5/14: I really don't like when these dreams sneak up on me, but it's OK. This kinda felt like the "Jotaro Kujo" dream four months ago (the last time I wrote here, I had a beige, plain-Jane, boring hard drive running Windows 2000 and it was too slow and every card in the machine failed. Now, I'm using a hard drive running Windows XP--working sound and graphics card and all), except this time it showed me the what the mega-corporation I created in both series, SpiraTech (for 2 writing projects, the Supercar and Insert Coin series) was up to, and it was no good, as always. I was in this office that looked like a hospital and some of SpiraTech Industries' core members were talking about this project they were working on, bearing a striking resemblance to (you guessed it) James Lafferty. All they had to do was log on to a computer operating Windows XP/Vista/7 using Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Opera/Safari, etc., Google him and read all about him on certain websites--which means SpiraTech did their homework, but that's about as far as it got. In the two series, SpiraTech's main goal--like most villains--is world domination in the world of cars and racing (Supercar) and video gaming (Insert Coin), by doing secret projects to beat the world's best competitors, usually in the form of humans and cars--but most of them on the Supercar side of things backfire on them. They'll also resort to low blows like setting up heists to steal things that are important in history like a Ford Model T or a Spacewar arcade machine. As much as I'd like to see my 3 writing projects (Supercar, Insert Coin, Education Lane) become TV shows--the second an animated series with 16 to 32-bit Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis/32x graphics (like G4's Code Monkeys did with 8-bit graphics) and the third a sitcom about teachers, I've still got some work to do, so it may be a while (and I have to find a publisher!). Maybe this dream told me to get to work and stop wasting time. For me, getting ideas are sometimes easy while others difficult. I just need to get more organized, that's all.
1/4/11: Sometimes I don't even understand why I get dreams like this: one where you're running around in circles and running into random people that seem very attractive--and the setting is in a big building. Recently I've been having dreams where there's been some sort of hybrid when it comes to these big buildings: Some are colleges mixed with apartments, while some are independent high schools--next to apartments. In one scene, I'm in a dorm inside the body of someone who thinks there has been a failure/cheating. The roommate's had enough of his/her conspiracies. "You've got 30 seconds to explain to me what you're talking about." she replies. She looks a lot like Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone in the face, only younger. I haven't seen ANYTHING movie-wise starring Alicia Silverstone in over 15 years, and I'm 24 now. After this, the "running around in circles" thing continued as a different character, running into random people and offices, even accidentally sitting on what appears to be a conveyor belt. I land on the ground, luckily, and on my own two feet. I'm guessing this part of the dream came when I thought about doing some JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fanfiction starring a character who has a Stand similar to series main character Jotaro Kujo, Star Platinum, and this was likely everything he (the fanfic character I created) saw, along with the college scene belonging to a character from another work of mine, Tracy Weston. A Stand, as many people who are fans of the JJBA comic book series know, is basically a supernatural power. Out of all the "bizarre" dreams I've had, I'd have to say this is one of the top ten, though I don't really see what big buildings have to do with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. One of my goals in life is to be an author, and I think this dream might have been what I needed to get going. I'm new to this JJBA thing, so I guess I'd better read more in order to understand what's going on in each of the arcs.
10/19: I'm not sure why I'm thinking about something I dreamed about in 2001 and 2007, but like dreams I've had of James Lafferty before in 2007, it's left me cautious or unable to get a grasp on life the next day. The last thing I remember before getting this dream the first time around in fall 2000 or spring 2001 was hearing this song being sung in a Jamaican accent at the end of a Steven Seagal film from 1990, Marked for Death. Then in this dream I see this country road with this fake board game on the floor that's based on the film Scream. I suddenly hear a young man screaming and wonder if it's someone in the van or is it the electronic game board. I wake up the next day (a Sunday), wondering who that was making that screaming sound. The same dream happened around six years later after having an epic fail of a day in college (someone crying because someone wanted to do something and she wanted to do something else the day before, getting handed a loss in a game in class and the other team went nuts because my team lost, getting an unexpected friend request and group invitation on Facebook all in that order), my mind when I went to bed on February 15, 2007 wanted to make my bad day even worse. This time the screaming sound was different and sounded like the loudest scream heard in the Cruis'n games (the '90s arcade game series - USA, World and Exotica) from a male/female driver in traffic or a stalled computer-controlled opponent when you crash into them that sounds like a child (and the car you hit suddenly flips over or goes flying halfway across the screen if you went too fast). The dream made no sense a few scenes later and acted like the dream as explained above, except this time everything quieted down and I was in the passenger seat of what looked like a GMT800 (GMC Yukon), going for a ride down the country road again, and this time the driver resembled a young man in his 20s. I wake up at 5:30 am the next day, and all I could think of was someone I knew in high school and unable to get a leg up on life, and the next day in the computer lab, I go to Wikipedia and manage to put a name on the dream character, resembling Devon Sawa from films such as Casper and Final Destination (the first one). Maybe it was trying to tell me to get away from stressful situations?
Updated 10-19-2010 at 09:49 PM by 5884
(NOTE: If you wish to view my old Dream Journal, go to " Grandfathered Dream Journals" until you see "D.F.'s Dream Journal" and click on it.) This week has been crazy, and I'm just starting on this new way to write in a Dream Journal. And yet this situation I'm having has never happened before. Oh, and there's a new date when vivid dreams hit besides January 15. It's on May 2, and I don't even know how that got there. Even more bad news: the "Amanda" dreams I talked about in my old dream journal did not start in 1994 or 1995. It was actually started in 1992 (or 1993) when I had moved to Maryland at the age of six, after eating seafood (no, not fish sticks, that was eight years later), and viewed this toy commercial. And you know what's worse? It was a product for girls! Naming the mysterious character Amanda, however, did surface around 1994 or 1995. Back to the situation: it seems a "hot spot" for me to have these vivid dreams is around the week of July 25 (James Lafferty's birthday). Now I fear I'll get one of those dreams this Sunday just like the one on May 2 that makes me feel cautious the next day. However, last night, after a not-so-good night (bad thoughts of Shane McMahon (haven't I been here before?) after watching an episode of CSI where a murder was linked to a drag race; bad thoughts of Kristin Cavallari after seeing girls dominate game show episodes (Jeopardy!, Wipeout--again, I ask: haven't I been here before?), etc.), I thought it would be a long night w/trouble sleeping (sorry if I used the "w/" thing...)...but it turned out to be something I wish could've happened. I look under my desk in my room to find Tekken 2 remade for the PS3, with its own custom case. That's all I remember as I wake up the next day (today) with a headache. That's also the first time I've had a PS3-related dream. If only that were a reality... I look forward to this new technology when the next dream (vividly intense or whatever) comes. Until next time, WM86