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    Desperation Happiness


    , 04-20-2011 at 08:32 PM (376 Views)
    Throughout my dream I could "ghost" where I'd leave my body (or the body I was in) and inhabit another. Be it animal or people. In the beginning of the dream I could fly and go invisible too, but usually only when in the ghost state. I could also try to go in to a person to change their attitude.

    The story started at a house where someone maybe K found me out, I was going to lead a guy somewhere for fuel for his truck but we ended up at a mall with friends and I took over a mall food kiosk employee and discovered he was second in command of some secret group conspiracy having to do with an old movie. So posing as him I went to help my friends expose the conspiracy. We went to the movie where one friend got in a fight with an obnoxious sociology major, so I ghosted into him and shut him up. Then back to the main guy. Every time I ghosted the person slobbered a bit, I woke up as I was trying to clean up the slobber on the seat.

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    Tags: friends, ghost
