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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    In the Dirt

    by , 03-01-2013 at 01:04 PM (696 Views)
    WBTB Mugwort

    I got to sleep in the recliner and dream about my cats running around and jumping. Sputnik keeps jumping on top of the ledge about the front door, hanging there for a bit and then jumping down to the floor with a thud. I watch for a bit from the recliner and then I remember.

    I instantly get vibrations and see a bright white light then dark. The vibrations are week and intermittent. I wait unsure if I am in the dream or not. Then I remember I was already dreaming before. I get up and go outside. I sort of half open the door and half phase through. The door was forgotten.

    If feel a brief cold and then a smell like rain. I find that odd for a dream. I can see fine and the world seems solid but I feel like I need to stabilize. I think about liking the sidewalk again. This time I but my hands in some dirt and feel it. It looks more like potting soil. This is were things get ultra real.

    I hear some rock music with heavy drums. I look around and the neighborhood looks convincingly real. I seriously wonder if I was sleep walking/dreaming like I used to do as a child. I become really worried and self-conscious. I look across the street toward the direction of the music. It seems like it is the house directly across from me. I try to see who is over there but my vision gets blurry. Then the dream sort of folds in on itself and my awareness shifts to my physical body. I think about DEILD but it doesn't come right away so I think I better enter into my DJ.
    CanisLucidus and Alyzarin like this.

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    Tags: cats, dirt, mugwort, music, obe


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Hey, did you see the Advanced Task of the Month about leaving yourself a note? That is absolutely perfect for your dream style. In fact, it reminded me a lot of your experiment with hiding playing cards for yourself from a while back. I'll definitely be trying this one.

      And yeah, so mugwort! Awesome results! I will have to pick some of this stuff up! Is that something you just like swing by the grocery store for or did you need to order it online?
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      No. I was really hoping for that one. I'm excited!

      I got mugwort at that whole foods place that sells herbs by the ounce. I have to warn you though it's not very tasty. I made mine super strong. 5 - 7 teaspoons boiled in 2 cups water.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Great, thanks for the info, man! (And the warning about the taste, heh heh heh...) I am excited about this stuff. Could be a great thing to get going once per week! Hopefully I can source some easily enough.

      I'm with you on the task -- gonna write my note tonight!
    4. Alyzarin's Avatar
      This is an interesting one.... Is this your first time using mugwort? And what do you think about it? I smoked it a few times before sleeping a few years back, but I can't remember if it had much of an effect aside from making my dreams trippier....
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      I'm 2 for 2 with strong mugwort tea. It seems really effective with MILD technique. I like it and I plan to keep it in my rotation. I think it comes close to calea z and may even be more effective. Of course each person is different.

      Also I had two more LDs after this one so thats pretty promising.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    6. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Ah, cool. Good to know, thanks. I think I might actually have some around here somewhere, too, I just found my bag of calea the other day.... I may look into it again!