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    1. Snipers and Survivor

      by , 08-29-2013 at 08:21 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      Wed August 28, 8:00 am

      I live in a high-rise apartment in a big city. On the news, there’s been reports of a “sniper killer” who’s been murdering people with a sniper rifle from a long distance away. I’m looking out my window from the apartment, when I see two guys canvassing other nearby buildings, pointing and windows and stuff, in deep conversation. Then, one of the guys looks up right into my eyes. A smile crosses his face, and he nods at me. I don’t know how, but I just know this is the guy who’s been killing people.

      I call up my parents, because I don’t have a gun and they do—I want to be able to defend myself, because I know that he knows what I suspect; and I am afraid he is going to try and kill me. In fact, I KNOW this. So, my parents come over, lending me a pistol. They also stay there, to help me hold off any attack should it come to that.

      A few hours later (dream), towards the evening, a car pulls up to the window. That’s right, a car pulls up to a WINDOW in a HIGH-RISE apartment building. So much for keeping an eye out for dreamsigns, right? Anyway, this guy pulls up to the window, and my Dad, for whatever reason, asks “Are you the sniper?” –As if, if the guy WERE the killer, he’d say so!—and the guy, a black man that looks like Drebin from Metal Gear Solid 4, pulls out his cell phone and states “Yeah, distance is about 500 yards.” Mom, dad, and myself stare open mouthed at the guy, until he bursts out laughing. He tells me that he’s here to help. He then proceeds to enter my apartment THROUGH the window, his car just hanging out in the air.

      He hands me a gun, a realllly sleek looking Baretta 9mm. Only it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen IRL. It has a smooth curvy build to it, and it’s very futuristic looking. AND, weirdly enough, it has a cell-phone built into the barrel of the gun (the top). The Drebin look-alike then teaches me how to properly use it, giving me tips on how to aim properly. Funny thing is, when I go to dry fire the gun, it turns into a REVOLVER

      Apparently that is normal though, and when I go to take a closer look at the gun, it’s the sleek Baretta once more. The Drebin-looking guy leaves, and my parents and I prepare to hold down the fort, waiting for this sniper guy to attack us. Before anything can happen, however…my alarm clock wakes me up for the day.

      august 28 time unknown

      This one just a fragment. I start out playing a video game based on the TV show survivor. And then, something strange happens. I actually AM on survivor! I’m on some island somewhere, trying to survive my fellow contestants to win a million bucks. AND, funny enough, a previous player, Naonka is there; a player I absolutely detest. I get into an argument with her about how she treated that handicap woman in her first season on the show, and tempers are flaring. She pretty much bawls me out for daring to get onto her when she’s providing for the tribe. I tell her that despite her providing, she’s still a b***h, and deserves to be voted out. That’s all I can remember of this one.