Originally Posted by Fuz
I've started a physical lucid journal which I keep my DJ in as well and I write stuff in it like why I want to lucid dream and how it can benefit me which I've been using to keep me motivated.
Motivation, Intent and Awareness are the most important things that will get you lucid. So good job on keeping yourself motivated.
I would also suggest to write downo your list of "to do" things in a lucid. Believe it or not, when you get lucid, you will get excited and it will be very hard to acctually think of something to do. But, if you plan ahead by writing it in your DJ, maybe even drawing a picture, it will get imprinted in your memory and once lucid, you will remember it.
This may sound funny, but I "practice" my lucids in daytime. I simply play them out. Let's say, I want to throw fireballs, I pretend I just got lucid and practice throving fireballs. And after I could not speak in my lucids, only whisper, I started practicing saying commands out loud. So I would say out loud commands like "increase vividness", "lights", "focus now" and to my greatest surprise, I started hearing my voice in my lucids.
 Originally Posted by Fuz
Last night I had another vivid dream and the past few dreams I've had have been quite weird and I should of realized they were dreams 
I've still been writing in my DJ everyday and it's a lot easier to do if you make it into a habit like brushing your teeth in the morning and evening.
I am also still practicing my awareness and reality checking making sure I actually question my reality so that I can be more aware in my dreams, I think this is probably why my dreams have been a lot more vivid this week.
Vivid dreams are a great sign. I believe, you need some more awareness training to help you realize. There is a great article here for awareness. it's part of a WILD class. If you read other lessons from it too, it will help you also with DILD, as many things from WILDs do apply to DILDs also.
 Originally Posted by Fuz
Also this morning a little while after I woke up I think I came close to a WILD because I was laying in bed and my body felt a strange sensation? I was trying to stay calm but my heart started beating really fast and I lost it. (I don't want to WILD but if it works why not?)
Your heart beating faster and fast breathing happens when you just about to dream, so it's not you, it's a natural reaction, that's out of your control. Just let it be, it's normal.
 Originally Posted by Fuz
I also did an hour of meditation and I feel really refreshed now, I didn't even know I had been doing it for so long. I also did mantras in my head like: "I am aware" and "This is a dream".
Another thing, could I imagine signs in my dream whilst falling asleep that say: "This is a dream" or something because when I do mantras my mind drifts off to a daydream, so if I used the sign I could have it in my daydreams.
Tonight will be my 8th attempt and hopefully I will have my first lucid dream by this time next week 
I'm dreaming is also a great mantra. If you whisper them as you lay in bed before sleep, you will hear them and also think them. As you getting more sleepy, switch to just thinking them.
When you visualize something that's very familiar to you, you can incubate a dream. It's ok to drift off to a daydream as you falling asleep. Awareness training will help you recover from those daydreams, come back to awareness and daydream again, untill you end up in a daydream that turned into lucid dream. This is for WILDs.
 Originally Posted by Fuz
No lucid dream yet but had two dreams last night which were very weird O_o
Hopefully I'm getting close and tonight will be attempt no. 9
Good luck and Happy dreams You are close!