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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    The Bike Ride, Rainbow Demon, Horrible Contractors

    by , 01-18-2013 at 01:28 PM (984 Views)
    Pre-bed 5HTP 100MG
    Bedtime 10:00PM
    Trouble sleeping - 5MG Melatonin
    WBTB 2:30AM
    4MG Galantamine, 250MG Choline, 300MG GPC, 1.25MG Melatonin
    3:00AM Took additional 5MG Melatonin, 300 GPC
    Finally asleep around 4:00AM

    119 The Bike Ride DILD

    I am walking down a street downtown behind some people. I see a woman in a blue dress walking quickly past me. She is on her cell phone and looks like a business woman. I think, "Gee working at the office on the weekend?" Then I remember its Friday morning and become lucid.

    I walk fast around the people in front of me for some reason. I look around at the scene. The details are blurry. I think about the basic TOTM and want to ask them to guess my number. I slowly turn around and wonder if the scene would change on its own but when I do the dream destabilizes.

    I keep from waking up by visualizing a motion. I quickly decide cycling. In a few seconds I am back in the dream on my bike. I can feel the breeze and smell the fresh air of outside. I never have smells in dreams and am surprised at this. I don't see any DCs now. The bike ride feels really good. I can feel my leg muscles stretching and working. I think how its been too long since it got cold. "Oh yeah, It's still a dream." I come into some traffic. I feel exhilarated and triumphant. I run into the traffic to let the cars try to hit me. I see a white SUV come my way and then swerve. I yell, "What's up bitches?" The dream fades.

    Again I DEILD by visualizing peddling. I find that I am just lying in my bed peddling in the air. I think I am probably still dreaming but I wonder if I will wake my wife. Then I hear some very original music. It sort of sounds like a pop song but the words are garbled. I am intrigued by it. The music is very moving and extremely enjoyable. I feel joy and exhilaration. I begin to sing to it. I realize my words are garbled and change to humming. I wonder if my wife can hear it in real life. ( I cannot even begin to remember the song now... sad)

    I feel SP now and I get out of bed with very little trouble. The room is dark and I walk to the bedroom door. I pause and try to think of ancient Rome. I know its Greek but the first image I get is the Parthenon.

    I think that maybe it's close enough for a gladiator fight to get TOTY. I expect to see it when I open the door but its just my house. I walk to the dining room and bump into the table. It's totally dark in here but somehow I made the light in the bed room come on by thinking how I need to see. I can see the light coming from behind me but it's not enough to see in the room.

    I can't see my cat but I hear it hiss at me. I reach for it and feel fur and then pain. I squeeze it and move my hand. I feel a giant lump of fur attached to my hand for just a few seconds then it vanishes. I become scared and whimper a bit. I quickly compose myself and yell at the cat. "STOP IT, STUPID! ... I am going outside."

    I walk to the front door. I try to picture a new scene but come up blank. I wake up.

    I have some wakefulness still so I move the to living room recliner.

    I have several DILDs but wake almost instantly. Some I forgot.

    120 Rainbow Demon WILD

    I am in my recliner I have SP. I hear my wife walk into the living room. She says something sexy and then climbs on top of me and straddles me. She pins my hands above my head by the wrists. When I look at her she turns into the rainbow fractal demon. I freak out and push it away. This time I notice there aren't really any fractals incorporated. It's just humanoid shaped and dark. The rainbow colors remind me of how a soap bubble shows color in the sunlight. It's just on the surface and enough to give it definition and detail.

    We are now just sort of floating in the void together. I think, "Hey its a DC I'll do basic." I see it sort of far away and ignoring me. It is turned to its left and appears to be playing Opossum. I know this and go ahead and ask, "Guess a number between 1 and 100."
    It replies with my wifes voice, "Um 69." (Whore)
    I almost laugh at this. "Nah, it was 50."
    I wake up

    Try to DEILD but have DILD.

    121 Horrible Contractors DILD/DEILD

    I hear a noise like a large diesel engine outside and get out of my recliner. I open the door and stand in the doorway. I see some Mexican men working in my yard. They are doing construction. I wonder why they would wake me at 5 in the morning with there construction work. One is pushing a wheelbarrow and the other is on my porch with some strange looking red thing with wheels. It almost looks like a barbecue pit with wheelbarrow handles.

    I am pissed but I realize I am staring at them with a hammer in my hand and wearing only boxer briefs. I don't look at it but I vividly feel there is a hammer in my right hand. Embarrassed, I walk back inside. Then, I think, "Wait. I might be intimidating right now.Maybe I can chase them off." I go back outside and see two cars are somehow parked on my porch. I don't see the men so I walk into the yard. "They better not be working on MY house." I look and see some roofing material on my roof. "Well I guess if they want to. I need a roof." I walk around to find the men and say, "Oh yeah. This is a dream." Everything fades to black.

    I DEILD perfectly and get up out of the recliner. I am much closer to the door now so I easily step outside. Again I am shocked to smell the air. It's like rain. I wonder if am just sleep walking. I realize my eyes are closed. I cautiously open them. I see some distortion then it clears up. I am on the front poach. Again I feel like I am in my underwear. I really hope this is a dream because this might get embarrassing. I step off the porch but notice I am hovering. I laugh. I slowly float to the ground. Then, I jump up high. Then, I float back down. I feel bored now but I remember the advanced TOTM. Fireworks. Its hard to explain but I sort of clap/rub my hands like I am starting a fire with flint and steel. I see a bottle rocket shoot forward and make a little pop and some yellow color. I do it several times again. Then, I decide that I really want a big show. I look up and do one big clap. I see a giant red explosion. Then a green. All typical fire works. Then I get a nice surprise. The color of the next few explosions turn into rainbow streaks. But the odd thing about it was that is looked really 8-bit and in straight lines.

    Similar to this. I think of it as 8-bit because the lines looked dotted.

    I laugh and dance around in the glow of the fireworks. I feel like a child. I begin to sing some children's song (I can't for the life of me remember what it was). I realize my voice sounds like it did when I was a young boy. I wake up.
    CanisLucidus and Micael like this.

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    Updated 01-18-2013 at 11:04 PM by 5967 (Updated picture. Added details. Typos.)

    lucid , task of the month , task of the year


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Wow man, congratulations on all these lucids! What a superb night of dreaming. I kinda liked how you carpet-bombed yourself with more GPC at 3am to make sure things would turn out extra awesome.

      This trick with bike pedaling is not something I'd seen before! I really, really like that. Had things gone completely dark for you by that time? I am going to really focus on doing this or something else like it. I don't ride a bike much anymore but I wonder if I can trigger the sensation of running or jumping or lifting weights or... hey, swinging a gladiator sword!

      Pretty badass picking your Rainbow Demon as the DC for the "guess what number I'm thinking" Task of the Month. I love the fireworks display too and that you took the time to just enjoy the hell out of it. Great way to lucid dream and a great way to live life.

      Well, all I can say is congratulations on an outstanding night of dreaming! Guess you'll be hanging on to that bottle of galantamine, huh?
      Xanous and Micael like this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      I kept thinking about the charts in that book and the level curves. I wanted to be sure my ACh levels were up enough with the added melatonin.

      Yes it went dark. I usually do some sort of action like this when I WILD. Sometimes running some times rubbing my hands and sometimes bike ridding. When I do these things in real life I pay extra attention to all sensations so that I can reproduce it from memory later. It doesn't always work but I keep it in my bag of tricks.

      I had planned on talking to it but I really wanted the get this task done so I went with it.

      Thanks. Yes, It will hard to have enough restraint to wait but I'd like to give it 7 days if I can. This compares really well to my first go with G except this time I am more adept and instead of many non-lucids, every dream that I recall became lucid no matter how brief it was. It was just a tangled mess of constant DILDS/DEILDS/WILDS. Craziness. I hope next time I will be more stable and have one really long dream but I worry about recall.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      BTW I think that thing must be a Succubus. That is the 4th encounter and it is usually sexual in nature.

      Of course, I don't think it is at all real but in my mind only. Why? I have an idea but not sure.

      "Possible explanation for alleged encounters with succubi

      In the field of medicine, there is some belief that the stories relating to encounters with succubi bear similar resemblance to the contemporary phenomenon of people reporting alien abductions,[11] which has been ascribed to the condition known as sleep paralysis. It is therefore suggested that historical accounts of people experiencing encounters with succubi may rather have been symptoms of sleep paralysis, with the hallucination of the said creatures coming from their contemporary culture"
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      100% agreed. It does sound like a Succubus (an imaginary one, of course.) The whole idea makes tons of sense, when you think about it. Combine the fear of sleep paralysis w/ the arousal of REM and you can see how the mind would conjure up a creature just like that.

      Can you imagine facing something like this a few centuries back? Not knowing what sleep paralysis is, not knowing what lucid dreaming is, and believing you live in a world where demons lurk around every corner? *shudder*
      Xanous likes this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Yep. I think that is how many legends got started. I'm sure they believed this was really happening to them. Is it crazy that I feel attachment to it? It is uniquely mine. Weird.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 01-18-2013 at 11:07 PM by Xanous
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Once you know that she/it/whatever can't actually hurt you, the Succubus is just one more dream character that's a guest of your mind. They're all you and they're all yours. She's just more interesting than most.