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    Desperation Happiness

    Game of Thrones and a quick trip to Australia...

    , 05-15-2011 at 05:11 AM (376 Views)
    I was visiting K at her house but I ended up chatting with her mom and making her watch Game of Thrones, but then got nervous when the sex and nudity came on. I asked "so is K here?" and she finally went and got her.

    Longer dream: I was exploring the world and some how found a small separation between continents tha twas just a small river. That when approached turned into a road crosswalk. I crossed and was in Australia. A pier in front of me, I flew around and messed around on the pier. I think I was at the very lowest point of lucidity around this time.

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    Tags: flying, friends
    non-lucid , dream fragment
