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    ∞ The Rabbit Hole

    (Night- 014)

    by , 08-31-2011 at 09:03 PM (378 Views)
    [+]My little sister had found an extra Costco sized bag of chocolate chips in the freezer of our garage.

    [+]I had 'woken up' in my bedroom at night and my wardrobe doors were open a bit like someone had been watching me

    Courtyard Skating
    I was in some red brick courtyard with an ocean port on one side. It reminded me of that famous square in Venice. Lots of people were walking around doing things. Like any good town square there are entertainers or street venders all around. I was with these two other people one guy and one girl. We were wearing white hooded sweatshirts and these skates that could skate on a super thin layer of water. It had recently rained so the square was a little wet and we could skate around. It was really fun and you could go pretty fast, not to mention these people were pretty good at skate maneuvers so they were pretty graceful. I thought that the skates were a cool concept

    Damn Forest
    I was traveling through a reddish orangish forest with a few other people. We were on our way somewhere but the forest was some mystical forest that would animate and grab travelers. The trees began moving and their branches swayed about grappling on to one of the members of our group. I draw my katana and get ready to slice through the branches.

    [+]Clad in medieval armor running from people who thought I was a disturbance. I dodged some guys tackle and kept running.

    I was on the side of a cliff face barely managing to hold on. There was some huge drop below me and I knew I was facing death straight in the face. That if I so much as misplace an ounce of my weight I was straight up dead. Motivated by this I clung for life to small roots sprouting here and there from the cliff and hugged the wall keeping my feet in whatever crevices I could find. I remember feeling that I had to distribute my weight perfectly even otherwise the ledge would crumble or the roots would break. Honestly it was scary as hell. I manage to eek over to some ledge area with strange sharp rocks all over the ground. There were other climbers taking a break around the ledged area. I remember my feet hurting from the rocks but that I didn't care because I was safe, however I was worried as to how I would get down. I knew I would have to go back using some retardedly dangerous route.

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    Updated 09-01-2011 at 07:50 AM by 49084

