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    Sept 3, Advanced Task: Walking on the Ceiling

    by , 09-03-2013 at 01:40 PM (799 Views)
    Green = Dream
    Blue = Lucid

    Alright, as far back as I can remember I was staying at a hotel. I went out to my car to get my laptop and found that my passenger door was open, and the car was still running. I automatically assumed that someone had broken in and stolen everything but all my stuff was still there. I had trouble turning off the car and it kept rolling backwards. The emergency brake didn't seem to quite work so I ended up just finding a big tree branch and blocking the rear tires.

    When I went back inside I had a hard time getting back up to my room. I kept getting distracted. I remember there being lots of art shows and a group of women who were learning how to use a spray to conceal their bald/thinning spots (It basically just dyed their scalp the same color as their hair). For some reason this was kind of embarrassing to navigate (I got the impression that the women didn't want a man to see this going on), so I tried to get out of there as quickly as I could... which involved flying.

    So there I am, flying around the room and on my way out I grab a balloon. So now I'm flying down the hallway with a balloon and people are trying to get it from me. Several people offer me money for the balloon, but I won't accept. After a few such attempts, a cute blonde woman offers me a kiss on the cheek, which most certainly is worth a balloon and I hand it over to her.

    At this point I'm floating in the hallway, wondering where I should go next, when
    I become lucid and remember the task of the month. Seeing as how I'm in a long hallway, I decide to try walking on the walls and ceiling.

    I fly over the nearest wall turn sideways and land. I stand there fore a while to get myself accustomed to this orientation and then begin to walk down the hall on the wall. It was more difficult than I had anticipated and my feet kept slipping. Oddly, they weren't slipping down, they were slipping backwards as if they couldn't get a very good grip on the wall while some other force kept me in place. A few more steps and I was walking like a pro, so I decided to move it on to the ceiling.

    The transition from wall to ceiling was a bit tough at first. My first attempts resulting in slipping and swinging around. So I stood there on the wall again, took a few deep breaths, and reminded myself that when I fly I can go anywhere in any orientation. This was no different. I take a short "hop" and now I'm standing on the ceiling. I remember thinking that the stamped tin tiles on the ceiling looked a lot like floor tiles, the realization of which made it a lot easier. I took a few wobbly first steps, then a few confident steps, then I sprinted, jumped out a window, and flew off for some acrobatic flying fun.

    Well, that was quick. I did this task first for several reasons, foremost was probably the availability of walls and ceiling right there. Next was that when I read over the tasks I saw this one as the easiest because it would be a lot like "flying with my feet on a surface" which it was. I might try this different ways to see if other methods produce different and/or better results. For instance, I imagine using TK to "pull" myself towards a wall might be easy enough and work well. It might be difficult but altering gravity might also work. I might also be able to roll the entire building over on its side and then top... which might be funny.
    Stalthdan and OpheliaBlue like this.

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    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Oh sweet, well done! You just really inspired me to try it too. I like how even though you had issues, you just remained calm and mentally prepped yourself, then succeeded.