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    1. My Mom’s Friend - Jan 16, 2015

      by , 02-11-2015 at 01:52 AM
      In this dream I was standing in a hotel lobby. A beautiful curly, red haired woman walked through the doorway wearing a one piece bathing suit. Bah boom, I’m lucid! I immediately said, “Woo Hoo!” The blonde woman beside looked less than impressed with what I said, but the red haired woman smiled. They were both in their 20’s. She walked past me and said, “Thank you.” Probably my great aunt. Then to my surprise, my mom walked in and I said, “Hi mom, thanks for stopping by! Ah, sorry for saying ‘woo hoo’.” My mom looked at me and said, “What?” The blonde woman spoke up and said, “She didn’t hear what you said.” I really wasn’t at all concerned, because my mom has seen me do much worse, and I was just being polite. Behind my mom was one of her best friends, Doris.

      I walked with my mom and Doris into a room off the lobby. It was cluttered with junk, and looked more like a storage area full of very old furniture and belongings. The blonde haired woman and the redhead followed behind us, and then they gradually aged to be in their late 50’s (probably so I wouldn’t be distracted). Doris was looking carefully at the stuff in the room. I put my arm around my mom’s waist and walked around the room checking out the ‘old stuff’. I asked Doris how her son Dave was doing, and she looked momentarily confused, then replied, “Fine.” I felt my lucidity failing, so immediately started to swirl, but I woke up.
    2. Firemen Crossing a Bridge - Jan 13, 2015

      by , 02-11-2015 at 12:45 AM
      I was consciously awake, but my body was asleep. ‘The vibrations’ started, then I leapt to me feet, and I was ‘off to the races’ (OBE). There is a blank in my memory regarding what happened next, but I ended up at our neighbourhood park wearing my CPAP mask, and I was still wrapped in my blanket. I tore all this crap off, and then to my dismay, the only thing I was wearing was my gotch. Right in front of me was the park’s bridge, surrounded by cattails. Out in the cattails was a big barking dog, which suddenly came running straight at me! I felt a bit scared, and then I reminded myself that I was lucid. The dog then turned into a small poodle, and it stood right beside me wagging its tail.

      A fire truck then pulled up on the opposite side of the bridge. Three firemen jumped out of the truck and grabbed a coiled up fire hose, and they came running over the bridge, all humped together carrying the hose, and they didn’t even notice me. They ran right past me, and then continued across the park’s field. Where they were going, I had no idea, but there certainly weren’t any fires around here. I thought to myself, “So, this is what firemen dream about.” The little poodle disappeared and a woman appeared on the opposite side of the bridge. I tried to fly to the woman, but I couldn’t get much altitude and I landed on the hill beside her, and then I was back in bed.