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    Second Reality Experiences

    At the Mall

    by , 05-07-2012 at 11:59 PM (457 Views)
    I am with Ray at a mall. We go into a nice restaurant and as we walk we pass by my old art teacher Ms. Greene. She's sitting at a table with a glass of wine.

    "If you want some wine it's free over there at the bar," she says pointing toward it.

    Ray starts heading in that direction, but he goes a weird alternate route that doesn't make any sense and took much longer than needed.

    ....I start exploring on my own and find an opening to a secret unused part of the mall. It looks like several kid rides were constructed in this area. It kind of looks like a carnival in the mall- but abandoned...

    ...Ray and I are back walking through the mall again....

    I start to question my reality. Am I dreaming? Everything looks so real though! I try to do a reality check. I look at a Starbucks coffee shop and study the logo. I look away and look back. Everything is still the same and perfect. So much for looking at text! I look at shoppers and study their faces trying to find flaws. They all look normal and vivid. The racks of clothes in the shops look perfect. I even widen my eyes in an attempt to wake up. Nothing happens. Everything is so realistic - more real than I've ever experienced in a dream before and I've had some pretty good ones! Unsure of myself I walk up to a man who looked to be in his 50s. He was slightly overweight with long graying hair.

    "What do you represent?"

    He gives me a strange look, "Uh...What? What a weird question!"

    I start doubting myself. This might not be a dream after all...I turn around and see Ray.

    "Ray, I know this is going to sound crazy but I can't tell if I am dreaming or if this is real life!"

    He rolls his eyes,"You're losing it Nick. Of COURSE this is real! I'm real! You're not sleeping!"

    "But that's what a Dream Character would say!!!" I yell, clearly frustrated. I feel like I am going mad. Everything then fades away - confirming that I was in fact dreaming.

    I have a false awakening. I am on the floor in a sleeping bag and I hear my sister Ashley getting up. The clock reads 7:00. Apparently I am at her place and we are getting up early to go to the beach. I look around for my dream journal....

    Then I wake up for real.

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    Tags: mall, ray
    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
