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    School bus, Battle with andrionemon, & Childhood cafeteria

    by , 11-01-2012 at 05:57 PM (351 Views)
    Its been a more than a few hours since I've dreamed so I cant recall many details, ill try my best though.

    First Dream consisted of me rushing outside with my backpack trying to catch the Bus to school. I knew I had to walk a few blocks and it was probably already too late. I saw down the street another bus picking up some kids, so I began to run for it in hopes of catching it. The bus ended up pulling off before I could make it and I was left stranded. I started to run towards where the usual bus-stop is but I stopped midway as I saw it already leaving. I woke up shortly After.

    Second dream I found myself with a bunch of allies that I cant remember who they were exactly but im pretty sure they were some Super heroes (Either X-Men or a random selection of any kind). We were fighting off some regular bad guys and I recall having a sword and some acrobatic skills to compliment. At one point all that was left was this huge menacing looking dude who I cant remember any physical details of except he was bulky and tall and may have had glowing white eyes. I do remember that I had these pieces of paper with me that told me his name was Androinemon. If you haven't guessed it he was an Android and no matter what we threw at him, he would not go down nor get hurt. I would run up to him and do a flashy kicking move followed by a sword slash but he would just push me and Id go flying (Didnt hurt me though). The rest of my team would stay at a distance and shoot any kind of powers they had without any effect on him. He was a slow walker but eventually he pushed us to this field where we called in an extraction to get the hell out. I picked up another paper that had different weapon options on them and all I had to do was touch the option I wanted. At first I chose a fire ball to spew out but it didnt phaze him, then I chose an Airstrike that I had to keep my finger on the paper and guide a lazer to him and keep it on him until the airstrike sound got closer and closer. A missile landed right on his chest followed by an explosion that knocked me and some of my allies down. One of the allies or I think the pilot over a walkie talkie shouted "Extraction in T-minus 2 minutes!", we were desperate at that point and realized we couldnt make it any longer so I made the decision to activate one of the options on the paper. Im pretty sure one of my allies knew what I was going to do and he shouted at me not to. But it was too late, I chose the option to turn us all into infants and as soon as I pressed the button the entire dream went white and I found myself in a familar bed. I was an infant on the bed and so were the allies I was with. The android we were fighting was also a little kid and he no longer wanted to hurt us. A few more things happened that I cant recall but I woke up around that moment.

    Last dream I had, I was in the cafeteria of my old Elementary school and I was, I would say a fourth or fifth grader again. I was in line in the cafeteria waiting for my food and im pretty sure I had conversations with some people but after that I remember clearly getting my backpack from a place kids put their bags in. I was afraid someone stole something from me because I didn't recall ever putting my bag in there. When I checked it and it was fine, I woke up again shortly after.

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