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    1. Dream about (Almost) Shared Dreaming....and Other Dreams

      by , 08-24-2015 at 05:11 PM
      I did have some interesting dreams last night--which I will record in an attempt to make up for dropping the ball while traveling. In one dream I was talking to someone about lucid dreaming. In a way those are frustrating to wake up from, because there I was discussing lucidity....and never becoming lucid.

      In the dream I was at some sort of "natural living" convention. I was in a discussion group that started out talking about eating a healthy raw vegan diet. A husband and wife lead the discussion. Then it went on to how we should change our ideas of what a bedroom looks like. Instead of sleeping on a flat mattress we needed to create these burrows to sleep in. That idea fascinated me, and I asked a few questions about how to make that happen.

      Then the discussion turned to dreaming. Lucid Dreaming. The lady started sharing a lucid dream she had recently had. She talked about how she first went through a wall, and then she made a certain object come to life. And then she said something else she did (which I no longer remember). As I listened to her dream I realized that I had had a lucid dream where I went though the same actions--in the same order. I was amazed. I raised my hand and asked her, "Did you do this next...and this next?" And she was surprised and said, "Yes."

      I said, "Wow, we're having the same dreams. It's almost like a shared dreaming experience, but without both of us being there in the dream."

      We talked about it some more and decided to do some experiments to see if we could continue this and take it to the next level.

      I also had a dream about meeting up with an old high school friend Mark and going on this long backpacking trip. The dream took place the night before we left. We were still getting everything ready and hoping we could get some sleep before the big day. It seems like my mom was there part of the time.

      Then (and I don't know if this is connected to the previous dream), I was in the mountains. I had a small private helicopter and was flying from peak to peak and exploring (the obviously lazy way).

      In another dream I was with my friend (who in real life just had a baby on Saturday), and I think I was helping with the baby. I don't remember a lot from this dream.