde girl comes in with a pistol ready, sees me doing that and says "Eww thats disgusting!" She proceeds to come near me but her target is the guy. She bends him over the tub thats there and shoots him in the back like an execution. I didnt care. Woke up soon after.

      Another dream was of me driving to mike and kristins house because they invited me over to try and win back my friendship (Were no longer friends due to them being bad friends in general) I remember having to go through some gates to find the place and once i parked. I didnt want to go inside because i knew it was a bad idea in the first place. The entire dream it was pouring down rain and it was a good excuse not to go inside. Some friends who were in there with them came running out and got in my car. It was ryan who i havent seen since highschool and Victor whos in P.R. right now. Ryan was saying something but i wasnt paying attention. I noticed him and said "Sorry man, how have you been its been too long" he replied with "Its been good man" I asked "Hows life?" and he stated "Its whatever, have some problems but who doesnt" I told him that "Yeah, I guess life is the same for everyone but just experiances in a different way". I decided to drive around in the rain to listen to my system but it wouldnt work sometimes. IRL Im having some technical problems. I woke up when we parked again.

      This dream was the shortest but for a good reason. I found myself in a movie theater walking around to find a good seat. I sat down in a chair next to a girl who im pretty sure said something to me but i dont remember what. She was two seats next to me and on my right were no more chairs. Suddenly from behind me I feel a womans hand with semi long nails grab the back of my head and slowly move her nails through my hair. The dream was not very vivid nor clear but this hand felt so real I woke up in a jumpy way. As im typing this i can still feel what the hand felt like and i just know that it wasnt part of my dream rather either a spirit touching me while i sleep or a psychic trying to reach out to me. I also knew that whatever or whoever touched me was not malicious because i didnt feel scared nor any bad energy from it.

      I had a few more dreams but dont deem them too significant to type. Id like to make note that this has actually happened to my mom a lot but for her its more stronger. She would feel someone lay in bed next to her while she was dreaming and sometimes something would lay their hands on her. Its happened when i was a little kid as well but I guess now its because ive been meditating and increasing my vibrations.
    12. Multiple dreams : )

      by , 10-25-2012 at 09:20 PM
      So my dream recall has definitely been improving due to the fact last night i had about 4 to 6 dreams. Its been too long in the day to remember all of them but ill post as many as i can recall.

      First dream i remember was me in Mikes car driving around my neighborhood. I was asking him where we were going and he said he wanted to go to the bus stop from Highschool. As we were pulling up,I noticed there were kids waiting for the bus. I asked why he wanted to come here and he said he had something to ask the bus lady so he parked on the grass nearby. I didnt question him but when i was starting to wonder why, the dream changed to where i was in the backseat this time and him and Kristen were in the front. We were driving around somewhere and I for some reason had a bag of weed that i bought. I knew Kristen bought some too and when we stopped somewhere she gave me her bag to hold while she comes back. Mike began to drive off and while doing so i smelled and looked at both bags. I saw both strands clearly and was even able to smell them. I knew mine was good but so was hers so I took some of mine and switched it with some of hers. I remember her bud was stickier than mines too. I woke up after this.

      Next dream was me chilling in someones house with a bunch of dudes just eating pizza and watching the basketball game. I had some bread sticks with a little bit of italian pasta on it and a lot of cheese. I was munching out on the sticks and at the same time thinking when i leave i should order some more cheese sticks. I disregarded this because i already felt like i was going to be too full. While thinking this, one of the guys next to me pulled out a recorder or something and asked me to listen to his lyrics. He gave me a cable to wire around the cabinet that was between us for some odd reason so that it can be plugged in and hang in the air so i could hear it better. It began to play and i tried to listen but i couldnt hear anything so i went in between the cabinet in an akward way to try and hear it but all i could make out was the music in the background and some faint voices.

      Woke up and started another dream where I was with my Ex Sam visiting her friend Bianca. We were walking up stairs to this door and when we knocked, Bianca answered in her night clothes which consisted of boxers and a tank top. She let us in and we went to her kitchen near the door and watched as she made some dinner which i think actually looked like breakfast food. She said something about it being late and she didnt want to hang out. i think she said we should leave but apparently i was the only one who left. Woke up while going down the stairs.

      Had a funny short dream after where I was walking over to my car and for some reason it was one of those big tricycle for little kids where you spin the pedals to go. On this tricycle i began to pedal through my old street and while doing this i wanted to go faster so i took out my car keys and put them in an ignition slot The tricycle roared like an engine and i immediately obtained a boost. The dream then switched to a third person view and i saw the tricycle had flames coming out of some exhausts on the sides. The bike looked pretty bad ass i may add. Whenever I turned the keys more flames would come out and increase speed but i knew i couldnt do it too much or the engine would blow. In my dream while in 3rd person I had a bar to the left part of my vision that resembled the heat of the engine, Similar to a gun overheating I had to give it gas slowly and let go on occasion to cool down.

      Last dream i clearly remember was me in a room at a rave. In this room there were a bunch of people jumping and dancing. I was chilling in one of the corners of the room with people i know but i dont recall who they were exactly. We all had a bunch of white rave gloves which IRL are one of the best. We were putting them on and blowing people up as they asked for it but the problem was that whenever i began to give people a show the lights would rearrange themselves in wrong positions and i had to stop to fix them. I got really agitated with this so i turned the glove inside out to fix the wiring. The gloves wires were really long and they went all over the place. I had to reconnect a few and some were on the floor. Stupid people near me wouldnt notice me and they started to jump with the music playing almost stepping on the bulbs. When i picked up the wires from the floor I saw a bunch of people surrounding this one guy with a bunch of lights and he looked like his mind was being blown. I woke up soon after.
    13. Angels and Demons 10/24/12

      by , 10-25-2012 at 06:54 PM
      This dream started out with me driving my car to a neighborhood that seemed very familiar to me but i cant remember where i know it from. I parked and noticed there was a lot of cars, way too much for a normal neighborhood but of course i shrugged it off. I was visiting some friends that i actually dont really hang out with anymore. Inside the house I only remember a scene where i was looking through the window, it was dark outside and i noticed some trucks carrying away some cars. The scene switched to where i was getting ready to leave and people were outside yelling at each other and in distress. Apparently the cars i saw leaving were stolen. Once I realized this i panicked and quickly began looking for my car. I saw my car was okay but my friend Lewiss' car was missing. Somehow he knew where they had it so we jumped in my car and went after them. In my car was Lewis, Jeffery and two other friends katie and Bree. The dream switched to this part of the beach that I kind of remember being a secret spot IRL. When we were walking around the buildings to get to the beach, we spotted two spanish guys with the tow truck just chilling there. We went up to them and they started telling us that they were sorry and that the reason they steal the cars is because they get 'tips' telling them of cars that haven't been moved or operated for a certain amount of time. They scrap the cars and sell them illegally. I cant recall what happened next because i woke up. I fell back asleep and had a different dream but with the same people. This dream started out with a scene of which the setting was a dark street with no resemblance of anything I knew. Suddenly the ground began to shake and out of these cracks that were created, demons with black wings began to fly out and head straight for the clouds. Each demon had a weapon that were these sharp black magical staffs but they were flying so fast I could not make them out at first. The scene switched to Legolas from the Lord of the rings laying down on some clouds in what i presumed was heaven. He was just resting calmly when suddenly the demons began to fly past him and disturb the clouds he was laying on. He was so surprised he didnt know what was happening. As he was getting up to begin fighting, two of the demons spotted him as they were flying and in this cool slow-motion type why they were getting ready to impale him with their staffs but legolas counter attacked with a blinding light that caused my dream scene to change. Now I was seeing me at a gas station still at night with the same people as before. I was putting in gas and clumsily i forgot to stop the tank from reaching over $40.00 which is what i normally put in. I dont recall what happened after but I saw myself leaving the gas station with Jeffery close behind. As we were walking three staffs fell down and landed in the back of a pickup truck that was parked close by. The dream wasnt very fluid meaning when I saw the staffs fall down, I then saw Jeffery and myself pick them up in one scene, and the angel legolas come flying down in another. I dont know what was said anymore but basically i knew there was a war going on in the sky against angels and demons. Holding onto the staff I could see it more clearly. When concentrating on it you could charge it up with electrical energy and send sparks flying to your target. One scene me and jeffery were trying to shock each other and when we did, we didnt feel anything. We were laughing about it while doing it too. The staff at one point wouldnt work for him but for me if i concentrated i could make it charge up but not shoot anything anymore. Jeffery got close to this metal gate near the gas pumps and my car and by doing so he realized it works if theirs metal nearby. He went inside the gate that was square and guarding what i assumed was the pump holes for where gasoline gets put in (Not something normally seen). He was standing in the middle and when he raised the staff it sparked lightning all around him and attached to the gates. Some of that energy was transferred to my staff as well because i was close by. When he went out, I wanted to try my staff out so i charged it and when i pointed it at the sky, legolas stopped me and said "If you shoot it at the sky with that much power, youll destroy some stars". I thought this was cool so I charged it up and sent a semi big lightning ball towards the sky. Sure enough i saw as it exploded and wiped out a few stars around it; it looked spectacular. Legolas told us that we could grow wings and go up to heaven to fight if we wanted but for some reason i just didn't want to. Him and Jeffery took off to the sky and i proceeded to leave with Lewis, Katie, and bree in the car with me.
    14. Getting in trouble.

      by , 10-22-2012 at 02:28 PM
      This dream started out with me in a hotel room with a bunch of people. I cant recall what was being said nor do i remember what i was doing. This dream was the first one I had or remembered and unfortunately i kept falling asleep without any dreams after it so i forgot most of it. Things were said in that room and after a little while I seemed to have received a package. I started to open this cardboard box and inside I found a handgun. Looked like a M9. I was excited about this and for some reason I thought to myself i should show this off to some friends. My dream changed scenes to the sawgrass mall where I go to since its the closest to my house and people i know are always there. Walking through the hallway I found myself in the food court and sure enough i spotted my friend nick with some other people. I went up to him and said "Hey bro, whats up" and he replied with "Nothing much man, whats up?". I replied with "Look what i got" and i took out the pistol and showed it to him. I had a feeling the gun was loaded or better yet i knew it was. All nick said was "Thats really cool" and while it wasnt the reaction i was looking for, i didnt really care. For some reason i went to take out the bullet in the chamber and when I did dirt came out with it. I realized the gun was dirty so I blew into the chamber hole to clean it When i did this not only did the dirt come out but also a few bullets along with it. I saw two of them fall on the floor and i proceeded to pick them up. I put the bullets back in the chamber and started to walk away. I was walking the hallways with the gun in my pocket and at one point this guy that was pushing shopping carts rammed them into me and he had this smirk on his face i didn't appreciate. I looked at him with like an "Oh yeah?" kinda look and i whipped out my pistol and pointed it at him just to scare him. As soon as i did this he flinched in fear and ran away but at the same time an alarm began to sound off. Through my peripheral i noticed a camera with a red light looking at me. I knew the alarm was for me so I walked slowly and sure enough a Cop appeared out of the crowd going right for me. He pushed me up against the wall in a pretty rough way and put handcuffs on me. He took the gun out of my pocket and began walking me out of there. I remember feeling so stupid and disappointed. He lead me to the front of the mall where there was a lot of people going up the stairs to the mall and a spot in front of the stairs with these platforms in which people sit on. This area is not located in the actual mall, ive never seen this place before. He placed me on top of a platform near these kids and he told me i had to wait for another Cop to show up to see what my punishments would be. This black kid with glasses next to me started telling me im lucky because i could've gotten 12 years in jail but since ive complied i should only get about 3. I started thinking about jail time and immediately got really sad. I didn't want to go to jail so i started to think of how i can get myself out of this one. Normally through my life whenever i got in trouble I have been able to get out of it one way or another. While sitting there thinking, i looked up at the sky and noticed it was so beautiful. It was a light blue background with some Torquise like waves floating around (Similar to the aurora borealis up in the north pole). The kid next to me was telling me something i cant remember and soon after the next cop showed up. He looked like he would be a FBI agent because he had a black coat on with shades. He was telling me how I was dumb to do what i did but while he was walking i began to slowly wake up since it was time for work
    15. Horror story continued

      by , 10-21-2012 at 05:03 AM
      So after the scene with the college kids being eaten, I woke up but i managed to fall asleep again and have another dream.

      The first or should i say third dream started out with the camera moving down into the basement of the mansion. The camera zoomed up to the wall in which i had first died in and suddenly out of the flesh stuck to the wall a small creature came out. For some reason i knew that creature was actually me. Somehow i had mutated with the monster or whatever it was that was causing all this and was able to create my own body and escape. My appearance resembled that of the licker from resident evil except i was smaller, didnt have a brain head, and i sure as hell didnt have a long tongue. The dream switched to me crawling on the floor at night in this unknown city. I remember crawling towards this guy that was alone walking the side walk and when i went in for the kill, I swallowed him whole. I recall fragments of me just sneaking up on random unsuspecting victims and eating them. The entire dream was shot in third person but at one point it switched to first person in which i could see what me or the creature saw. Not only did i have night vision (Everything was lit up and looked purple) but every human i saw lit up with a red aura. After that scene I found myself in a festival or carnival. I was crawling on the wall and started hanging around this dark area where people would pass by sometimes and id move in for the kill. This little kid with his mother walked by and somehow he could see me. He started pointing at me and trying to get his mothers attention. "Mom look, look!" he would say but the mom didnt pay any attention. For some reason at this point i was able to talk and i kept telling him "Shhhh, stop get away!". He kept yanking his mom to look so i got mad and ran off. My dream switched immediately when i started to take off, to the front of this beverage stand. In this sequence i was taller and standing up straight but i still felt like i was the creature. I had on a hood that made me feel like the guy from prototype as well. There was a person on a stage in front of me and the stand talking to a huge crowd. I had my hand over my face while looking up at him cause i didnt want anyone to see me. A few seconds go by and this black kid bumps into me. He looks right at me and to my surprise he didnt think i looked out of the ordinary at all. I figured i must look like a normal person now. I asked him if he had a problem and he said "What are you gona do if i do?" in an instigating kind of way. Almost instinctively i threw a punch at his face but he caught it. I felt like a weak person and all he did was look at me and smile. I smiled back after a few seconds of being surprised and i threw another punch this time with my left landing it dead center on his cheeks. After the punch i woke up.
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