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    1. LD? Sleep Paralasys? Maybe seeing a bit of the Future. I feel this is very important to be shared

      by , 12-21-2010 at 09:58 PM
      Hi people i had this dream well i dont no if it was even a dream to be honest. I heard this vibrational noise and then it stopped and i saw this purple colour floating in my third eye, it then dissapeard then this purple eye formed and it opened and closed then it opend wide and all of this colour seaped out of it then everything went black and this writing appeard in front of me it looked like a cinema screen but these words where like a plan of something i also saw the diagram of this ship,UFO, I then lost the vision and i was in another place world :O and there it was the craft UFO hovering around in an open area of a forest i could see the heat like a mirage coming from under it and the sound like a loud hovering sound alot like a harrier jumpjet i guess when it hovering. I then lost that vision and i was in the Future there was modenized building and some weird looking airoplanes from glimpses and hightened railway systems and thats all i got from this vision i would of loved to of been able to take in the information from this diagram of this hovering craft i saw :O.

      Pls reply to this if you have any thoughts on this or any similarities i would love to hear your say Piece out!
    2. The special house this really did change me when i woke up

      by , 12-21-2010 at 01:23 PM
      there was this building it was securly locked and the only way to open it was to hack into it, but was not as simple as that because there was a goliath out of mass effect guarding the place and i mean this thing was Huge. there was 4 of us and 2 of them distracted the goliath from its station and there was a big shoot up and 1 of us got shot and died, so there was me trying to hack this terminal which i succeeded with 2 attempts and managed to somehow detonate the goliath aswell and we ran and mannaged to slide under the security door before it closed again. Now this is where it all starts feeling important to me, the first door had a mirror on it and had a spy camera there so we got rid of that lol. we opened the door which had no handle and turned right and then went into this other room it was a bedroom on the left there was another spy camera so we destroyed that. there was this tele i ould hear the static come out of it i mean really loudly and on this table there were to bugging devices well i destroyed them but funny thing was when i was twisting the devices the frequency of the tv changed and out side of the room i could hear ppl say shut up turn it off, so we did. We ran out of room and now there were only 2 of us for some reason. i now went down some stairs and saw this guy lying on hay he didnt look to happy got up and went to grab me but i shut the doors and locked him in this is where i ran lol. my mate dissapeard so it was only me now. I ran up the stairs there where doors everywhere i went in one then ran up these spiralling stairs and at each floor there was about 4 doors i ignored them and kept going up until there was only one door left. NOW this it the special part this door was different, i opened it and there was this lady she was beautiful she had yellow hair shoulder length egyptian style make up and i cant remember her top she was wearing but she had white tights. She said to me she has been waiting for me for along time. I now feel like i know her and always have she pulled me to her and yh she ripped a hole in tights and had no knickers well you can see where that leads to something intimite and well yh i woke up, i never got her name.

      I feel as if i have unlocked something i feel different than normal today. pls feel free to leave comments and your what you think the dream could be telling me thank you piece out!
    3. The Hospital effect was very strange indeed this is why i would like to share it with you.

      by , 12-21-2010 at 01:02 PM
      I started off in a hospital bed i was fine nothing wrong what's so ever, i was reading a magazine and i put the magazine down and 3 bottles at the side of the bed decided to explode in my face so i died on the bed well atleast i thought i did. Everything went dark and i started dreaming again of school and going on this random rampage shooting these agents which where after me.Well any way this is where the strange bit happens, I woke back up in the dream in the hospital bed again and this doctor came up to me and said you have gone under facial reconstruction, he asked me if i wanted to look in the mirror so i did i had burn scars on the right side of my face and yh did look out of proportion, my mum came in and she was really upset cause she new i looked like a different person and yes i could understand why she was but i said to her dont worry mum it doesnt bother me i kinda like it haha. Well thats the main part of the dream over now apart from the agents appearng again and i escaped and met my dad and he said my face looked alright and saying that he made shore they made my face as close as they could get to the real looking me haha.

      I also have another dream to share but ill post that on another thread it was in the morning i had the dream above^^

      Pls feel free to leave comments. i would really like to here your thoughts about this dream piece out!