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    3 Brief Dreams

    by , 04-17-2012 at 02:19 AM (554 Views)
    It's been awhile since I have posted on here. This is mostly to do with me having horrible recall lately. It's crazy how weeks of experience can be lost in only a matter of days due to bad recall! -_-' Anyway I thought I would at least show a little activity by posting a compilation of several dreams I've had since the last post. None of them are that profound but they are interesting enough for me to keep a record of.

    1. I was driving to work and I get a call on my cell phone. The person on the other line asks for Anthony. In the dream I recall Anthony as being the employee who was the hiring manager for our store, so I assume the call is in reference to that. He tells me that he was available to come in for an interview at 2:20 and I tell him that's perfectly fine. When I show up to work I walk over the the DC Anthony and tell him about the call. I walk back to my desk to answer phone calls so they aren't forwarded to my manager. A male coworker is sitting next to me who is also answering calls for the store. He has the same brand cell phone I do but it's a different model. We began to discuss the differences between the two of them. As we are talking the phones completely vanish into thin air. I'm really confused and a little creeped out. The guy sitting next to me has a worried look on his face.
    "Don't act scared, but look out the window behind me," he says.
    I can see through the window beside us - it pretty much scales the entire wall. Up in the sky behind him I see a flying saucer. My heart starts pounding. I can only assume that our phones disappearing happened because of whatever was in the UFO. I don't know what to think other than they were attempting to break off our communications. The dream ends.

    2. It was the evening of Halloween. I was at my old high school and I see a bonfire burning from across the street. I'm texting my sister Ashley - something about how I owe her some money. She meets me up and tells me the that the fire was some kind of religious protest against Halloween.

    Somehow I become lucid. The dream scene changes a little bit and I am watching a man trying to escape a building near the bonfire. He's running around with a knife, stabbing and killing people in his effort to break out. Somehow I feel like I'm on his side. My sister and I follow him outside. I remember texting my sister about money and ask her if she still wants me fake dream money. She laughs and says no. Four benches in the courtyard outside catch fire. There are lots of people around celebrating the man's escape. Medieval gypsy music starts playing and we go to a bar and start drinking. The man who escaped stands on the bar and starts toasting to a few things. The only thing I can recall that he drinks to is "the end of celebacy" - which gives me the impression that it was against some sort of religious practice. I start dancing to the gypsy music because it sounds awesome - and it's the last thing I can hear after the dream fades off.

    3. (This was the most recent I've had) I was at work at Best Buy and I saw these cars shaped like the best buy logo. In the dream they were "store pickup/delivery vehicles". I run up to my boss Shannon and tell her about them because I think they are very innovative. She tells me a girl named Jenni already told her about them. The dream starts fading and it triggers my lucidity.

    I concentrate on pulling myself back into the dream. I get my footing and I'm back in the store - and in the back of the store which is particularly annoying since the last place i want to be in my dream is in my workplace. I begin walking toward the front. I keep trying to imagine going into a more interesting place. As I walk toward the front doors vines and plant life starts growing over the store walls and electronics. Strings of lights are hung around the place. Everything is much more pleasing and gets even better once I step outside. I see a vast grassy plain before me dotted with round tangled trees. The sky is a deep purple color and contrasts perfectly with the bright green trees and long blades of grass. It's drizzling a little but the sun is shining through the clouds causing everything to have a yellow glow around it. I feel extremely happy but the dream fades away again.

    I have a FA and I am back in Best Buy lying on the floor. Two coworkers are staring down at me. One of them says
    "Woah, I want to do what you just did!"
    Then I wake up for real...

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