, 04-07-2013 at 02:25 PM (646 Views)
#159 - 5:58AM - WILD
I am labeling this one as WILD though it could have been DILD. I debated on this but it's my thought process of wondering if its just heavy HI or a full dream that did it for me. Either way a LD is a LD who cares what the first two letters are.
I had high insomnia this time and my son kept waking me out of several nearly successful WILDs. So from about 4 to well after 5:30 it was just me going back and forth. I did have heavy SP about 4:15 but I heard my wife come back in the room and I knew that as soon as she hit the bed I would be jarred out of it. Sure enough. I sort of DEILDed back in SP by focusing on the back of my neck. The vibrations slowly started up like a car having engine trouble. Then I noticed my left arm was in an awkward position so I moved it and the vibrations died way down. It still didn't feel right so I risked losing it completely by rolling over. That did it. Done. Hhhmmm. Maybe it was REM atonia that second time since I as able to move. Anyway, the actual LD was really fun but I got really dumb and derped the hell out of it. Oh well, no TOTY this night.
I am walking across a familiar street. It looks like 20th and I'm heading toward the Price Cutter in my neighborhood. I see a classic Ford truck heading towards me and I stop in the middle of the lane as if to challenge the driver.
First I think, Is this HI or a full dream? I don't think I care. As the truck gets closer I think it will probably pass through me. Then, I have doubts and briefly worry that this might be real. I try to jump over the truck at the last minute but instead of clearing it my feet plant on the grill and I can clearly see a modern day Ford symbol on the front of the hood.
The driver never slows down and my feet are stuck to the grill. I am standing on it at an impossible 45 degree angle. I let out a "WHOOOOHOOOOO!" and decided to carjack this fool so I turn around and start beating on the windshield. I notice the reflection of an overcast sky on the smooth glass and notice the dim sun behind all the clouds. I peer inside past the reflection and see the driver looks a lot like Hershel from The Walking Dead.
He's yelling something and waving me away. Probably telling me to get the hell off his truck. I punch the glass to break it but it feels solid and only cracks a little. I punch again and again. I fell like my hand should hurt but it doesn't. I examine it and all seems fine. I decide to try it from a different angle and leap over the cab into the bed. I punch the back glass only to get the same effect. Then I realize I am doing all wrong. It's like phasing. The glass isn't there. I punch again and am surprised that the glass really is gone now. The only problem is that the opening is too small to fit through. I use my right hand and grab Hershel by his shirt and pull him back hard. I use my left hand and fumble around for the button to open the driver side door. Once I get it open I let go with my right hand and reach in with my left to yank him out of the truck. We're still moving pretty fast and Hershel eats asphalt. I don't bother looking back as I jump in and get behind the wheel.
Feeling triumphant, I shout and scream as loud as I can. "WOOOOOHOOOOO! HELL YEAH! HEEEEEEHEEEEEEE!" I punch the petal to the floor and go as fast as I can. I notice that I am now on a country road with lush green pasture land and no other cars. The green is so vivid and bright that its completely surreal. I enjoy the hell out of it.
Soon I notice some MODOT signs. But instead of the usual "Buckle up. MODOT cares" bullshit, I see numbers. One sign says 160 then another says 180. Is that my speed or the speed limit? I look down at the speedometer and the needle is well over 200mph. Funny. It doesn't look like I am going that fast.
Now I feel kind of bored and start thinking about tasks. I remember that I wanted to do the China TOTY but can't figure out how to get there. I feel trapped in this truck and start thinking way too hard how to change the dream. This where I feel so stupid. In the Angles Falls dream I drove there in a truck. In the Rome dream I created a wormhole. I thought of none of this.
My deep contemplation dissolves the dream and I have a false awakening. I look over to grab my Galaxy Player and DJ but I see Stella my cat is in the room next to the bed. The cats aren't supposed to be in the room so I reach over and slap her on the back. I immediately feel bad because I think I hit her really hard. I hear her take off running on the hardwood. I can hear her thumping around from one end of the house to the other and back in the room. Ok this is kind of ridiculous. I get suspicious and reach over to slap again. I don't hit anything but I pay close attention to my movement and the feel of it.
I'm still dreaming. I look over and see Rocky from work. He has a device in his hands and wants me to tell him how to enter a dream in his DJ. I look at it but the app is unfamiliar. Then I lose my vision. I try to walk him through it from memory but I realize I don't even know what I am saying. I give up and say, "I don't know, man. I am still dreaming." He goes away.
I roll over to my back. I feel weak and my body seems really heavy like gravity is too strong. I say out loud, "I am still dreaming. I can't do it." Remember the classic Ford. Don't forget the dream. Classic Ford. I worry that I will fall non-lucid and forget all of this. I wonder if I am talking in my sleep but realize I always wonder that. Still, I wait for my wife to move or wake up but nothing. I reach up in front of me and clap really hard. It feel numb. Then, for some reason, I wonder if I can summon my cat again. I think I can feel one of her front paws in my hand but it feels imagined more than summoned. I let go. I feel stuck in this dream and I really just want to make an entry in my DJ. It's all I can think about now.OK I want to wake up now and DJ
I roll over and with great effort I get up on one elbow. I have my GP in my hand but I can't see. I just need open my eyes but they wont open. I push the unlock button and put the GP up to my face to see if I can see at least some light. Nothing. I start to freak out a little now. I try to pry my eyes open with my fingers but its like I have eye lids but no opening. Its all one piece of loose flesh. I feel frantic now and I poke around noticing there is no eyeball at all.
"I am still dreaming." My voice sounds hoarse and sickly now. "I am still dreaming." I want to wake up. Jesus. Help me. A second later my physical eyes open.
I know I was confused and it was turning nightmarish but, Damn what a fool. I should have use the lucid time for something better than trying to DJ. I just always have a fear that I will forget the dream and it gets really distracting. I've go to learn to relax and not worry so much about that.