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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Oct 8, TOTM Blitz

      by , 10-08-2013 at 12:35 PM
      Green = Dream
      Blue = Lucid

      The furthest back I can remember I was on my way to meet a recently deceased friend for lunch. I hadn't seen her in a while so I was kind of looking forward to it. I remember driving around and being rather confused as to where I was going. Then I started having a conversation with someone about how they had just lost the place they were living because the landlord found a small tent which was half full of "paraphernalia". He didn't go into what that entailed but the dream shifted to his memory at this point.

      Apparently a handful of college kids were renting some this guy's garage/shed and had managed to make a big mess of things. There he was, screaming at them because it had been totally trashed but none of them actually knew why it had been so messed up. As he stormed off, one of the kids decided that they might as well clean up before they leave, and started to do so but somehow a fire started. The landlord came back screaming again, but didn't even notice the fire. One of the kids actually had to bust through a door with a fire extinguisher, almost hitting the landlord in the process, in order to get to the fire.

      The fire had exposed a small hole that ran underneath part of the floor. A quick look inside revealed a ton of huge rats. But these weren't ordinary rats, they were sentient. They were also all sorts of different colors and sizes, as well as capable of speech. I remember playing with them and asking about their social hierarchy, they had no idea what I was talking about.

      Then one of the kids got bit, and another told him he was going to get rabies. Understandably, he was freaking out, so I had to calm him down. I told him that rabies can infect any mammal, but not rodents such as rats, mice, squirrels, or rabbits. He insisted that he felt ill, and I explained to him that it was likely anxiety. I began to explain how I mitigate anxiety when I realized I was dreaming.

      I immediately remembered that I needed to find some kids at halloween. I walked out of the garage and turned the corner expecting to find some. There I was walking down the hallway of a school. Kids were dressed up in costume and had apparently stuffed their backpacks with all sorts of treats and things they had gotten from each class.

      I first summoned my connection to venom. Six sickly green glowing orbs appeared behind me, chained to my back. I focused the energy from them into my right hand and then concentrated on the concept of "candy" while an orb of venom energy formed in my palm. I then snapped my fingers and streams of energy lept from my hand and to the various backpacks and bags of the surrounding kids.

      "Your candy is now all poisoned!" I yelled, followed by maniacal super-villain laughter. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you." I said to a passing young girl, who defiantly popped a piece in her mouth before immediately blanching, and falling over stone cold dead.

      "I'm the only one who can consume the candy now!" I exclaimed, before outstretching my left hand, which I have engineered to absorb. Candy began flying through the air, at me, and flowing into the void vortex in the left palm. I often refer to this process as "eating" as it is consumption followed by becoming. Oddly, this wasn't going very fast, perhaps I'm just used to absorbing energy or one or two small things through my hand, because candy began to back up my throat, which caused me to pause and re-swallow said pieces. All the time, the kids are watching me with an odd fascination. They don't like that I've poisoned their candy, but the fact that it's all flying out of their bags and towards me is kind of cool to watch.

      That wasn't working well enough, so I moved to tactic two, which I normally reserve for when I want to eat something large like an entire person. I grab my chest, dig my fingers into my sternum before tearing my chest open. I am now split open from my nose to my stomach as if I had a vertical mouth which extends that far. Indeed, the edges are lined with sharp teeth. Inside is nothing but the darkness of the void. Black tendrils spew forth from this void and physically grab the candy from the kids. This is a bit much, it freaks them all out, and they begin to run around in a panic.

      After I've "eaten" all of the candy, I realized that I feel very strange. At first I'm confused because I'm immune to the effects of my own venom. As I stumble away, thinking, "I need to go home and lay down" a little kid who apparently wasn't scared by my antics says "you know! you shouldn't eat that much sugar at once."

      Odd random fragment follows. I was being chased by a car with no front wheels. I also woke up way early and decided to stay in bed and rehearse the dream so that I could remember it. Woke up several times and had to remind myself that I wasn't allowed to modify my memory of it. Had other little fragments during their period, including a fight against another chimera but also alongside a few as well.
    2. Sept 14 Fragment: Green Man

      by , 09-14-2013 at 05:41 PM
      All I remember was that I transformed (on purpose) into a green man. That is, I was about seven feet tall, and was basically like a tree ent from LOTR. My hair was like willow branches, my arms and legs long spindly and covered in bark. I walked around producing various fruits from my fingertips. I could produce whatever fruit or nut I could imagine, and simply gave them away freely.

      After that I think I read some comic books.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Sept 8, Teleport Misses ABCs and Wall Walking, Among Other Things.

      by , 09-08-2013 at 01:56 PM
      Green = Dream
      Blue = Lucid

      The furthest back I can remember, I was doing a science demonstration with Bill Nye about the effects of CO2. We filled up a chamber with the gas but instead of using a camera to see through the stuff, we blasted an infra red laser through it which sort of just seemed to fade.

      After that I suppose it was time to clock out and leave, but I couldn't get the time card software to work. I got frustrated and decided to just leave but I couldn't find my shoes. I went through the whole office building trying to find them but couldn't. At one point I was looking through a bag of food from both Chik-fil-A and McDonald's. It all looked disgusting, but I stole some fries.

      At one point a butler type person suggested that a pair of sandals were mine. I yelled at him because that was stupid, then realized that based on what I was wearing, sandals made sense, after which I apologized profusely.

      The next bit is a little odd. There was an office war going on, Will Ferrel was the boss... and naked. People were running in large armies through the halls, there was a ghost of a dead girl the boss had killed. It was kind of hectic.

      I just wanted to leave, so I went out to a balcony and decided to jump down to the ground before taking the bus. It was rather odd that I remember both knowing that I can fly, and also being afraid of heights. When I realized how strange that was,
      I became lucid... but that was interrupted by dream characters who wanted me to help them flip the bosses car. I told them that would be property damage, so it might be better to simply fill his in-car hot tub with jello. Somehow, instead of doing that, we ended up flooding the first floor, which awoke an elder demon sealed in the basement. That's when I became lucid again, and ran out to the balcony, jumped out into what was now pour rain and fell. I closed my eyes, and tried to teleport to the Colosseum in Rome for the task of the year.

      Unfortunately, I missed and landed in an auditorium within that same building I had just escaped. I had to break down the door to get out as this was "reeducation" for deviants. I ran back out into the halls to find the war still raging. One man was dressed in gladiator armor, which reminded me of the task of the year again. I ran outside, jumped from the same balcony, closed my eyes, and teleported again.

      And again I missed. I was in the countryside which was mostly just deserts and sparse trees. I could see a city in the distance, so I started to fly there but the trees got in my way.

      Eventually I came to a river which I attempted to cross but a massive number of kunai (Japanese ninja throwing knives) came shooting out of the opposing bank, which I deflected with my own kunai. It seemed other people were also trying to get into this city. I told them I was trying to get to the Colosseum, and asked them if this was even Rome. They didn't respond. So I assumed THIS wasn't Rome, but on the other side of the river WAS Rome. I also realized that the kunai wouldn't hurt me, since I was dreaming, and decided to just walk in, ignoring them.

      But this time, no knives came flying out, and I went right across. But now alarms were going off so I began sliding quickly down different rock formations to move faster. They looked sort of like green glass, or perhaps jade. Then this stuff transformed into somewhat of a huge complicated glass track that looped and curved all over the place. I sort of surfed this track at ridiculous speeds for a while before I realized this was so totally not Rome. I jumped off the track, closed my eyes, concentrated on the Colosseum, and teleported... and missed again.

      This time I was in a small room with Ren and Stimpy. I remember that there was a conversation, but not the content of the conversation.

      Seeing as how I was in a small room, I decided to try the advanced task of the month of walking on the wall again, only this time using telekinesis to pull myself towards the wall. It didn't work too well. Gravity was still an issue so I had to get pretty complex with what I was reaching out and pulling with my mind to get it to work. It also had a side effect of making the room become slowly smaller. Once I was able to reach across to the other side of the room and brace myself between two opposing walls or the cieling and floor, I decided that was cheating and left.

      As I walked outside, I figured that my teleportation was obviously in need of some calibration, and gave up on the Colosseum for the night. Walking down the street I decided to sing the ABC song, to complete out the basic task. For some reason I found myself also counting on my fingers... which seemed odd then, but now I realize that's actually pretty common for me as I try to figure out what number corresponds to a letter's position in the alphabet. I had some trouble remembering the last verse of the song, so I just sang the whole song again and got it on the second try.

      At this point I'm walking down the street and I can feel that I'm probably going to wake up soon. I know the Colosseum is a wash for tonight, so instead I decide I'll just go nuts on the task of the month and call someone.

      I really just opened up my phone and hit send twice, because that's an easy way to call the previous person and doesn't require that I go through lists of contacts which I probably wouldn't able to access. The person on the other end answers "Moshi moshi" which is the way the Japanese answer phones. What followed was a conversation in Japanese that I doubt I could reproduce (I'm still learning). The basics of it was that I told the girl on the other end that I had found two people just like her, one who looked just like her, and one who had the same attitude/mannerisms. There was quite a bit of back and forth, but that's really all I've got. The dream would slowly fade as I became more aware of the bed beneath me, and I woke up.


      If this dream has taught me one thing, it's that I need to find a quicker and more consistent teleportation technique. This technique has worked for me very well in the past for both teleportation and time travel. It's a little fuzzy, and requires that I be able to accurately visualize where/when I want to be, but I've got to sort this out. Perhaps I'll use this technique to get me to a hall of doors, and then use the doors to rapidly teleport. That is, open one, visually verify if it's the right place, if not, close it and open the next, repeating the process until I get the result I'm looking for.
    4. Sept 3, Advanced Task: Walking on the Ceiling

      by , 09-03-2013 at 01:40 PM
      Green = Dream
      Blue = Lucid

      Alright, as far back as I can remember I was staying at a hotel. I went out to my car to get my laptop and found that my passenger door was open, and the car was still running. I automatically assumed that someone had broken in and stolen everything but all my stuff was still there. I had trouble turning off the car and it kept rolling backwards. The emergency brake didn't seem to quite work so I ended up just finding a big tree branch and blocking the rear tires.

      When I went back inside I had a hard time getting back up to my room. I kept getting distracted. I remember there being lots of art shows and a group of women who were learning how to use a spray to conceal their bald/thinning spots (It basically just dyed their scalp the same color as their hair). For some reason this was kind of embarrassing to navigate (I got the impression that the women didn't want a man to see this going on), so I tried to get out of there as quickly as I could... which involved flying.

      So there I am, flying around the room and on my way out I grab a balloon. So now I'm flying down the hallway with a balloon and people are trying to get it from me. Several people offer me money for the balloon, but I won't accept. After a few such attempts, a cute blonde woman offers me a kiss on the cheek, which most certainly is worth a balloon and I hand it over to her.

      At this point I'm floating in the hallway, wondering where I should go next, when
      I become lucid and remember the task of the month. Seeing as how I'm in a long hallway, I decide to try walking on the walls and ceiling.

      I fly over the nearest wall turn sideways and land. I stand there fore a while to get myself accustomed to this orientation and then begin to walk down the hall on the wall. It was more difficult than I had anticipated and my feet kept slipping. Oddly, they weren't slipping down, they were slipping backwards as if they couldn't get a very good grip on the wall while some other force kept me in place. A few more steps and I was walking like a pro, so I decided to move it on to the ceiling.

      The transition from wall to ceiling was a bit tough at first. My first attempts resulting in slipping and swinging around. So I stood there on the wall again, took a few deep breaths, and reminded myself that when I fly I can go anywhere in any orientation. This was no different. I take a short "hop" and now I'm standing on the ceiling. I remember thinking that the stamped tin tiles on the ceiling looked a lot like floor tiles, the realization of which made it a lot easier. I took a few wobbly first steps, then a few confident steps, then I sprinted, jumped out a window, and flew off for some acrobatic flying fun.

      Well, that was quick. I did this task first for several reasons, foremost was probably the availability of walls and ceiling right there. Next was that when I read over the tasks I saw this one as the easiest because it would be a lot like "flying with my feet on a surface" which it was. I might try this different ways to see if other methods produce different and/or better results. For instance, I imagine using TK to "pull" myself towards a wall might be easy enough and work well. It might be difficult but altering gravity might also work. I might also be able to roll the entire building over on its side and then top... which might be funny.
    5. Odd Combo

      by , 08-01-2013 at 01:45 PM
      This dream too place mainly in third person. The two main characters were played by Will Smith and Harrison Ford. I do not recall their names. The setting was sort of a wild west place/time, although the slaves had been freed several years prior.

      In any case, the two main characters really didn't like one another. They had both been summoned to a particular rich man's home. It turned out to look more like a castle from the outside, but the inside was apparently a huge labyrinth. Once they both entered, they were locked in and had to find their way out. At first they took different routes, each refusing to travel with the other. Eventually, however, their paths would converge. Throughout the maze, there were various challenges. Monsters to fight, puzzles to solve, etc. The last challenge required teamwork to solve but could only accommodate one clear winner. Harrison Ford took the win.

      Both participants then went on to a huge stage, and a large crowd of what looked like automatons filed in. They were androids, but made out of Victorian clockwork. They then proceeded to give the reward for making it through the labyrinth. Harrison Ford stood on a raised platform, while one of the automatons climbed up to the top of what looked sort of like a telescope. There he loaded a cylinder into a small hole and then smashed it downward with his hand. This caused a beam of light to instantly vaporize Harrison Ford. From the vapors rose a light, which then chased down and flowed into Will Smith, who kind of got vertigo and then passed out.

      When he woke, he found himself very confused by his body. What had happened was that the consciousness of Harrison Ford and Will Smith had been completely integrated into one mind. This wasn't two minds in one body, it was everything together seamlessly. Basically, they had become a new single person who was mentally a complete combination of the two, yet inhabiting the body of Will Smith. From then on, it was kind of like a really messed up thought experiment. Both characters had a wife and a daughter, but he could only see one as Harrison Ford's wife and daughter were afraid of him (being a black man in the old south). Additionally, being around Will Smith's wife was uncomfortable because it felt like cheating on Harris Ford's wife. Then there were the random interactions with people. Imagine simultaneously experiencing superiority, fear, and hatred along side compassion, friendship, and camaraderie... with EVERYONE you met. Every single human interaction, including internal dialogs, was a mashup of emotions, biases, and confusion. The task then was to resolve those issues, untangle the confusion, come to terms with those emotions. Otherwise, there was no possible way for this person to function.

      I wish the dream had continued, but I woke up around there. I imagine that if it led down it's logical progression that the two men would be separated again, and become friends or something. All in all, that was a pretty awesome dream.
    6. July 24th fragments

      by , 07-24-2013 at 01:25 PM
      Fragment the first:
      Don't remember much. Only that it was pleasant and that I got plenty of deep sleep.

      Fragment the second:
      Not so great. Involved an intercourse related injury. Became lucid near the end and tried to travel back in time to prevent said injury, woke up instead.

      Fragment the third:
      Involved lots of scorpions. I'm generally good at staying asleep through nightmare scenarios, but when a scorpion gets in your hair, it tends to activate the lower portions of your brain which cause a complete freak out. Shrugged off the first three without a problem. The fourth was too much and jolted me awake.
    7. Massive Paintball Fight

      by , 07-23-2013 at 12:49 PM
      I had requested of my subconscious that I just get some good deep sleep. So my dreams last night weren't that vivid. We did manage to have a big 20 person paintball fight. It was pretty cool. First, it was a free for all. When only two people were left standing, that game ended. Those two then became captains of the next game. They picked teams playground style, and we had a rather big wacky war game at that point. Afterwards, we all went out for lunch. It was actually so cool that I might suggest to the roommates that we go do this in the waking world.
    8. Justice for the Dragon Republic

      by , 07-21-2013 at 11:37 PM
      There was a meeting of dragons, of which I was part. Apparently a serpent sorcerer managed to get into the mix who attacked several members of this council before fleeing. I and one other dragon pursued them. They were easy enough to track. Soon we came upon some gems, large chunky and brightly colored. They looked kind of like frozen popsicles in their consistency. My partner was distracted by them, but I recognized them as a decoy.

      I continued on, bounding on all fours. I became aware that I was a dragon of fire and ice. My scales a pale shimmering grey. I was very lean and sinewy with a long neck and tail. My flesh was cold but my breath was hot, I could feel the warmth of it with each bounding leap. I wasn't flying yet, but I did use my wings to sort of glide as I bounded across the ground. Oh, and all these dragons were about the size of a large house cat.

      Then, I could see the serpent. She had transformed into a humanoid form. She ran and jumped. I think we were nearing the edge of what looked like a Japanese shrine as there were steps and large Tori. I bounded up the stairs, took a large leap, soared above them slightly before collapsing my wings to speed towards them like a bullet. I wrapped my arms wings and tail around them, completely enveloping them in my icy grip, coiled my neck around, and through a small opening poured my fiery breath.

      I unwound just before hitting the ground, releasing the contents of icy coils. Striking the earth in front of me, and bouncing away a space before coming to a smoldering halt, were the charred remains of a serpent.