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    1. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:00 AM
      Time to start...

      My first LD:

      April 19, 2006 4:50am

      I just had my first Lucid Dream a few minutes ago.

      In the dream I was lying in bed. Suddenly something felt funny in my mouth. I felt my teeth with my tongue and, sure enough, my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams." [NOTE: This was the dream sign I kept telling myself I needed to recognize because it happens so often in my dreams. And I have now started using this as a reality check during the day...to feel if my tooth is loose].

      Nothing else strange happened, but at that point I knew I was in a dream, and I realized I was lucid.

      As one might expect, I got very excited. I then thought about this website and how it says that when people first start having these experiences, they get so excited that they wake up. Well, as soon as I thought that, I felt myself wake up.

      Next thing I knew I was lying in bed saying, "Darn." But then I reached up and felt that same tooth. It was still loose. I had had a false awakening. I was still in the dream. I finished pulling out the tooth, and took a moment to sit and think about what was happening. Some of my thoughts were: So this is what it feels like to be in a dream and know it is a dream. It feels amazingly like real-life...yet there is a difference that I can't quite pin-point. Okay, what I really need to do is to try to float".

      I concentrated on the feeling I have had in dreams where I have floated. Next thing I knew I was floating (horizontal...because I had been laying down). At this point I really wanted to get outside. Too many of my recent flying dreams had taken place indoors (what a waste). I wanted to fly high.

      I floated out of the bedroom. Suddenly there was a little neighbor girl there pulling on me and asking for her ball. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a little pink bouncy ball and gave it to her. She took it and went away. [Note: Since this makes no sense to me, it shows that my subconscious mind was still doing its thing. If I were more lucid I'm sure I would have noticed that this was strange-- or that it wouldn't have happened at all.]

      I floated to the back door. As I reached for the door handle, I thought, "I don't want it to be cold outside...I can control that too, can't I?" I pulled the door open and floated out and took off flying. The weather was perfect. It was early morning...cool, but not cold.

      All around me the music from Peter Pan started playing, "You can fly...you can fly...you can fly...". I was feeling so happy that I started singing along. [Note: I remember thinking "I hope I am not singing in real life in bed and waking everyone up". I think that shows how lucid I really was...not forgetting that my real body was still laying in bed somewhere else.]

      I flew up over some trees, and grabbed some leaves off the top of a really tall one and told myself to fly higher. I did for moment, then the next thing I knew I was back near the ground. I told myself I had the power to go higher. And I was then able to go quite high. I looked down and could see the roads. I remember thinking, "I'm glad I have done Google Earth so much so I know what this is all supposed to look like from above".

      I decided I wanted to travel. I started following the highway, but realized that I was going to have to learn to fly faster or I wouldn't have time to get anywhere before I woke up.

      And sure enough, at that point I did wake up.

      But I didn't really mind. I was truly excited. I now knew that lucid dreaming was possible for me. And that this was just the beginning.
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