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    Hitting two little girls on the freeway

    by , 12-22-2011 at 05:51 PM (410 Views)

    I was a passanger in a car driving down the freeway. I suddenly saw two little girls (ages about 5 and 4) in the road walking right to where out car would be passing in seconds. They were so close when we passed I couldn't tell if we hit them or not. We pulled over. I looked back and saw a man standing over two little bodies at the side of the road. I ran back. I was horrified.

    But when I got to them the little girls were sitting up and appeared to be alright. They had been knocked down, but not directly hit. I suddenly recognized the girls. I said" I know you. I taught you in preschool last year.....or was that two years ago? Remember me?" Neither girl seemed to remember. But then I realized that they were so young. Of course they wouldn't remember something that happened two years ago.

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    Tags: car, driving
