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    ∞ The Rabbit Hole

    The Four Guardian Witches

    by , 08-20-2011 at 08:47 PM (490 Views)
    The Four Guardian Witches
    So I was in a lobby of a college dorm on my campus and it was really nice inside. Bookshelves, fireplaces, rugs and chairs etc. There was an arcade game played on a screen on what was sort of a table. It was like a side scroller where you were a glowing yellow dot and you went from left to right. Well actually you were always in the center of the screen and the background moved from right to left but you get the idea. Anyways, there were gold coins you wanted to hit and glowing yellow mines or something you didn't want to hit. I was doing really well and my friends started watching. Eventually I got to some stage that only professionals get to, I was getting super lucky the whole time. Then these rubber balls got added into the mix and I wanted to collect as many of them as possible and whenever I collected one it added to my yellow dot so eventually I looked like a picture of an old-school atom. Also now the mines are like large billiards balls. They would build up on the right and left hand sides of the screen depending on how well you were doing. The worse you did the more they built up and you would die when the screen finally closed in on you. I was able to eliminate a ton of them on the sides and I disturbed the lower left corner ball. Then my friends were all like, "Oh, you've done it now" and explained that each of the balls in the four corners represent one of the four guardian witches. The whole dorm started shaking and we ran outside. There was a little go cart that we all hopped in and I drove us across a field to some nearby tennis courts. The four witches were actually more like the fours guardians seeing as they didn't look like witches at all. For instance the earth 'witch' was a large rock golem with a glowing crystal in its chest.

    I had disturbed the air ball and thus had become the new air 'witch' gaining all of its powers. But this meant that all of the other guardians would seek to hunt me down. So as soon as we got to the courts the giant rock golem appeared from the ground and began trying to smash all of us. An epic battle ensued concluding with me shattering the purplish rainbowy crystal in its chest. I could feel a sense of urgency and that we needed to get somewhere safe and prepare for the other witches.

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