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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. But songs should *change* darnit!

      by , 08-30-2013 at 08:49 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      Thursday, August 29 8:00 am WBTB Induction attempt *fell asleep too soon *

      Interesting dream fragment where my mother is driving us somewhere, and the song 'lights' starts to play on the radio. (The song by Journey, not the one by Ellie Goulding). When the song is finished, I start to complain about how there is no difference between that song when it first came out, and now. I complain that there needs to be a new rendition that is different because the song is so boring (which I don't REALLY feel, so why I would say that in my dreams, I have no freaking clue, LOL). All I can remember really, is my mother and I arguing about this, as she tells me that the song is a good song and should stay the way it is, not be changed. Wish I could remember more, as this was a rather funny conversation
    2. Dreams. Lots and Lots of Dreams. Okay 2 dreams and a couple fragments :p

      by , 08-26-2013 at 01:50 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I remembered more dreams last night then I ever have in a single sleep session, which is really super awesome for me! so yaaay!

      Now if I can just get lucid.

      Dreaming within a dream, trying to escape dream!! Fragment. Induction Method attempted: MILD

      I was dreaming that I was dreaming, and in this dream I was trapped! I don't know how or why, but I was trying to escape my dream, and could not find my way out. I tried to escape the dream several times (in my dream) and even tried to wake myself up, to no avail! These dream-within-dreams are very freaking confusing!!

      Rodents, Wolves and Bears, OH MY Sunday august 25th 7:00 am Induction method attempted: WILD/WBTB

      A FULL dream, huraaay!

      My dad goes to town, and comes back with two pets for Mom. One of them is like a giant overgrown rat. I want to say it's closer to a guinea pig, but that doesn't feel right, even if it looked the same. The other pet was a strange creature; I don't know their name, but I think they are an Australian critter I know I've seen before on TV. It had grey-blue fur, long back legs, shorter front ones, a long tail and big ears. We named it Roosey because it hops around like a Kangaroo, though it is also capable of skittering around really fast. The other critter was never referred to by name in the dream; I'll call him Mouse. Mouse was round, fluffy, with brown fur.

      My dream skips forward to that evening, after Dad brings home the pets. They are not kept in a cage though. Instead, they are able to roam free; we just have a wood divider separating the living room half of the house from the kitchen half of the house. This way, our dog Meatball can't get to them to eat them. I end up going into the living room for some reason, and the divider doesn't close all the way behind me; Mouse and Roosey come flying through it into the living room. I leap on top of Meatball, holding him down and call for help, because he is struggling like mad to get to the two critters.

      Dad scolds me for letting the divider open like that, and then has me let the little guys outside to go to the bathroom. It is dark outside, and I need a flashlight. I get them, and take them outside; Mom and Dad warns me not to let them get too far away, Well.

      As soon as the door opens, BOTH of them just run as fast as they can, waaay in the yard. I can't see them anymore because it's so dark. Mouse, with her waddling gait, comes into view; she's not quite as far away as Roosey. I scoop the lil' critter up, and start looking for Roosey; I'm about halfway into the yard by now. I can't find her at first, and then...THERE! I see her, but she is right next to a fox! I start to go after, but she hops away again. I decide I need help, so I turn around, heading back to the house. I get to the driveway, when I notice a large grey-white timberwolf sitting in the driveway, staring at me. Knowing they seldom attack humans and needing to get Mouse inside, I walk by. Then, right by the door, theres ANOTHER wolf. As I head up the stairs, the wolf tries to snatch Mouse from my hands. I yank away, its fangs grazing my hand. I throw open the door and dash inside.

      Breathless I tell mom and dad about Roosey and the wolves and fox. Mom takes mouse, and examines my hand while Dad goes into their bedroom to get his rifle. Mom sighs, shaking her head. I'm only scratched; she's worried about Roosey. She tells me that it's messed up--Dad doesn't often get attached to these rodent type pets, like mice and stuff, but he's really bonded with Roosey, and now she's probably out there, hurt or worse. She says it's just not fair. I agree, looking out the window into the darkness. Then Dad comes out, rifle in hand, and I go outside with him to show him where Roosey is at.

      WE go outside, and dad fires several shots into the air. THe wolves all dash away immediately; there wasn't just the two I saw, an entire PACK of them runs off. I lead dad to where Roosey is, and find her. But she's rolling around on her back, badly injured. I'm about to pick her up when I notice a bear at the edge of our yard (a very large brown-bear). I point out the bear to Dad--it hasn't noticed us yet. He takes aim with his Rifle, putting his fingers to his lips to make sure I stay quiet. But for some reason, he doesn't shoot. The bear looks up, and starts plodding towards us, and STILL Dad doesn't shoot the bear. I'm freaking out now, and I ask him what the heck to do, and he hands me a shotgun that he did NOT have when he came out. AND it's not the gun we have IRL, it's a double barrel shotgun. Dad is watching the bear, and I aim the gun. I ask, as it gets creepily close, if he wants me to shoot it. He doesn't answer. My fingers wrap around the trigger, but it's so sensitive that at my slightest touch, the gun goes off and misses the bear completely!

      The bear stands up on his hind legs, roars, and then notices the same fox from earlier. It is skittering by him, and the bear claws him, shoving the animal in his mouth. Dad tells me the bear isn't interested in us, and tells me to grab Roosey. We start to head back into the house, and Roosey needs to get to the vet. The alarm wakes me up as we are crossing the yard.

      Demonic Dog 10:00 am Fragment, INDUCTION method attempt: WILD/WBTB

      Dad and I are in the house. He explains to me that our pet, Tori, is actually a demonic dog--even if she has not yet shown it. HE tells me that she will be used to do things, such as enter our world, if something isn't done about it. For some reason, he believes that I have to be the one to kill the dog. I don't want to do it, the thought saddens me deeply, but I go grab my survival knife that I keep in my room (for when we go camping or fishing). I hide the knife behind my back, and approach Tori. I hug her, give her kisses and pet her...and then I stab her twice in the chest, very quickly. I then carry Tori outside where I sit with her, holding her head in my lap, and apologize for having to do this to her, and for her being used by evil. I am crying at this point, watching her die. I wake up still feeling the intense emotions from the tail end of the dream fragment.

      A Knight Beheaded Time unknown Induction Technique Attemted: WILD/WBTB

      Another good vs. evil dream, with a bit of humor at the end. I'm in some strange area where all of the plant life is grey and dying. The trees are dead, the grass is dead and crumbly beneath my feet. There is an entire crowd of people around me, most dressed like modern day people, but there is one man, a knight in full silver colored armor. We are all enclosed in some giant fenced in area, which leads to some open arena-style place with two exits. We are being herded towards that arena place. Someone speaking from an unknown location, as if from some kind of loud-speakers, tells us that there are two men, one for each exit. One of the men is evil, the other is not. We are told that we have to choose which one is the evil person, and make our way through these shadowy-looking beings in the arena area, and kill him. If we choose correctly, we can all go home. If we choose the wrong person, our world will be in grave danger.

      The knight steps up first; that's when I notice he is blind, wearing some kind of headband over his eyes. He leaps over the fence into the arena, drawing his sword. He immediately slashes at one of the creatures, killing it. Then he turns behind him, and slashes at the fence! One of the creatures laughs at him, and beheads the knight with long claws. His head sails over the fence, his body collapsing to the ground. The head then floats back into the arena, re-attaches itself to the knights body, and he closes his eyes and looks as if he's just gone to sleep! I wake up at this point.
    3. Doggy Blood Fountain (fragment)

      by , 08-25-2013 at 01:51 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I do sooo well remembering my dreams for over a week--and then twice in a row my recall dips. Oh well, it's just a phase, right? Here is my very small fragment that I didn't remember until I'd been up several hours, while outside with the family pet.

      Saturday, August 24th, time unknown

      I'm at home, in the house. It looks exactly the same, as far as I can recall, as it does in real life. I'm petting one of our dogs, Angel. Like in real life, she has this little tumor thing on the back of her neck. As I pet her, my fingers brush the tumor, and it starts squirting blood all over the place, drenching my face and hands. She is okay, not like bleeding to death, I just caused it to start squirting. It stops a few seconds later, but my face and neck is covered, and I'm feeling a bit grossed out and shocked. I run to the bathroom to clean my hands and neck, and I notice I have some of the blood in my mouth, and I'm holding up my tongue, looking in the mirror, trying to scrape it off the bottom of my tongue.

      That's all I can remember of that dream. A strange one!
    4. Taking a Class on Lucid Dreaming, WHILE Dreaming

      by , 08-23-2013 at 03:00 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      LD induction attempt:

      MILD, then WBTB/WILD

      Thursday, August 22 3:30 am

      I am part of an IRC class on lucid dreaming. I can't remember exactly what we were discussing though. I'm trying to show everyone in the class something that I feel is super important, though in my dream I don't really know WHY it is important. I just know it is a perfect example for our lucid dreaming discussion. While at the IRC, I am also at a LD forum (not DreamViews, some other forum I've never seen before), and there is a member who's name isn't right. There is a letter that doesn't match any letter at all in the alphabet! I realllly want to share this with the class, but just as I am about to submit a screenshot, I lose my internet connection. This seriously irritates me, because I feel like I HAVE to send this in, it is SUPER important to me, and I am frantic trying to refresh the chat and get it to connect again. Why I'm doing this, I don't know because I lost my connection, meaning I *should* wait for it to come back, instead of trying to refresh the webpage. But, I keep trying until my alarm finally wakes me up.

      A note I want to make on this dream. I feel I was really close to lucidity for two reasons. One, I noticed something odd about that user name, and though I didn't understand why, I felt it of VITAL importance to share with the rest of the LD class. Had I managed to reconnect, I wonder if I wouldn't have told them it was an example of a dream sign....TWO, I kept trying to get my laptop to refresh the webpage. I lost the internet connection, therefore I should have just waited for it to come back, refreshing the page would do no good--yet I did it anyway. I wonder if some small part of me understood that it would eventually work if I kept trying, because of the odd way electronics behave in dreams. THEN there's the sheer frantic nature, the NEED to reconnect and show what I discovered to the LD class. It was such a strong feeling, I felt it even upon waking
    5. Fragmented Fragment :o

      by , 08-21-2013 at 09:16 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      Tuesday, August 20 8:00

      Mom and dad are on some sort of long trip while I'm at the house, with Tori, one of our dogs. The thing is, our "home" is different than it is IRL; the layout is completely different, the landscape is different, and the yard has a large metal fence enclosing it. When my parents finally return, I have to do some sort of work outside--but it's very late, and eventually I come inside. When i do, my grandpa is there; he's lying on the floor like he's drunk or something...

      And that's all I remember :s

    6. A Golden Spray

      by , 08-19-2013 at 12:03 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      This is easily one of the funniest dream's I can ever remember having

      Sunday, August 18 time: unknown (between 3:30 and 5:00 am)

      Another dream gragment, but rather funny. Wish I remembered the whole thing

      I'm at home, or supposed to be anyway, but the layout of the house is off. Anyway, I have to take a leak really, REALLY bad. My eyeballs are floating, I have to go so bad. Thing is, the toilet is in the living room, beside the couch. My first thought, of course, is wth?? My second thought is that I have to go so I don't care! For some reason I decide to let the toilet issue go without so much as an RC (gaaah!!!), unzip, and start letting loose. Dad happens to be sitting on the couch, and apparently thinks this toilet setup is normal too. Well, in my haste to relieve myself, I slightly miss, hitting the edge of the toilet-bowl, and end up slashing my dad's arm. He jumps up in shock, looks at me, and asks "what the hell are you doing? You just pissed on me, can't you effing (the not so nice version of this word) aim right??" I remember that I said something about my "wide stream" because I had to go so badly, and I also said something like that wouldn't have happened if he hadn't put the toilet right next to the couch in the first place. All the while, I'm still letting loose in the toilet, and I end up waking up with a very full bladder! Luckily, I did not end up whizzing the bed, but I DID almost pee myself laughing at this dream

      Sunday Aug 18, 9:30 AM

      Some sort of fringe-esque dream; that's all I remember of this one. I think I was talking to Walter Bishop about something but I don't remember what

    7. AGAIN Just *BARELY* Missed Becoming Lucid

      by , 08-18-2013 at 11:53 PM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I hate these near misses. Darnit.

      Saturday, August 17, 4:30 am

      I only remember glimpses of my dream. Me, in some kind of space-like environment or possibly a water environment (I say this because I have the feeling that I'm floating, but everything is black. Perhaps I'm even in between dreams, as I *had* attempted to WILD before going to sleep). I tell myself that I ought to do a Reality Check, but for some reason I convince myself it can wait until later. Something, I'm not sure what (the serene feeling of floating, perhaps?) has my attention at the moment. I intend to do a Reality Check in just a minute or two. I repeat this process three or four times, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I manage to talk myself into waiting a bit longer. I never did end up doing a reality check at all. Just how deranged can the sleeping mind possibly be??

    8. Dream "TIES"

      by , 08-17-2013 at 05:52 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      This qualifies as a very, very wierd and cool dream! I just wish I could remember more of it

      btw, last nights WILD was an epic fail. Yet again, I FALL ASLEEP before I can get anywhere *sigh*

      Friday, August 16, 3:00 am

      I dreamed I'm on the forum, LOL! Here I am, in the dream journal, writing down a dream that I was having (a dream I'm fairly certain I've never had IRL, by the way). The 'dream' I'm writing is that I am a TIE fighter pilot--you know, from Star Wars. I'm cruising around the Death Star, not in combat or anything, just flying around, which is really awesome. But as I write this down, I switch back and forth from ACTUALLY being in the TIE fighter, to at my laptop, back to being in the TIE! It was really awesome, that. I'm pretty sure there's more to the dream that I don't remember, though. It was really cool to transition from writing about a dream to being IN the dream; I wouldn't mind doing that again


      Updated 08-17-2013 at 07:52 AM by 64876 (Forgot to caagorize my dream :o)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. So Darn Close...yet SO Darn Far

      by , 08-15-2013 at 11:58 PM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I was sooo close to getting lucid last night, I can kick myself. In this dream, I actually performed a reality check! Problem is, it passed! AND, unlike IRL, I did not perform a backup RC, so I just went along my merry little way.

      August 15, 8:00 am

      I was so close to lucidity! I'm in the house it is afternoon. I've been doing something outside...shoveling snow, that's what it was--lots, and lots, and lots of snow! I finally finish, and come inside. My parents are about to leave somewhere, and they ask me to clean the refrigerator for them while they are gone. I then tell them, laughing as I say it, now would be a good time for me to do a reality check. I then haphazardly press my fingers into my palm, but without really looking at my hands. My fingers don't go through, so I don't become lucid (My hands felt solid, and for some dang reason, I DID NOT FOLLOW THROUGH with another RC--which is odd because I ALWAYS do at least 2-3 RCs every time. Dangit). I'm pretty sure there is more to the dream than this, but I can't remember what else happened after this point.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. This time my lack of recall is my own fault

      by , 08-15-2013 at 12:26 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)

      So I'm doing the wake up every 90 minutes thing to catch myself dreaming, so I can write down dreams in this dream journal, and therefore I can improve recall. Except THIS time, when I woke up, my tired mind tricked me into believing it could remember what it was dreaming WITHOUT writing the dang dream down. So, when the alarm went off, what did I do? I moronically believed my tired brain in my hazy state, and rolled right over, going to sleep.

      So, here's what little I remember, thanks to my rebellious little brain telling me I could rely on it for it's superb (riiiight) memory.

      August 14, 2013 3:00 am

      All I remember is that I was in a deeply wooded forest. It was pretty dark in there too. Was it a scary forest? A happy forest? A forest with little polar bears sipping root beers while balancing on rubber balls? I wouldn't know because I stupidly did not write down my dream! when I woke up. So anyone reading this, don't repeat my mistake

      8:00 am

      Got in an argument with dad about something. It felt really important to me inthe dream, but I cannot remember just why we were arguing. I do remember he'd said something realllllly offensive to me, but I just don't remember what it wass; only that it made me very, very upset. Hmmmmmmmmm.
    11. Barely anything remembered :( :(

      by , 08-13-2013 at 11:18 PM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      Though I remember almost nothing, I will still post the one sentence description that I **can** remember. Maybe my brain will take the hint and decide to cooperate with this dream recall thing if I keep bugging it

      August 13, 2013, 8:00 am

      All I remember is my dream had something to do with walking in a blizzard of some sort.

      Another dream fragment from earlier: Something to do with the hamster Rolo again. I don't THINK it bit me like in the last dream I had about her, but I'm certain she was present in the dream--I just can't remember it, darnit!
    12. A Few Dreams (transcribed from hand-written dream journal)

      by , 08-11-2013 at 01:47 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      I don't have many dreams to write down, unfortunately. Also, I've only ever had one *lucid* dream, and that was over half a year ago when I started this venture the first time (before I gave up, which I regret doing immensely, I might add--so if you are thinking of giving up, DON'T DO IT!). So, here is a list of the dreams I've been having (that I can remember, anyway) the past week. Also included is my very first ever and thus far only ever lucid dream--just thought I'd share that one too. Do keep in mind that one is NOT a recent dream

      Oh, and I didn't start keeping track of dates right away, so a couple of my entries are undated.

      NIGHT 1
      Entry 1:

      Something to do with plants. (Yes, that's all I could remember, never did get the rest of it).

      NIGHT 2
      Entry 1


      I am investigating someone's house as a paranormal investigator. I try to record EVPs, take pictures, and otherwise try to communicate with the spirits haunting the house. One of my tasks is to determine for the family if the entity(s) are evil or not. The odd thing is, I have no equipment with me. I also begin to have visions of some of the past events that have occurred in this house. I see a little boy terrified and attacked by demons. I have another vision of other people suffering different fates caused by the paranormal activity--I just cannot remember what exactly happened. Now I find a room with several markings on the floor. From visions that I am getting, I know they are tattoos that can protect people from the demons haunting the place. it is also important to note that these markings are scrawled in blood, as though whoever put them here did so in a hurry, perhaps in their own blood while they were dying.

      Now, I am in a ship. (looking back, this *may* have been a separate dream, I'm not sure). Is it me personally or a vision? I just can't remember. I do know it is sinking. Me and a few other people that I've never met are trying desperately to stay alive as we get nearer and nearer to the icy waters. In fact, the waters are so icy that something strange happens. Rescuers who attempt to help us make contact with the water, and they literally freeze solid in their wetsuits--they can't get out of them and they too end up frozen. I also, through another vision, intuitively know that another rescuer was shattered during this freezing process--but one person did survive. How, I do not know or remember.

      NIGHT 3

      Entry 1

      The Bodyguard

      I am a bodyguard or servant of some kind. Interestingly enough, I am also not human. I am an Orc straight out of a Tolkien novel. as a devoted servant/bodyguard to my master, I am trying to protect him from other orc's that are trying to kill him. As we run through a grassy field, I take out several of our attackers with my heavy crossbow. We are flee to a building that oddly resembled a modern-day apartment. We run through the building, me taking the time to shoot a few crossbow bolts every so often, while dashing up stairs. Unfortunately for us, we only get so high up and then there are no more stairs, even though the building is much taller. There IS however, a ladder through the window leading higher up. I fire my crossbow through the window, hitting more orcs scrambling towards us below. My master climbs the ladder up, but before I get a chance to follow, I'm ambushed. I am forced to surrender my weapon--the details are fuzzy to me, and I don't remember how this happened. The enemy orcs try to force me to climb the ladder and bring my master too them--but he decides to come to them on their own. Now something VERY strange occurs. My master knows the leader of the orcs that are attacking us, and they ta;l for awhile. The enemy leader eventually decides to stop attacking us, and my master tells me not to kill any more of them either. I agree...for now. I then wake up.

      August 6, 5:30 AM

      Entry 1

      Plant Frenzy
      I am raising plants--just like in Plant Tycoon except IRL. I'm growing these plants with orange tubular flowers. For some reason, I am not satisfied with them. I hate them, am disappointing, but I don't remember why. Why am I growing them? What am I so desperately searching for? A Magic plant like in the Plant Tycoon game? I can't be certain, but I suspect as much. My alarm wakes me up.

      Entry 2

      Rolo's Rage

      I am at home. THe pl;ace, however, isn't my REAL home. I don't quite remember what is different, outside the layout of the house, but I do know it's MUCH different. I'm playing some sort of video game, though when I walk away from it, I cannot remember what I was playing. My parents are going out--as they leave, I point to a pair of fish flopping on the floor.

      "What about them, they need to be put back in their tanks," I say to my mother.

      "Oh, they'll be fine, I'll put them back in the water when I get back." She tells me.

      The other fish float through the air, so no need for water for them. My parents leave and I decide to play with our pet hamster, Rolo--which is just fine untill she suddenly bites me. The thing is, her jaws change shape, growing much longer and elongating, and she is biting down, grinding my finger with her jaws. She refuses to let go, and the pain is excruciating. The only way I get her off me is with the aid of a strange man that appears out of nowhere. He uses the cover of his Bible to put it between my finger and Rolo's teeth, and that finally makes her release me.

      My parents return some time later--by then the two fish from earlier are dead. I tell them about Rolo's attack, and then the dream ends.

      Wed, Aug. 7

      Entry 1

      Did I dream of rain? I am in my house, it is cloudy and rainy outside...dream is so fuzzy I don't remember anything else.

      That's it for my recent dreams. This last dream, as I said before, was from months and months ago, when I first started getting into Lucid Dreaming. Had I not given up at the time, I probably would be pretty good at LDing by now. Never again will I give it up

      Date Unknown, first ever lucid dream

      I have a false awakening. I am in my bed, I open my eyes. As is my new habit, I perform a reality check on my hands--my fingers slip through the side of my hand! Then, rather stupidly as if that wasn't enough proof, I slide my hands through the wall at the head of my bead. I jump up--"I'm dreaming", I tell myself! Having had several non-lucid false awakenings, I force myself to calm down, relax. I don't want to ruin my first ever lucid dream. I want to change the scenery, to be in a forest. Everything is surprisingly vivid. Excited, though thankfully not to the point of waking up, I thing "I want to be in a forest now!" And the ground starts to shake. Right before my eyes, my house collapses around me, vanishing quite literally into the ground. I am now in a grassy field. Suddenly, ground still shaking, hundreds of trees just spring into place, as if they were lying in the ground already, and "popped up" like a target at a gun range. They're not quite what I expected though--they aren't full pine trees, but small thin scraggly looking things--like the trees in the film Mortal Kombat, in the scene with Scorpion vs. Johnny Cage.

      Right around there somewhere, I lose awareness, and I don't remember any more of the dream--I wake up in the morning.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment