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    After a lot of stress and a long pause.

    by , 07-04-2011 at 02:06 PM (460 Views)
    Been a long time since I attempted to write down and recall my dreams now. I've been stressed and busy with lots of things that I've finally sorted out. Most of them, anyway. And with the issues out of the way, I decided to start trying to build up dream recall again. So, without further adeau:

    Tonight I dreamed a few fragments, and a long dream. The fragment is just me walking through a guitar store, except all the guitars had broken strings and they weren't tuned properly. I think there was also another dream fragment of me being a part of some kind of capture-the-area game, where you and your team had to take over areas by pushing a button in the middle of them.

    The long dream was very different. I remember meeting a girl somewhere and falling in love with her. We wandered around a lot and talked, although I don't remember about what. I was at her place a few times, and she was at mine. At some point, I remember getting a ride home by her and her parents, and as I was getting out of the car and saying thanks to them and telling the girl I'd see her later, she gave me a smile and got out of the car with me. The girl was definitly a student of sorts, and so was I. I remember us studying together.

    Later on in my dream, she disappeared to the future mysteriously, and I tried to figure out how and why. Eventually I somehow got a hold of a phone that could call the future, which I used to talk to her. I remember talking to her inside of a broken down, moldy old office building. She told me over the phone that she wanted me to get her a cup of coffee, so I went to the coffee machine that was in a nearby room. Everything around me was wet, there was furniture and broken down old desks. The coffee machine was operational though, but it was out of coffee so all I got was hot water. I didn't put the cup into the machine fast enough though (actually I'm not sure if I ever intended to) so the hot water went down into a sink of sorts that didn't drain. So I scoped up some water out of that instead. I told her that there was no coffee, and she asked me if it had tea instead. I told her that this wasn't the time for tea, to which she responded that there was never a wrong time for tea (kudos to her for that). I then told her that I meant that there was no tea. Then the dream fast-forwards to me talking to an old friend of mine, who seemed to be hiding something. I knew he had been at the place where the girl disappeared at, because I had found his backpack there. Supposedly, he had hidden a clue somewhere, but he wouldn't tell me why. I kept pressuring him, and eventually he told me that he had hidden something in a nearby building, about 9 kilometers away. I think it was kilometers anyway, i remember the number 9 very vividly. I went to the place, and I THINK I found a time machine there, but it wasn't working.

    That's about all I remember at the moment.

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    Updated 07-04-2011 at 04:56 PM by 44998

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
