Hello, sevnnn! Sorry for the long delay in responding, I haven't been very active on LD topics this year.
Working on your dream recall, keeping a daily DJ, and keeping the topic of dreaming on your mind throughout the day all help to promote lucidity (and improve dreaming in general). One thing to note is that natural lucid dreamers are typically not the best teachers for non-naturals, because they just don't have the experience of what it's like to have to work really hard to become lucid in dreams.
The DILD approach works great for most people, especially if you really focus on dream recall, paying attention to all your experiences (both waking and dreaming, basically, maintaining mindfulness).
If you haven't yet, I highly recommend reading the first 3 chapters of "Exploring The World of Lucid Dreaming" by Laberge. It is probably the best overall introduction to DILD, and gives a number of exercises that will help you along the way.
You can use the workbook here to track your progress/goals, and ask any questions you may have! Sorry again about the delay, and great dreaming!