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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Church Politics, Vastness and Sensations, Rastafarian Baby

    by , 03-23-2013 at 05:40 PM (477 Views)
    Prebed: Natty Light
    Bedtime: 11:30?

    4:30AM - Church Politics - NLD

    There was something about church politics. An angry mob. I closed the doors to project those inside. They peopled didn't care about me so I did all I could to keep them out. I tried to lock a set of double wooden doors but someone got through. It was my old supervisor. The one I despise to this day.

    I wake briefly but go right back in the dream sort of lucid but not really. I just thought of it as a day dream even though it was a full on dream.

    I see D running along side one wall. There are rows of pew between us. I run super fast along the tops of the pews and and hulk jump on top of her. I grab her by the hair and slam her into a wall. I wake up.

    7:00AM - #149 Vastness and Sensations - WILD

    I woke briefly to take care of little man. I felt pretty good so I went for WILD. I focus on my cheek bones and chest with "I am dreaming" as my mantra.

    I see a dream form. It's this strange abstract space fight. There are no stars and I am just cruising in the darkness. It's almost video game like. I see a read view of my "ship" It's just this gray saucer section with a cylinder jutting up in the middle. There is little to no detail. Really, it just looks like a hunk of metal. I am controlling it somehow and I shoot reddish yellow phasers at another ship. I come really close to a ship that looks like the starboard bow of some titanic like ship. I wonder if I am really underwater and I think of the actual vastness of the dream scene. The feeling is overwhelming and I go into REM atonia of sorts. At the exact same time as that though process was going on, I realize this is more than hypnagogia and become lucid.

    I am in my bed and I all floating and strange. I can hear the alarm clock going off but I know that it is not real as my wife already left for work and I am off today. I tell myself it's not real but wonder if some how its really going off. I tell myself to ignore it since it really doesn't matter right now. I think I want to transition out of my body but I can't this time. For some reason I feel like something has a hold of my feet. My legs are being twisted and pulled upward. I feel myself stretch like taffy. I try to control the sensation and imagine my feet going to the floor but I just can't control it this time. After about a minute of fighting I wake up.

    I try to DEILD but don't get anywhere so I record in my DJ and continue WILD

    7:29 - #150 - Rastafarian Baby - DILD

    I am next to a dry wheat field. I go into it and think we just need rain. Immediately it begins to rain. The tops of the wheat turn bright green and form a roof over me. I see through and opening where I stepped in that it is raining very hard. There are little wheat sprouts coming out of the ground at my feet. I reach out to feel them and as soon as I touch them they begin to grow larger. I leave now because I feel my space is getting crowded.

    I enter some old white farm house. (The memory is a little blurry here). I wonder around the house and find my son in two different places. Both times I check on him to make sure he's OK. The third time I find him he is in some crib. I pick him up and he turns into a "Rastafarian Baby". His skin is dark with very long dreadlocks. I become lucid and say, "I am dreaming." I put him down and turn to leave.

    Before I can do anything the dream goes dark. I find myself in the void and feel the dream fading. I rub my hands together. It seems to help but not enough so I rub them impossibly fast until I feel heat from friction. My physical presence become ultra real. I touch my face and I wonder if I am really awake.

    Then I feel my wife in my arms. I think that since I can't get this thing going I may as well enjoy some lucid sex. I'll leave that part out.

    At one point I wonder how much of this I am going to post. Then I suddenly feel that my wife is gone. I feel my crotch and I think that I am just humping the bed in my sleep. I become confused.

    I have a false awakening. I find myself on a couch in someone's living room. I see my brother and nephew on a couch across the room. My mother in a recliner to my right. There is a TV to the left. I quickly enter my dream in my DJ. I remember thinking all the way back to the wheat field and running through the whole dream in my mind. Not once do I think this could be false awakening.

    I realize there is some loud music coming from behind my left ear. I think there must be a speaker mounted on the wall. My brother tells his son that they need to get going. I feel sad they are leaving so soon and I slept the morning away. Then I think the music will probably wake my wife up soon. I don't worry about it because I want her to come sit with me. At that point she walks in and says something. I get up and go into another room with her. I wake up.
    OpheliaBlue and CanisLucidus like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on shaking off the dry spell! The physical sensations in that one sounded downright freaky. It's too bad that you had the feeling that something was screwing around with your feet since I know you like to use them to transition into your dream body. Actually, yeah, I'm going to stop reading this part because I don't want this to happen to me.

      I think that at some point I'm going to have to confront the question of whether I can do anything about these dreams that collapse into the void. I need to gain a better understanding of the difference between those and the ones where I can just go and go, seeing all kinds of stuff, doing whatever I want... how much of this is luck vs. out-of-control excitement vs. oops, I thought about my physical body. If it wasn't for DEILD saving my butt so many times, I'd have missed out on a lot of LDs.

      Anyway, great job! Enjoy G night!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Lol. Yeah I've been dealing with LD blindness a lot but Ive got a few ideas to try out next time. Hopefully I'll get it resolved soon.
      CanisLucidus likes this.